What do positive thoughts give?
Many philosophers say that our happiness is connected not with what is happening to us, but with our thoughts about these events. Indeed, the same things can be looked at from different points of view.
If you first notice negative aspects of what is happening to you, then you have a clear feeling that there is only one negative and no joy at all. And according to the law of attraction, you are more and more attracting it into your life.
By an old habit, you become more and more stuck in the negative: scroll over and over again the thoughts that make you unhappy. Yes, because it is our thoughts that determine our emotions and our mood.
But this circle can be easily destroyed by starting to concentrate on the positive aspects. This will give rise to positive emotions. And a state of happiness will gradually be built out of positive emotions.
How does positive thinking affect our lives?
Accustoming yourself to think positively, you get used to notice all the good that is in your life. You are increasingly starting to concentrate on what you already have, and not on what you are missing. And, according to the law of attraction, more and more benefits begin to come into your life.
And most importantly - your life begins to change before our eyes. All dreams magically begin to come true. Why? Because you become happy, your energy does not go to maintaining your negative attitudes, but is directed to attracting what you dream about into your life.
Positive thoughts are thoughts that help you fulfill your desires. Negative - move away from you from your dream. Imagine, you can get everything you want, without struggle and disappointment.
The world is a mirror of our attitude towards it. And as soon as you change your attitude towards the world, as soon as you stop expecting bad things from him, he will immediately be reorganized and will reciprocate your love.
How to learn positive thinking?
To do this, you first need to get rid of the negative attitudes that have accumulated over the years.
The settings appear after repeatedly confirming your negative thoughts. And the longer you lived with any program, the harder it is to get rid of it.
How to identify everything at once and remove forever?
But nothing is impossible. And here, as in any business, you just need to make a little effort.
I recommend that you have a notebook in which you will write out all the negative beliefs that you find in yourself. How to calculate them? Very simple - these are thoughts repeating in your head. Most likely, you have more than once caught yourself thinking of the same thought.
As soon as you find the installation, write it out on paper, and refute it below. That is, you come up with 5-6 statements that are opposite to your program.
For example, you wrote out: "people always treat me hostilely." And now you need to remember the moments, situations when this was not so. The more you write, the faster your installation will disappear.
What thoughts need to be eradicated?
All negative thoughts materialize sooner or later. If you think that your husband is irresponsible, then, according to the law of reflection, he will act irresponsibly towards you.
But as soon as you start thinking about your man, that he is always attentive to your requests, that he takes a responsible approach to resolving issues, he will soon correspond to your idea of him. And this applies to absolutely all areas of life.
Typical negative thoughts about relationships:
- nobody loves me,
- I can’t build a harmonious relationship with another person,
- I can’t meet a worthy couple,
- my partner is cheating on me,
- I can not count on my spouse in a relationship;
Typical Negative Career Thoughts:
- in order to achieve much, it is necessary to weave intrigues and play games,
- I won’t be able to build a good career because I’m not worthy,
- getting a job in a big company is possible only if you have connections,
- a good career requires a complete rejection of personal life,
- at one time I was not able to enter a prestigious university, which means that I will not succeed in building a successful career;
Typical negative thoughts about money:
- money is evil,
- You can make good money only through illegal ways,
- only the elite or the lucky ones get rich,
- the money comes from hard work,
- money flows like water;
Typical negative thoughts about health:
- I have poor health since childhood,
- I catch a cold easily
- I have a high risk of developing hereditary diseases,
- I can’t live normally without pills,
- I'm allergic to literally everything.
Positive thinking is the key to success.
I could paint all the advantages of positive thinking for a long time to you, well, you better see for yourself.
Of course, positive thinking is not a panacea for problems. One way or another, something will always arise in life that will unbalance you, upset you, and make you angry. But at such moments it is important to remember that your attitude to what is happening is much more important than the events themselves, and not give in to the temptation to plunge into negativity.
As soon as you allow yourself to think well about what surrounds you, you will magically find yourself where you have long been striving. And you will really like it there.