Such behavior is typical for many feline, not only for our domestic “badgers” and “murziks”. In nature, wild cats scratch trees to leave their marks and smell, mark territory and signal to potential competitors - “This is my site, stay away.” In addition, claw scratching is a necessary hygienic procedure. When the cat pulls the furniture, it leaves claw flakes upholstery on the hard fabric. Such a "manicure" helps to maintain their health and severity. Owners often find whole claws among torn upholstery and think that the cat scratched the sofa so hard that it tore off its claw. In fact, this is only its old outer shell. Cats do not know another way to get rid of it. Some cats relieve stress in this way. When an animal is frightened, upset, or angry with something, it takes out all the negativity in the nearest chair. Scratching furniture, walls and carpets is also a workout. Destroying chairs and sofas, the cat practices the production of claws - a very important mechanism that she needs for hunting and survival. Of course, domestic cats do not need to get their own food by chasing prey. However, it is not so easy to throw hundreds of thousands of years of evolution from the couple. And if the instinct tells the cat that she needs this skill, the animal is inclined to believe him.
How to wean a cat to tear furniture?
You can say as much as you like that scratching a sofa is a natural behavior for a cat. However, the owners of this will not be easier. Everyone who encountered this problem, one way or another, was looking for ways to solve it. There are several methods that help wean a cat from scratching furniture.
Claw removal
Onyctomy - complete removal of claws, which is performed in some veterinary clinics. This is the most radical way to save property from cat's feet. Some consider it optimal - just one small operation and the problem is solved! However, not a single sane and humane veterinarian will advise her. Claw removal is an operation in which not only the claws themselves, but also part of the finger are removed. In addition to anesthesia, which the animals are experiencing very hard, such an operation has many other disadvantages. A cat without claws is an invalid. After an onihectomy, the coordination of movements is disrupted in the animal, it can no longer jump so easily and gracefully. When trying to jump on a platform, cats without claws very often lose their balance and fall down - because they have nothing to catch on! This operation can also cause impaired posture and, as a result, pain in the spine. Needless to say, that after her life for a cat turns into endless stress? The arguments against are more than enough.
Silicone Claw Tips
Silicone claw covers are a new way to protect your sofa. The method is quite expensive and not too convenient, it is better to carry it out by an experienced master. He imposes nozzles on each claw with glue and neutralizes them. Such cases will have to be changed once a month, and after each procedure - to do a manicure, and file the claws. This method is not suitable for pets with allergies, since the glue used can cause an undesirable reaction. In addition, in order to wean a cat from tearing up a sofa in this way, you need to have iron nerves, because not everyone can listen to the endless clatter that the caps emit when they touch the floor. With spread fingers, the cat is not able to itch and wash normally. She may also try to bite off irritating elements with her teeth and, in the worst case, swallow them.
Special sprays sold at pet stores can help wean a cat to sharpen its claws on a sofa. They have a pungent odor that cats cannot stand. At least, according to manufacturers, but in practice, this does not stop some individuals at all. Inventive pet owners use an analog of such sprays. To do this, add a few drops of orange oil to the spray bottle with water and spray the mixture onto furniture. Cats cannot stand the pungent smell of citrus, so this should help protect the sofa. In no case should you spray such water into a cat; you can get into its eyes and cause serious damage to your health. You can process the sofa with undiluted oil, in inconspicuous places. This will scare away even the most annoying pets.
Some breeders choose the complete removal of claws as a solution to the problem. This is a cruel and unreasonable option that leads to injury and even death of the pet. Not a single conscientious and sensible veterinarian will offer such a procedure if there are no medical indications for it. The operation “soft paws” turns the animal into a disabled person, because by removing the claws, the veterinarian also removes part of the finger. The cat will easily lose balance and break from any surface, which is most likely to lead to injury. If such a pet is on the street, runs away or gets lost, it will die very soon. Since with impaired posture and coordination of movement, he will not be able to escape from dogs or evil people. He will also not be able to defend himself from other cats without his claws. The operation process also has its drawbacks, for example, general anesthesia, which animals can hardly tolerate. The operation itself is complex and unpredictable, during which bleeding can begin. If the procedure is performed by an incompetent doctor, then there is a chance that ingrown claws will appear. The roots will grow inside the foot, causing severe pain to the pet.
Of the advantages of such an operation can be called the fact that the cat really will no longer tear furniture.