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They are called ghouls or ghouls. When the vampires for certain reasons do not want someone of people does vampires like themselves, they make such a person his servant, believing that thus he will be more useful to his master.
They do it as follows. Before they taste the potential ghoul's blood, they let them drink their own. Thus, the drones, all the time fueled by vampire blood, a long time can keep us young and not aging. Also, however, they get other advantages that are inherent to the owner.
So they are not susceptible to fire, can not get burned, and very well seen in the dark.
Ghouls can be not only people, but also animals, but in this case, the vampire needs to learn, managing the beast, from train his discipline. Why do ghouls become such devoted servants to vampires? Mystical stories say that after they drink three times the blood of the host, between them as if there are blood ties, according to the existence of which, they can not disobey orders.
Vampires create vampires regularly, but for this, they need the consent of the higher standing of the Council or Prince of the vampires.
After they serve to protect their owners during the day, before dusk, when they are able to take care of themselves.
They are entrusted with very valuable information with regards to the lives of vampires, you might say, open the innermost secrets. But they are so intimidated by their masters that they do not even allow the thought of its disclosure.
As mentioned above, after the third reception of the blood of his master, there are blood ties between them. However, they may disintegrate if the hum does not accept vampire blood more than a year of his life. When he's not feeding on the blood of the master for more than a month, he becomes an ordinary man. At the end of a normal human lifespan, there should be at least some vampire blood left in him.
If agogo there is no, he dies in for several days or even hours.
Thus, the life of a vampire has its disadvantages and advantages. Among the inconveniences of this life, it is necessary to highlight the following: they, like vampires, can fall into madness, although doing this is not as easy as their owners; when is their natural earthly life. And the vampire ceases to vampire blood, he quickly.
Sometimes for a few days, and the and hours leave this life. If the cycle of earthly life has not yet ended, in that case, he will age very quickly, faster than in ordinary life, and also, after a short period of time, will die. There are times when ghouls get moderate forms of existence of their owners.
But, despite all of this in such life there is and their advantages: ghouls remain alive, they can eat, communicate, love, live, in late all, as normal people. Without fear of clear sunlight;
— they can adopt properties, so-called Discipline his owner. If he was a low-class vampire, his ghouls at least had the Discipline of Power.
This is natural with regular blood consumption. If the boss is a vampire of high class, and his team will have a greater number of properties and abilities and can possess the Disciplines of Durability and Speed. Also in the process of living vampires can improve the abilities that give them vampires, thus developing in physical abilities.
Until the body maintains the blood of the vampire ghoul has the ability to be always young; they lose blood from the body much slower than their direct owners, and therefore to restock, they need less.
Rather than the vampires themselves.
Thus, summing up under all of the above draw conclusions. The servant of vampire one becomes after three receptions of his blood inside himself. They to its very last days is a mortal who knows a lot of secrets of the vampires, and they thereby jeopardize the existence of the latter.
And, finally, a ghoul, can never stop being a ghoul, the only way out of his situation is death. That is, if they are tired of such a life, they can not have any more, and their only way out will be to leave life altogether.
The article is subjective and expresses the personal opinion of the author.
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