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How to plant an apple tree in the fall?


Autumn is the best time to plant young apple trees and other trees. How to plant an apple tree in autumn: preparing a planting pit, choosing the right seedling, timing and secrets of planting for better fruiting will be discussed in detail in the article


Selecting an apple tree seedling for planting

The planting time of the sapling in the fall

-- Video - How to choose the right apple tree seedling

Preparation of the planting pit and choice of location

Planting an apple tree sooter in steps

Planting care after planting

-- Video - How to plant an apple tree


Choosing an apple tree seedling for planting

It is necessary to choose the right apple tree seedling for a good harvest in the future. The variety must be zoned for your area. Buying seedlings is better in the local garden centre or nursery.

The quality of the material plays a huge role in choosing a seedling.

Also decide on the variety, and divide the varieties into winter, autumn and summer. This is the main division of varieties, but you can find varieties with more precise maturation dates.

The maturation time of summer varieties begins in July and the harvest is not long. Autumn varieties mature from the end of summer to mid-September. These apples can be stored for two months.

Winter varieties are removed from the tree at the onset of detachable ripeness, and the fruits gain the user's maturity a month after harvesting, gain a characteristic flavor and taste. The shelf life of winter


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When choosing a variety, pay attention to yield, disease resistance and fruit appearance.

The size of the future tree also plays an important role in the selection of a variety. Very tall trees are very productive, but not easy to care for - it is difficult to treat from diseases and pests, it is difficult to form the crown and to harvest. Such apple trees are planted at a distance of 5x5 m from the nearest trees.

Medium-height trees and dwarf trees are not as productive, but they can be planted in the same area. As a result, you can harvest the same amount of fruit as from tall trees.

Medium-sized apple trees can be planted in a 3x3 m area, while dwarf apple trees can be planted every 0.5 m from each other.

Also, when you buy it, specify whether it is a seedling or a clone seedling that is grafted on the rootstock.


A clone tree doesn't grow tall on a clone tree. It can be distinguished by its dowry roots in the form of a beard.

These seedlings begin to bear fruit in the second year after planting.

Seed rootstock is distinguished by its main root and several side roots, with small suction roots coming from them. Trees on the seed rootstock are often very mature, and begin to bear fruit only after 6-7 years.

Seedlings with a closed root system are usually sold in containers in garden centres. Advantages of such seedlings: easy to store and transport, quick settling in on a new place.

Check whether the seedling has been growing in the pot for how long before you buy it. To do this, remove the seedling from the pot and inspect the root system. A quality seedling will have roots that fill the entire container.

Age of the seedling: An annual seedling can be easily formed. Two or three summer seedlings have already formed a central trunk and skeletal branches, making it harder to form. Seedlings with an open root system are more difficult to take root in when transplanting to a new location, and they take longer to recover from the stress of transplanting.

The planting time of the sapling in the fall


Autumn is a good time to plant apple trees. The summer heat is gone, and the rains contribute to the better survival of the seedlings. One month before the frosty weather it is necessary to complete the planting of the seedlings.

Planting times vary by region. The optimal time is from mid-October (beginning of the leaf fall) to mid-November. By transplanting trees, remove the remaining leaves without damaging your buds.

Video - How to choose the right apple tree seedling


Preparation of the planting pit and choice of location


At the site of the future planting of the sapling should not grow apple trees for 5 years. All because the trees emit waste into the soil and over time they accumulate. And by planting a young apple tree on the site of the uprooted tree with a lot of waste from the old apple tree, it will be difficult for a young tree to survive in such conditions.

The apple tree of any variety grows well in a sunny area, a slightly elevated area protected from the north winds. Trees react painfully to excessive moisture near the roots and root neck. To prevent this from happening, decide on a drainage system and the drainage of melt and rainwater.
The apple tree seedling will be planted on loose and fertile soil.

It is best when you prepare for the month before the planting of the seedlings. The size of the pit is about 70 cm deep, 1x1 m wide and with vertical walls. When taking the soil out of the pit, fold the fertile layer (40 cm) separately next to the pit.

Prepare a nutrient mixture for planting (mix the fertile soil with overflowing manure and sheet compost in equal proportions, also add 5 kg of wood ash).

Planting an apple tree seedling step-by-step guide

In order to protect the seedling from the wind and as a support for it, it is advisable to install a thin peg and tie the tree to the peg with a cloth.

Carefully inspect the seedling before planting, especially the root system, for frozen or dried roots. If any, cut them into a healthy cloth.


At the bottom of the pit, form a small hill (or place the seedling on an empty can), place the seedling, spread the roots around the ground.

You can pour old, rusty nails on the bottom of the pit to make the apple trees bear good fruit (the apple tree loves iron and the nails break down and give the substances to the apple tree).

It is now necessary to determine which level the root cervix should be at. To do this, place a flat board or stick on the edges of the pit that runs through the centre of the pit. The root neck should be 3-5 cm above the soil level.

Fill the pit with nutrient mixture, trample the ground a little and form a saucer for watering the tree.

Fill the seedling with 2-3 buckets of water to completely soak the soil and root. After absorbing the water, mulch the soil around the tree organically.
Planting care after planting

Protect the young trunk from various attacks for the winter: rabbit and mouse teeth. Wrap the trunk with capron tights or an agrospan.

After planting, the young trees require care, which is to loosen the soil and remove the weeds. The organic layer allows the soil to retain moisture and suppresses weed growth. After planting, apple trees do not need to be irrigated until spring.

Video - How to plant an apple tree
Here are all the main points of proper preparation and planting of apple trees.

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