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How do you get love into your Life?


How do you find your destiny without stepping on a rake? How to feel like a filled man, live with meaning. How to distinguish love from love. How to attract love into your life? Why is love not a key factor in choosing a partner for a happy relationship? We will talk about all this in the next few minutes.

Don't forget to share your opinion at the end.

Dear reader, I warn you! Most likely, you will change your mind about attracting love into your life. Although when I realized this information, it made me feel better and happier.

Well, I'm not going to languish. Shall we begin?

Communicating with people of different social strata I observe the same picture. Newfangled obsession with the desire to fall in love... According to their logic, love goes on to the next stage after being in love.

And in general, if you fall in love/love, it means that you should probably connect your life with this person. To get married, have children, live... Damn it! Where did this paradigm come from? But where from... After all, we are not taught to build relationships either at school or in universities.

Attraction of love

How do we get the knowledge of how to attract love? I see it this way:

1. Parents' example If parents had good relationships, harmony, respect, then often children learn from this example. If there were frequent quarrels, conflicts, in a word — disharmony, then the children unconsciously act on the same principles, but in their relations. Yes, there are those who

2. TV, media, advertising The most popular box office films that are shown in cinemas and on TV — what do they teach? What do they promote? More often, blindness in love. Love is the main goal. But this is not life! We unconsciously copy this “model”. And when Life begins, we don't know what to do... After all, this is not shown in films.

Let us, dear reader, be convinced of the decadence of this strategy of attracting love. The facts will help us in this.

Dry statistics:

1. Sociologist Zahar Feinburg conducted a study among 15,000 families and received the following statistics: about 80% of couples marry in love, 15% — by pattern and 5% — by calculation. And here begins the most interesting thing. Among marriages in love more unsuccessful than among marriages, which by calculation and pattern. Married in love for every 10 good marriages — 10-11 unhappy. Those who marry because of “everybody gets married and I have to go” for every 10 happy marriages — 4-5 unsuccessful: that is, twice as many good marriages. And even those who got married on the basis of 10 successful marriages — 7 unsuccessful ones. In other words, there are one and a half times as many happy ones, not one and a half times as many as those who marry by heart.

2. Sociologist Nikolai Yurkevich found out: 70-90% of people, depending on their age, got married for love. In this case, love is listed as something that “tells the heart” or you can't tell the heart.

Doctor of Philosophy Vadim Rosin says that half of marriages break up in the first year of life together, two-thirds in the first five years. And 70% of the most stable families are in a tense relationship. Only 1.5 per cent had a positive response to their relationship.

Wow! From these facts we can conclude that being in love is not a guarantee of family happiness, and I would say that it is not a reason to get married, let alone have children. And what do you say, based on the facts above?

A “typical scenario” of attracting love, continuing and ending it:

Stage 1 — INCLUDING — The intensity of attention goes up sharply. It is characterized by an appeal test and an exchange of non-verbal signs of interest.

Stage 2 — Love — This stage is often characterized by illusions about the qualities, needs and capabilities of the partner. Everything is very cool. The couple sees only the best in each other. I want to spend every minute together, enjoy each other. The feeling that He and She is at the peak of happiness.

Stage 3 — ACCEPT — the stage of reducing the feeling of novelty. People adapt to each other. There are no more bright colors. The approach of "real life".

Stage 4 - BACKGROUND - The pair discovers that there are differences between the way love is created and the reality that is already there. Negative sides of partners are noticed. Often suffers sexual part of the relationship. He and She seems to expect something bad from each other. The emergence of unpleasant emotions.

Stage 5 - DEVELOPMENT - Partners cause only irritation to each other. The intensity of attention is in the area of negative indicators

Stage 6 - ACTION OF THE PROPERTIES - One or both partners are convinced that this is not the way to live. There is no more desire! Maximum level of negative emotions.

Stage 7 - Restricted RESOLUTIONS END - The pair diverges. The level of negative emotions decreases. There is a relief. Although once it was so good for two people...

So what do we do? Avoid being in love? Close even more? And how to attract a man into his life?

How to attract mutual love in your life?

Step-by-step instructions from me:

1. To attract a worthy man, you need to deal with yourself. Banal. But this is your point "Zero". Just because of the unwillingness to perform this point, many people move in the wrong place, stumble upon a rake and then wonder why the scripts in their lives are repeated ... Here can help and personal psychologist, and personal growth training. I had both the first and the second. Many times. Now I am passionate about sociology. In it you can get information about your personality, and the main thing is to accept this information and move on.

2. Further, based on the results of paragraph 1, you will understand with whom it will be comfortable to build that very love. Not love, which passes through a year or two. And thorough, harmonious, charging with the good - Love. Which only gets stronger every year.

3. To take actions to meet such a person. For girls wrote an article on how to find a guy on the Internet provided the correct positioning.

I will say this: under the lying stone water does not flow. The main thing: do not sit at home. Try to attend all kinds of events, get new hobbies. And the question: how to attract a man and his love in his life - will be solved for you.

Thank you for reading this article. I am sure that you will succeed.