The third pregnancy is just a pregnancy, I could say. Yes, that's true. But she is different after all. And I'm already thinking about the time after birth.
At my first pregnancy, I was a permanent employee and my maternity protection began 6 weeks before the expected date of birth. So I had a lot of time, which I spent with walks, shopping for the baby and just hanging out and reading. Today I sometimes think how crazy it was that I just did not do anything for 6 weeks. But I had worked a lot for almost 10 years and felt that I really needed the break and really enjoyed it. I did not have to care for older children, so I could only take care of myself. That was basically very luxurious. One should actually keep in mind from time to time how well we are in Germany with the whole maternity and parental leave regulation.
The second child was a bit different, I was self-employed and now it's the same again. I am self-employed and can not really imagine how a break should work and actually I do not really need it either. So I'm planning to work until birth and then sometime soon enough to start again. That went well with the second child and I hope it will be similar now.
What to do if no one is there?
I only have one problem. Since my first two pregnancies each ended with an (unplanned) cesarean section, a planned cesarean section is now planned for the third. But in practice, that means that I'm not really flexible in the three to four weeks after birth. So, jump into the car quickly, to drive the big kids to school and to kindergarten, is unfortunately out. The strap sits directly on the scar and I can not carry the baby either. We are fortunate that my parents, the grandparents, are very flexible and, even though they live two hours away, they are always there when we need them (THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU). But otherwise we have no family living in Berlin and sometimes that is really difficult. Just like now, when I internally plan the weeks after the birth and see in the calendar, how often my husband will not be in Berlin for several days, but our big son has to go to school early.
"My wife and I have three sons ourselves and know from our own experience how stressful it can be when normal family life is thrown off track, for example during a cold spell. Like almost every family, we have a kind of emergency network for this case. The girlfriend who takes the children from school and brings them to music lessons. The neighbor who shops. In such cases, family life comes back on track relatively quickly. "(Dr. Matthias Maslaton, Board Member ARAG SE" Product & Innovation ")
The ARAG everyday help helps in times of need
As I was able to experience now, the ARAG everyday helper helps in such cases.
"Our fundamental question was: what really relieves families in such emergency situations? Someone who takes over the daily duties so that everyday life can continue as usual as possible for the children. We have put together two different packages. The ARAG everyday helper supports after an accident if an inpatient hospital stay is due or even after outpatient surgery. He also jumps in after the birth of a child or the death of a close relative. The ARAG Everyday Helper Plus also helps in case of strikes and sick leave of more than eight days. (Dr. Matthias Maslaton, CEO ARAG SE "Product & Innovation")
And the ARAG everyday help does not just help with births, accidents, hospital stays, bereavement, outpatient surgery, so whenever you're alone and there's nobody to help. In addition, if necessary, there is an installation of a house emergency call system or accompaniment to authorities as well as driving services to the doctor, to therapy or physiotherapy. Legal protection is also included in both everyday helper's packages. He helps with claims for damages, after an accident or a treatment error.
And in the end, we have a few more questions
You pay for your contribution. When will the service be available?
The insurance cover begins with the start of insurance agreed with the customer. For benefits due to birth we have agreed to a waiting period of one month.
Does childcare also accompany and pick up the daycare and school?
Yes, childcare is also part of daycare and school to accompany and pick up. But we no longer offer this service when the child is 14 years old.
How many hours of care/month after birth is there a claim and how are they divided among the individual services (childcare/laundry etc.)?
We do not specify the number of hours, but determine how often the service is performed or how many costs are covered:
Menu service: daily
Shopping service: weekly
Laundry: weekly
Apartment cleaning: weekly
Childcare, Childcare services, After-hours: 100 € per day (limited to a total of 14 days, only for children under the age of 14)
And other services in the performance overview
Where do the childminders come from? Are you trained?
As a childcarer, only qualified personnel may be employed.
The legal provisions of the Eighth Book of the Social Code for Children and Youth Welfare (SGB VIII - Kinder und Jugendhilfegesetz) as well as the regulations of the competent federal state in which one is resident apply as the basis for childcare.
Child carers must have at least a nursing permit as a childminder / daytime father. To receive the nursing permit as a childminder in NRW, an extended police certificate of good conduct, as well as a health certificate, must be submitted. It is absolutely necessary - if not available - to take out liability insurance for working as a childminder.
The care permit is requested from the responsible youth welfare office. In addition, you must complete a basic pedagogical qualification with about 160 lessons.
Shorter qualifications are offered to trained educators. Part of the nursing permit is the annual participation in a first aid course in infants and toddlers.
Thank you very much!