Since childhood we remember fairy tales about the hare, how slanting they are and they are constantly offended by everyone who is not lazy, then the fox will evict from the hut, then the wolf will not let home apples. But what are these incredibly cute animals really like?
First of all, it is necessary to remember that they are not rodents, but representatives of the squad of hare-like animals. Rabbits and foodstuffs fall into the same squad. There are 48 species of hares and they live almost all over the world except Australia and Antarctica. Their home is tundra and swamps, meadows and forests, and they are found even in the desert.
When the primitive man tamed the cattle and the dog, he paid attention to the hare, because we all remember that it is not only valuable fur, but a few pounds of beautiful meat. That's how rabbits came about, but even though some of them came from others, rabbits would never cross with rabbits. Forest animals are much larger than their pets and are sometimes up to 60 cm long. Rabbits also know how to purr, though with the help of teeth, which by the way grow all their lives, but differ from rodents by the structure and number of teeth.
They live in entire colonies in deep minks. Their depth reaches 3 meters and affects the number of branches, there are rooms for bunnies, for sleep and meals. Rabbits strictly observe the territory and try not to appear on another's territory. They communicate with each other with the help of "Morse code" - they beat out the fraction with their feet and prefer to lead a nightlife.
Despite the small size of the brain, they are extremely smart, cunning and intelligent animals. In nature, they have a huge number of enemies, such as foxes, owls, wolves and of course humans. In order to escape from the complete extermination of rabbits are forced not only to multiply in colossal quantities, but also to develop entire strategies to care from the chase. Animals are able to develop speed up to 50 kilometers per hour. They are masters of entanglement and natural mimicry. They just need to be in constant motion, because otherwise there comes a disease similar to human osteoporosis.
Rabbits are very interesting in terms of superpowers. The structure of their eyes allows them to see almost everything in a circle, except for their tail and what is happening right in front of the face. A 360° view helps them to fight their enemies forever. Ears are similar to locators and can rotate separately in different directions and help to get rid of excess heat.
But if you are lucky enough to catch a hare, which is very difficult to do without using traps and snares, the animal will die of a heart attack as a result of shock.
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