Should a designer be able to work with web technologies? If you answer briefly: No, you shouldn't. The fact is that no one should be able to do anything to anyone. At least until you sign documents with a bank or someone else. The right question: Does mastery of web technologies help the designer to solve problems? Yes, it helps. Especially if you work in a product in which data plays an important role. Owning the technology will allow you: Automate your routine. Things that you do at a time can be done for you by a computer. For example, follow the design guidelines, make hundreds of similar elements based on the same sample, check them on different data combinations, change all elements at once when you change the same one, etc. To work through the design of complex systems and large-scale products. It is easier to communicate with the development and faster to implement your work in the product. The breadboard model drawn in the graphic editor, allows many inconvenient moments to subdue under a carpet. They will still have to face at the stage of development when it will be too late to change the decision. If the designer will work all subtleties in advance, the product on an exit will turn out more qualitative and on away there will be fewer disputes. Test your solutions in life without waiting for development. Yes, there are a lot of applications and services that allow you to build a clickable prototype on the basis of pictures. But none of these services will allow you to use your product and test it in life before it is implemented by development. Do the first versions of your own personal projects on your own, not regret that you don't know a developer. A working prototype, even if it is very simple, is always a plus when selling an idea. In this case, web technology is only one and skills useful for the designer. On them, the light wedge did not converge. There is also typography, ability to work with color, illustration, scripts, negotiations, editorial skills, 3D-visualization, animation, etc. The list is almost endless and each item expands your capabilities. The more skills you have and the better you know each of them, the more opportunities you have to solve different problems. And the more chances you have of participating in an interesting project. What to focus on, everyone decides for themselves. If you're still reading and interested in how to start learning technologies, I'll try to cover the first steps in the rest of this article. How do I start studying web technologies? There are many interactive online courses. But, in my opinion, it is not necessary to start with them. When you start to do martial arts, you will not start to learn the techniques during the first lessons. First, you will need to learn to run, push-up, squat and prepare your body for the lessons. This is also the case here. You need to start with two very important skills: Ten-finger blind printing. Basic ability to read in English. Ten-finger blind printing When you send your thoughts to the computer, you have to do it as quickly and easily as possible. If thoughts are expressed in text, be it a letter, an article or a code, then the most convenient interface for transmitting them is the keyboard. Therefore, it is important to learn how to type quickly so that thoughts are at your fingertips. If you set a goal, you can learn the basic skills of blind typing for a week of classes in the evenings. After that, the speed of printing will increase. A few tips: It is better to use or as a simulator. The rest of the simulators are psychological mockery and they do more harm than good. Once you start to train blindly, don't be tempted to switch back to the usual method. Even if you really want to - the speed of learning from this will tend to zero, so the brain is arranged. Skill is not only useful fr code. Starting to print blindly you will save a lot of time on correspondence. Basic ability to read in English When you study the code you will have a lot of questions. Thanks to, there are answers. But they are in English. Besides, there are a lot of good tutorials and articles in English. If you can read them, it will be much easier for you to learn. You don't have to go to a course or open a thick textbook. Your brain is a neural network. And if you just make yourself read the answers and articles in a foreign language, your brain will adapt itself. With each article, it will be easier for you to understand what you have read. A good assistant in the study will be a plugin for the browser, which translates the words when selecting. Another way to learn to read in English is to make yourself watch the series without dubbing. For this purpose, there is, for example, a wonderful service It is better to start with simple series, as "Sherlock" or "Big Bang Theory" will be hard to watch. I myself have made great progress in English while watching "Lost" during training sessions. It's very simple English, and the plot is so unobtainable that even without translation it's clear what's going on. Online courses If you have mastered the blind seal and can read at least a little in English, you can move on. For example, try online courses about technology. There are a lot of them, there are paid and free of charge. Of the free courses, I like better myself. I would recommend this order of study: HTML and CSS Basics of JS Terminal operation But the course has a problem - they're all very gradually and slowly chewed up. You manage to fall asleep without getting to the bottom of it.