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dilettante psychology

Why are men cheating?


Why are men cheating? Are there men who do not cheat? How can we make sure that the man is loyal? You will get an understanding of why we men do or do not do this. And how to influence it.
Like the rest of my materials, I will stick to reality. How I was, how I thought, and how men around me think.

Let's start with a general concept. I have had many different training programs. People go there with their problems and tasks.
The first and most important thing they teach in almost any powerful training is the concept of responsibility.

No matter what happens in your life, you are responsible. You are the reason, you are the person who is at the helm of your life. Do you come across men-Alphonse? Think about how you manifest yourself in such a way that you attract such men into your life (and eliminate others). Mostly it happens unconsciously, by habit, on the machine.

Have you been doused upside down by a car at a bus stop in rainy weather? It is you who chose to stand at this time and in that place.
Are there only weak men around? Or maybe you don't let men be strong around you?
Until you take responsibility for what is happening in your life, you are a hostage of the situation, but not at the helm. Do you agree with me?

What am I talking about? To the question of male treason.

I propose to formulate the question in this way:

What do I do that man cheat on me?
How do the women who are not cheated on by men manifest themselves?

Reasons for cheating on men
1. Accidentally.
Somewhere at the corporate party. The girl hinted. He agreed to think: Once does not count. Anyway, I have the best Mashka.

2. Intentionally

a) Once or twice
A man wants a change. Maybe even a comparison. But he clearly understands that his woman number one and no other is needed. Just a one-time entertainment.

b) regularly or mistress
This situation is more complicated than that. There is an opinion that men have mistresses because they had sex with a regular woman. Maybe so, but this is more of a consequence than a reason.

Sex is a projection of relationships. As a reflection. Like a litmus test.
Fish rots from the head. Sex gets worse because relationships get worse.
Therefore, it is worth working on both relationships and sex.

Mother and son

Let's say you have a grown son, he's married. Does your son's mother like how? Absolutely. As he is. What do you wish him as a mother? I wish him well. Is it logical?
And if the same condition "good" he will get with his mistress. Will the mother condemn the person she loves unconditionally for this? Hardly.

You are next to a man. What do you want him to do? Surely only the best in life. And if you can't give him the best in this period of his life, maybe he can get it from his mistress?

Just think about it. I do not call for anything. Just food for thought.
What to do so that the man did not cheat
To be the kind of woman they don't cheat on. Point.
Give the man that state of mind next to you, which he will not have to go to the mistress.

Remember how you behaved in the first stages of the relationship? Admired his qualities, sincerely rejoiced at the time spent together, and it was out of the question to criticize the man.

And how is your situation now?

Portrait of a mistress: A permanent portrait:

Attractive Can launch his appearance

Sincerely glad to see him every time. I'm used to it.

Thank you. She takes it for granted.

Admires (to make it better) Criticizes (to make it better)

Sex is a mistress. Sex is a marital duty.


why men cheat on their wives What's the best sex for a man? The one during which the woman flies away. When a girl can get high. With all her body and soul. The connection is the same: the better a woman is with a man (it is important to show it, to talk), the more we want to make her happier and better.

Just don't imitate it. Learn to really get an orgasm(s) and pleasure.
Personally, I have had experience with women who do not get orgasm. None of the ways. Not once in my life.

The reason is not in men. The reason is in the head and body. To solve this issue is real. The main thing is responsibility and desire. Psychologists, massages, women's practices to help.

What conclusions should be drawn?
Men change because they lack the necessary condition
Becoming a woman who doesn't get cheated on is more than real.
Sex is a litmus test of a relationship
Relationships need to be influenced, not let loose.