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What is sentimentality and when is it useful


Sentimentality is compared to a sugar substitute: it seems to feel similar, but the taste of forgery remains. Maybe because the most cruel people can cry over a lyrical song. Or because a sentimental person works for the viewer, demonstrating the sensitivity of the soul. But not everything is so clear. Sentimentality has another side – a sensitive soul that will never pass by someone else's misfortune.

In the article we will talk about different manifestations of sentimentality, love for sentimental stories, the benefits of sincere tears and crying as a sign of a strong personality.

What is sentimentality

Sentimentality is the ability to respond responsibly in situations that are considered sweet, touching, overflowing with feelings and impressions. It would seem that to weep over beautiful films or poems, to be touched by videos with cats or children, to cry from sympathy for the elderly or the wounded – it's fine. One cannot but admire such sensitivity. But this property of the psyche strongly depends on the overall context and in this matter it is important to avoid extremes.

On the one hand, sentimentality generates sympathy, sensitivity, pity. And it is good when people react at least to something-they are engaged in charity, they are the first to come to help. These behavioral markers are based on social videos that draw attention to the problems of society. This kind of emotion poeticizes in literature and dominated the literary trends of romanticism and sentimentalism.

On the other hand, sentimentality is directed not at the person who caused the outburst of feelings, but at their own experiences. No wonder sentimentality is called the reverse side of Schadenfreude. She uses someone else's emotions, but not resides their the heart. In tearfulness and emotion there is more demonstration than sincere experiences. And pity is not sincere, but superficial and fleeting. Such emotionality was attributed to Hitler, who cried over the performance, and then sent prisoners to concentration camps.

Five arguments in favor of sentimental stories

Today to admit his weakness even a bit awkward. Everywhere reigns unworldly realists and cynics. Therefore, in everyday life, we do everything so that others do not take us for sensitive people. Nevertheless, we continue to believe in beautiful stories about Cinderella or poor orphans, but always with a happy ending. What is the reason for such love?

It is important for us to believe that the world around us is good. In real life, people can not demonstrate as much unselfishness, sincerity, kindness, as do the heroes of romantic stories. When we witness a noble gesture, a beautiful act, or endless altruism, we regain faith in the goodness of our world.

We feed our optimism. Optimists are more resistant to shocks, easier to switch from negative emotions to positive. But in modern culture, optimism is constantly ridiculed and contrasted with the realities of life. Not surprisingly, the hope for the best runs out, just goes into the sand. Beautiful stories help us not to succumb to depression even when the world seems cruel and unfair.

Five reasons why crying is useful

Psychologists say that watching sentimental films replaces a session of tear therapy. Tear therapy is a facetious term, but doctors agree that crying is useful. And it is equally useful to cry from happiness, from grief and in touching moments of life. Here's why:

  • Tears help with stress. If you restrain negative emotions, you can get a whole set of diseases from neurosis to migraine. But during crying the happy hormones endorphins help you to feel a moral relief. Crying is a great antidepressant. And mental pain is reduced even when the problem is not solved.
  • Clean tears. Like sweat, tears remove toxins from the body. True, it's the emotional tears that slowly run down my face and left visible tracks. Chemical composition artificial tears or those that emerge during cleansing string, not such valuable.
  • Tears reduce pain. During crying the organism allocates enkephalin, which is similar to morphine. That is, tears act as a mild painkiller. However, their effect is temporary and even prolonged crying will not replace a trip to the dentist.
  • Tears strengthen relationships. Tears bare my soul, reveal our vulnerability, vulnerability to evoke sympathy. And this is important for human relations. True, it's sincere crying. Attempts to manipulate with tears have the opposite effect and destroy relationships.
  • Tears make communication easier. Crying is part of nonverbal communication. Light, running tears speak of joy. Small, avaricious-show pain, offense, desire to escape. Abundant, dripping-talk about self-pity, you want to cry. However, others should be attentive enough to understand this communication without words.