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How to influence people? Turn the enemy into a friend. Part 1


Surely each of you was interested in whether it is possible to influence a person, is it possible to make a person take your position or start to treat you differently? In general, I think everyone was interested in the question of how to influence people?

I’m sure that you heard something about psychological manipulations, NLP, techniques for subordinating a person to his will, allegedly with the help of certain words or actions.

But, as a rule, this is a direct, tough, even aggressive suppression. And does it always work?

How to influence people or why the psychology, manipulations and techniques of NLP do not work

Very often in life it happens that the relationship with a particular person does not go well. It can be a neighbor, boss, work colleague, relative. Or a relationship went wrong with a loved one. And indeed, unfortunately, very often the hard techniques of NLP either do not work at all or work, but for a while, and then there is only deterioration.

Why, you ask? Because a person cannot love you, or treat you well, or accept your position, because he subconsciously feels your manipulations and becomes simply uncomfortable and disgusting: he feels depressed.

There is still a minus for such techniques: the relationship with the person is so out of control that the person hates you; and you don’t even have the opportunity to meet to talk, not to test amazing manipulation techniques on it. And how in this case, when there is no possibility of communication, then how to influence people with the help of psychology or the amazing techniques of “proper communication”?

There is a feeling of despair, pain, because in the end we see that resorting to such methods to build relationships is cruel and completely ineffective. What to do in such situations? We’ll talk about this.

A humane way or how to influence people with the power of thought

We all know, my dear readers, that the power of thought is capable of much. Including, knowing the power of thought, you will stop asking questions: how to influence people, how to make me love and accept my position, to be glad to me and that a man who hates with all his heart will fall in love with the brightest and purest love? There are methods that will help you understand how to influence people and I will tell you about them.

John Kehoe Method

This is a very effective visualization technique. I found it in John Kehoe’s book, “The Subconscious Can Do Everything.”

What is the essence of this technique?

So, we choose the person with whom we want to establish a relationship.

Now you need to turn to yourself: what are your thoughts on this person? Do you have a dismissive attitude towards him? Or fear that this person treats you badly?

And now, in order for a person to change, you need to change your attitude within him. You must realize that all people are unique, beautiful and amazing creatures. Now I will tell you how it works.

In the book “The Subconscious Mind Can Do Anything,” John Kehoe told how he exchanged a woman who seemed to him the most unfriendly and callous in the world with the power of thought. He describes how her repulsive qualities changed before our eyes, how his visualization affected her.

I found that I was very negative towards her, and, having caught myself on this, I decided to slightly change my attitude. I realized that somewhere deep down she was a more sensitive and cheerful person than the woman before us. I concentrated, imagining her like that, until with a smile on my face I started thinking of her as a ray of light.


And later he really began to notice changes in her: a half smile, an inconspicuous kind look.

He began to see in her what he visualized, and not only him. Even those people who treated the woman badly and were negatively disposed towards her saw how she was transformed.

All have noticed it. She really turned into a ray of light. This incident forever changed my attitude towards people.

If you want to establish relationships with someone, do not think about how to influence people, how to make a person do what you want. Just think about this person well, visualize him smiling, treat him with respect and be sure that all the good that you see in him will multiply many times.

Look for the best in every person by believing in him.

If you treat people that way, your relationship with them will become more meaningful, and even some random communication will enrich both you and the other person.

Continue in the next part...