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Amazing animals

Interesting facts about the fox

Image of winterseitler from Pixabay
Image of winterseitler from Pixabay

In all fairy tales, the fox is depicted as a clever, clever and very cunning beast. And this is true. Their natural ingenuity helped them survive in the most difficult natural conditions. From time immemorial, foxes have been very successful in getting along with people even though the latter are very good at exterminating them.

This is the case when they kill not even for the sake of fur, but for the sake of hunting. After all, it is very difficult to track down and hound the beast. The fox has a real talent to get away from the chase and masterfully confuses traces, misleading not only people but also hunting dogs.

Archaeological excavations have shown that ancient people were a little wiser than modern people and tamed these clever predators. Burial places with remains of man and his beast were found. There is an opinion that foxes were domesticated even earlier by dogs. It is not wise, because the animals are very curious in nature and could go out to our ancestors for feeding.

Image of skeeze from Pixabay website
Image of skeeze from Pixabay website

In Soviet times, the domestic fox breed was bred, but today we will talk about wild representatives. By the way, they are very distant relatives of wolves and dogs, although they are never going to the packs, but prefer to live alone.

There are 10 species of foxes, and the most common is the common fox, the red trick we are all so used to, but there are also very interesting species. For example, a tiny pendant - its weight varies around one and a half kilograms. Or a fox, an amazingly beautiful animal that can withstand temperatures of -70 degrees Celsius.

But in our forests live very tall representatives, their body length can reach up to 90 centimeters, and weight - up to 10 kilograms. The long tail is very versatile, the animal turns to it during cold weather, it covers its tracks and helps to keep the balance. Their main food is mice, and if you're lucky, so are hares. The animal will not squeal apples, berries or even a worm.

They are able to reach speeds of up to 50 kilometers per hour and run at night overflight, and they also swim well. Foxes dig up to three meters deep and grow offspring there, on average foxes are born with 3 to 5 foxes. Their natural enemies are lynxes, eagles, tigers and wolves, and where is it without a man?