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How do dogs learn?


Very easy as long as they have a good teacher. We must teach from beginning to end properly, according to the basic principles - otherwise, we will not teach the dog anything, but only mess with his head.

At the beginning, you should think about what your dog likes the most. It may be his favourite delicacy, it may be his favourite caress. The point is that most probably our pet will repeat a specific action if it brings him some benefits (e.g. he will receive a treat). It also works the other way around - if he's not rewarded for something, it's likely that he won't repeat it, or he'll do it less often than if it's "profitable". It is not new that all animals learn and act for certain benefits. This is the basic principle of dog training. It's not often that we teach our dog to do a command by rewarding him with a warm "good dog". Often made mistakes? You should avoid the basic error, which unfortunately is often visible in amateur training. You should not immediately require your dog to perform complex commands. You should start with basic commands so that the dog knows what we mean by the more difficult ones. Man - "free" by nature - doesn't like it when he wants to be in charge. So does the dog. If we "push" the dog too hard, forcing it to learn in order to achieve faster results - the result will be the opposite - the dog will not learn at all, or very slowly. While learning, a dog must not be beaten categorically! In this way, the dog will never obey orders, and if it's already out of fear - but that's not what we mean. The dog will be discouraged from any games; it will be distrustful.

What helps to learn?

There are many stimuli to which the dog reacts and which can also be used for learning. A dog is very sensitive to touch. This means more or less than when we reward a dog after a correctly executed command, it is a treat to stroke it - every dog loves caressing so it will certainly receive it very well and remember it; maybe it will persuade him partly to execute the command again. How to talk to a dog while learning? Surely screaming is not a good way. You should avoid it. It is best to teach your dog in silence while speaking in a calm, gentle tone. Where to teach the dog? If there's too much going on around you, your dog won't be able to concentrate on learning. Dogs are inherently curious about everything and will certainly be more interested in a bouncing ball or running child than a boring exercise. It is recommended to train dogs in rooms that isolate them from such surroundings.

When can a dog start learning?

Training can start at six months of age. Puppies are very sensitive, they are just getting to know the world so learning their habits or commands will be easier than trying it in old age.