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Harley-Davidson, or American success!

At the very beginning of the last century, motorcycle manufacturers abounded in the United States and only one survived and overcame Japanese and European crises and invasions: HARLEY-DAVIDSON.

In recent years, Indian, which has risen from its ashes, has returned to the global motorcycle market. However, it is Harley-Davidson that has become the most famous motorcycle brand in the world. It is even more than a brand today, it is a way of life, a way of thinking, a philosophy even for some people.

The beginnings of Harley-Davidson

Harley-Davidson was founded in 1903, at the same time as Ford or Cadillac, in an America in search of freedom and innovation.

William S. Harley and Arthur Davidson, then in their twenties, attempted the first adventure of a military device, but without success.

Ole Evinrude (the man behind the boat motor brand) helped them in 1903 and they took their first machine out of the Milwaukee, Wisconsin workshop. It was the birth of Harley-Davidson Motor Co.

What was initially a hobby quickly became a profitable business and two more Davidson brothers joined the company.

This was the beginning of the saga with the design of the VTwin engine, emblematic in 1911. Let's be a little chauvinistic in this story because it is said that the idea of the VTwin was initiated by the victory of a similar Peugeot engine during the first Tourist Trophy.

At that time, the workshop was already a thing of the past and it was now a 28,000 m² brick factory on Juneau Street that produced thousands of motorcycles. In 1920, Harley-Davidson became the world's largest motorcycle manufacturer.

The Great Depression, or the decline of competition

ut the shadow of the Great Depression of 1929 floats over the United States and Harley then finds itself confronted with very strong competition, including with car manufacturers: a top-of-the-range Harley costs more than a Ford T.

Only Harley-Davidson survived and remained the only American motorcycle manufacturer after the war with the disappearance of brands that have become legendary today such as Excelsior-Hendersen or even Indian, which went bankrupt in 1953.

Harley-Davidson benefited from an incredible opportunity during the Second World War with an order of more than 80,000 motorcycles for the army and it is as many WLA and WLC that will invade Europe. The American manufacturer is landing on our continent for the second time: in 1917, 20,000 motorcycles had already followed the troops to Europe.

The post-war period: a prosperous period for the American giant

As the only manufacturer, Harley took full advantage of the post-war period and the euphoria surrounding it. The family company launched the Sportster in 1957, expanded its scooter business and acquired Aermacchi in the 1960s to produce small engines.

The 1970s were complicated for the Motor Company with the arrival on the market of Japanese manufacturers and new competition with Europeans such as Triumph.

Harley-Davidson is placed under the control of the AMF (American Machine & Foundry). This is certainly the worst period for the manufacturer in terms of innovation and brand image.

The 1980s, a new lease of life for this internationally renowned manufacturer

Ten years later, a wave of rebellion was blowing through the brand and a group of senior executives (including Willie G Davidson, one of the grandsons) bought the brand and launched it on the stock market.

For 20 years, the company achieved double-digit growth, launched new ranges, created the HOG (Harley Owners Group) with more than one million members, and invested in new segments...

The brand is constantly working and improving its image, but it is through innovation that the company's salvation for the 21st century will be achieved.

The Harley-Davidson spirit: world events

Harley-Davidson and its famous HOG are also at the origin of the biggest motorcycle events that still exist today, such as La Daytona Bike Week or Sturgis in the USA.

On our continent, the main events signed by Harley-Davison are the European Bike Week in Faaker-See in Austria, the Eurofestival in Grimaud and the Harleys Days organized in turn in different European countries.

These events attract, for the most part, more than 100,000 motorcycles and offer entertainment, giant concerts, incredible Bike Show Contests... In short, a concentration of all Harley-Davidson philosophy and lifestyle.