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The more you know about the country, the more comfortable your stay will be.


Think before I go to another country I need to know a little bit about the traditions and customs of these places. Here's my article about this...


In Turkey, relations between the sexes are marked by Muslim traditions. Although women and men are equal under the law, Turks are still marginalized in society. Women in Turkey are obliged to be faithful wives and caring mothers. Entry to work is only allowed if the husband agrees. So far, it is possible to meet with polygamy in the provinces. One husband in some villages may have about six husbands. In such a family, the house is divided into two halves: a woman"s house and a man"s house. Each wife must have her own room.The Husband must give gifts and pay attention to each spouse equally. Any woman can run her own household, which is a kind of independence. In order to enter the mosque, it is customary to cover one"s legs to the knees and to take off shoes. Women are expected to enter with their heads covered. When praying, women should not go to mosques to avoid distracting the faithful. Turks pay great attention to Muslim rituals and rituals. Every boy in his or her 7-12th birthday undergoes the rite of circumcision, and his or her parents prepare for it as a great holiday. After the ceremony, the boy becomes a full member of the Muslim community. Turks from the age of 15 should observe the fasting of Ramadan, in the days of which it is impossible to drink, eat, and smell something pleasant. It is also necessary to refrain from anything that gives pleasure. The end of the fast will be celebrated for three days. Five times a day in Turkey there is a sharp, long sound. The believer must be a pure body and soul before prayer. In this country, it is not customary to touch the dead and non-Muslims, to depict an animal or a human being, or to eat pork. Turkish hospitality Traditions of a Muslim country may not be observed by visitors, but there are certain restrictions. For example, it is not customary to invite a strange Turk to dance. It is also discouraged to sit at a table if there are women sitting at the table in addition to men. It is not customary to kiss in front of everyone. A man is not allowed to ask another man about his family. This is regarded as an insult. Turks are always welcome to make new acquaintances. Their hospitality is especially evident when a guest is received in the house. There are also traditions and customs for such cases. Guests should take off their shoes when entering the interior. After the host and guest have exchanged greetings, the guest is accepted to serve a cup of coffee or tea, which is the host"s duty. Often guests in Turkey are welcomed directly into the courtyard, which serves as a continuation of the house according to local customs. Also, the guest can get an offer, spend time in the sauna. It is not customary to swim naked in Turkish baths, so a towel skirt is built. Turkish market Many people think that the Turks are the most beautiful men in the world. Turks are very loving and temperamental. When a woman comes to the Turkish shop, they will do everything possible to keep her from coming out of there without the promise of a date and without buying. Turks just love songs and dances. As soon as the singer takes the note, the whole room begins to accompany and sing. Favorites are crumbling with flowers. Here you can even pull the petals, run up to your favorite star and pour them on her head. This is considered quite normal. In Turkey, markets and shops are usually haggled, and the price can be lowered by two or three times. You can haggle for a few hours, it is customary to leave the store even to reduce the price, and then come back again. If a woman is cute to a Turkish seller, he can bargain at a loss to himself, and then will strongly invite her to a disco or restaurant.


SOME RULES OF CONDUCT AND ETIQUETTE Turkish customs and traditions begin with the legendary Oriental hospitality. Receiving an invitation to tea, you can be sure that the table will get everything that is eaten in the house. The table can be a covered floor, around which pillows are scattered, designed as seats for guests. By the way, if you do not plan to accept the invitation, you should refuse three times - the third is considered final. Shoes are removed at the entrance. It happens that traditionally, the house has a female and male half. Guests are escorted only to the men"s room, the women"s room is prohibited. It is not necessary to bring gifts with you, an interesting and welcome guest by itself gift. Try to pay the bill at the restaurant, if you are invited or give the owners money for a private visit - Moveton. Then it is more appropriate to send photos or a present made together. As for table etiquette, the Turkic peoples have no special differences. Lunch more often after three hours, as a rule, the whole family. You can"t start eating before the owner, just as you can"t get up from the table. There will be three dishes and appetizers with salads on the table. It is allowed to take food with your right hand from the common meal. Crayfish tincture is a must drink at any table. Pork is prohibited. Some ethnic groups do not eat rabbits, snails or seafood (except fish). Dine late in the evening - around 11. Smoking in the company is allowed only if the owner or the man, who is considered the eldest in the house, allow it. As tradition dictates, business negotiations can only be initiated after a dialogue about the weather and a proper pause. It is not customary to drag out excessively the visits, but if a musical evening is planned - it can be a long time, music is very much loved. It is very important to know the rules of conduct between people of different generations and different genders. Honor and courtesy are the norm in addressing elders. The word "master" is put in front of the name of an elderly man, and "mistress" is put in front of the name of an elderly woman. Same-sex cousins or relatives can kiss each other on the cheek or hug each other, otherwise, it is a taboo. Men shake hands with each other, but a handshake with a woman is only allowed with her permission. A big mistake is made by visiting tourists, who are the first to reach out when meeting local men. For the latter, it is a clear signal to get to know each other better. Another custom in a public place (bus, theater, etc. ), requires a woman to sit down next to another woman. Before a man sits next to a stranger, he must ask for permission. It may be difficult to remember all the rules at once, but understanding the basics of behavior in the country will give you an undeniable advantage. And if something is forgotten. .. In Turkey, residents are very tolerant of foreign guests who do not know the local peculiarities and are able to forgive small mistakes. In general, Turkey is a more European country than you can imagine. That is why many "mistakes" of tourists, as in any other civilized country of the world, are forgiven and not condemned. Nevertheless,respect for local traditions is always highly appreciated in Turkey. Knowledge of customs of any country where you have a rest guarantees you a quiet and friendly rest without unpleasant excesses.