Constant dissatisfaction with yourself causes a feeling of dissatisfaction. Most people try to shift the responsibility for their own "dissatisfaction" to partner, family, parents, bosses, etc., but not to themselves. As a result, they spend their entire conscious life in search of the perfect partner, and their constant are the companions of conflict and the clarification of relationships. Their problem is that they do not want to understand that it is impossible to achieve an internal state of satisfaction at the expense of another person and his or her external qualities.
Partner dissatisfaction. All men and women now change partners quickly and freely. This has long been the norm for society. Everyone is guided in life by his or her model of behavior, which he or she considers to be the only correct one.
The model of behavior is formed in a person in adolescence, on the example of their parents, and then takes as a basis for creating a family. Our parents, and their parents, too, did not have everything smooth in life, but they were able to keep the family ties. Nowadays, the standard of living has become higher, and the topic of dissatisfaction with the partner has become more relevant. Maybe it's not about the partner, but about who understands the concept of "satisfaction"?
There have been, are and always will be problems in families. As a rule, women are looking for solutions within the family, while men, on the contrary, are looking for solutions outside the family, in a social environment. Why? This is how we are, we are different. A woman is so defenseless on the outside, she has a steel inner core. A man is "a knight in steel armor" on the outside, and is defenseless inside.
At the beginning of the relationship, we open up to each other and show our "weak points". This is important for further interaction and strengthening of relations. In a woman, a man is looking for a "steel rod", and in a man, a woman is looking for a "knight's armor", so it was, is and will be, even if both never admit it.
Each person in his life consciously or not to be in constant search of his pair. Our actions, behaviors, makeup, clothes are all aimed at attracting the opposite sex. Many people may disagree with this, but it is true.
A woman gives a man an inner pillar, and a man an outer pillar. This is in an ideal relationship. But in reality, we are always moving away from the ideal, as a result of feelings, relationships and family replace us with surrogates. Women are forced to "take on" the solution of men's tasks, and men become weak and defenseless, but with a great sense of their importance.
When we met, our ancestors showed each other their strengths: women have inner strength (reliability, fidelity, home keeper); men have outer strength (social and physical protection). It was only after that that that an alliance of sexual intimacy took place.
Dissatisfaction with a partner. In today's society, partners do not have time to demonstrate their strengths. They get to know each other quickly, get to know each other quickly, and at the same time complain about loneliness, about their "ex-boyfriends", the common thing they have in common is dissatisfaction. At the same time, everyone believes that somewhere in the world there is a "second half" with whom they will experience complete "satisfaction".
Satisfaction is nothing but the inner state of mind and body. It comes when a person fulfills his or her true destiny. The purpose of a woman is to be a woman. The purpose of a man is to be a man. When you try to take on someone else's role, to solve someone else's task, there are mistakes, conflicts, and internal dissatisfaction. It is not right to think that women's destiny is domestic and household issues and men's destiny is the financial security of the family. These are functions. And the purpose of women is to be an inner pillar of the family, regardless of life circumstances.
The purpose of a man is to provide external support for the family, also in all circumstances of life. Ignorance or unwillingness to know our destiny does not relieve us of life's problems. Life will make us accept this sooner or later. It mustn`t be too late...