The man after sex is a suspicious creature. Is the man missing after the first sex? Doesn't the man call after sex? What does a man think about after sex?
And you, dear lady, want a man to treat you well, at least not worse than before sex? So that he wouldn't disappear, but would appreciate you and would like to invest in you and be with you? Wonderful.
Then go make tea or what are you drinking there? Sit down and we'll start talking to you.
Of course, I will express my male point of view to a greater extent. Your opinion and experience are important and can be found in the comments.
So, here's a miracle - the first sex with a certain man.
There are four options:
1) Bad sex (I wish it hadn't been)
2) ordinary
3) mature
4) you two can't keep your smiles down after
Now put the tea away!
I will uncover the shocking truth about men (not those who are losers)
As a woman you can be experienced, inexperienced, good, bad, but... Will a man want to be with you after the first sex is no less dependent on your behavior after sex!
Let's be honest. After all, many women are waiting for a trick and often a man does not call after sex or disappears at all.
And then, of course, with tears in their eyes tell their girlfriends: "I knew it! He only needed sex!
I'll give you an example from a friend of mine.
Self-sufficient, well-groomed, feminine, adult girl. Loves sex. There were many partners. At the same time, after the first sex, the men achieve it. It is not a question of him disappearing. She is offered a relationship, married.
Why do you think?
At least because she has no thoughts in her head like: "Do I need to have sex? What if he doesn't call? Sex should be on an N date. This is wrong.
Accordingly, even after sex, her behavior does not show fear. She does it because she likes sex. She enjoys it.
And we men feel it!
How do you learn to let go of fear and allow yourself to open up during intimacy?
Write this down:
The woman who is well with us, we sincerely want to make (subconsciously) even happier.
Thoughts are material! Point.
Do you think that men only need sex? Do you think you do a man a favor by letting him have sex with you? During sex instead of having fun, is there a deep brain analysis of the current process in your head?
Congratulations, you are trapped in your own trap!
Believe me, postponing sex for the fifth, sixth...tenth date will not help here. Or another "different" man. The script will be repeated.
Do you know what I mean?
The reason is you.
I write this not to blame or say that all men are good, but the reason is the girls. Absolutely not. Damaged men are enough.
But you are responsible for the fact that in your life there are such males, you are responsible. You attract them. Rather unconsciously, by habit.
How to behave after the first sex with a man
Technical part
1. Compliment: "I liked it. It was good".
2. Ask him to do something to eat, bring something from the fridge, or at least just pour some water
3. Don't make a sad face. You are doing well. You are happy. Life is great
4. It is normal and temporary for a man to be suspended or silent after sex. This is male behavior. Do not try to load him with information or a lot of questions
5. Perfect behavior around here is like a kitten. Lie next to each other, iron the man, be gentle
6. Try not to discuss the future. You are here and now. You are cool. A man should understand that you are really good with him and you do not have any categorical expectations from him
Dear ladies! I believe that you have found at least one useful idea in the article.
Shall we sum up?
1. Sex is good
2. Long absence of sex is bad.
3. the man disappeared after the first sex (again)? Change the way you think and relate to men
4. Draw worthy men into your life
6. You can do it!
In the training Love, sex and eternal youth practicing sexologist will teach you, among other things: - Entering the Female State - Feel the energy in your body and understand how it works - Finding a state of inner freedom - The correct mutual exchange of energy with a man