Trimming is the most important element of autumn care of flower crops, berry bushes and fruit trees. Roses are no exception, and they also need this procedure. Next, you will learn how to cut roses in autumn for the winter (tea-hybrid, floribunda, platitudes, soil cover, etc.). These tips and schemes will help beginners to do everything right!
1 Why autumn roses should be cut
2 When to cut roses in autumn: Optimal timing
3 How to properly cut roses in autumn: Schematic and instructions
4 How to cut roses of different species in autumn: wafer-like, tea-hybrid, floribunda, park, soil-cover roses
4.1 Tea-hybrid roses
4.2 Floribunda
4.3 Soil cover roses
4.4 Scarves (bush roses)
4.5 Polyant roses
4.6 Woven roses
4.6.1 Cutting rammer roses
4.6.2 Pruning of Platized Rose Clayming (Claymbers)
4.7 Stamp roses
4.8 Park Rose
What's with the autumn roses cut
The care procedure strengthens the root system of the bush, optimizes metabolism, rejuvenates the plant.
That is, in general, autumn pruning of the bush helps to achieve in the next season of lush and beautiful flowering. In addition, the event increases the resistance of the plants to diseases and pests.
Please note! The main purpose of autumn pruning roses is to prepare them for hiding, so that they are more compact and easier to hide in winter.
The main source of rose formation is in spring!
When to cut roses in autumn: Optimum timing
When do you have to cut the roses in the fall, what month? The procedure should be performed immediately before the first night frost, but before the onset of persistent negative temperatures (i.e. when the temperature is negative both at night and during the day).
It is best to cut roses on a sunny, clear day, without wind.
Pay attention! If you miss the deadline and cut the roses too soon, the procedure will stimulate the growth of shoots, which can cause a strong weakening or even death of the bush.
The timing of rose trimming in autumn varies from region to region of Russia:
In the Middle Stripe (Moscow Region) - the second half of October;
In Siberia, in the Urals, in the Leningrad Region - at the end of September, in early October.
In the South (Krasnodar Territory (Kuban), North Caucasus) - in November.
How to properly cut roses in autumn: scheme and instructions
All necessary tools and clothing must be prepared before the procedure:
The pruning shear must be sharp and disinfected.
Clothing: A jacket or jacket with long, tight sleeves, tight gloves and sturdy pants.
Cuttering agents, e.g. garden jars, charcoal, or special fillings.
Scheme for cutting roses in autumn:
In autumn, you should immediately cut off the blossomed buds so that the plant does not waste energy in seed formation. Then, with the main cut, all flowering stems should be removed. The correct scheme is shown in the photo below:
All young branches that have not matured (usually with a characteristic red hue) should be removed.
Sanitary cutting of the rose should be done: remove all damaged shoots affected by diseases and pests.
Thinning trimming is also necessary: all weak, thin shoots, shoots that thicken the bush should be cut out. It is necessary to ensure that extra shoots do not shade and do not interfere with normal ventilation of the bush.
All dead shoots should be cut to a healthy place (i.e. a white core).
All old, thick shoots that are older than four or five years should be removed.
At the same time, when cutting the rose should be properly cut: the angle of cut of 45 degrees, it should be flat, smooth, from the kidney to the cut should be maintained optimal distance - 5 millimeters (with the kidney, which is next to the cut, should be on the outside). The photo shows the correct autumn cut of the rose:
Now it is necessary to treat all the cuttings with a disinfectant, for example, with a garden varnish, crushed charcoal, or some special disinfectant, which can be bought in a garden shop. Handle carefully to protect the cuttings from infection.
Immediately after trimming, remove any plant debris around the shrub (cuttings, buds, leaves). It is recommended that they be burned in order to eliminate possible pathogens and pests.
Pay attention! It is essential to remove all leaves from roses before sheltering, otherwise they will begin to rot and cause the bush to rot. It is convenient to combine leaf removal and pruning.
How to cut roses of different species in autumn: wafer-like, tea-hybrid, floribunda, park, soil-cover roses
Different types of roses have their own peculiarities and differences. They should be taken into account when cutting roses for the winter in the autumn.
Tea-hybrid roses
Tea-hybrid roses should be cut in autumn in a spherical shape. The strongest shoots should be shortened by 1/2, the thinnest ones by about 1/3. It is also necessary to remove weak shoots that grow inside the bush.
The picture shows the scheme of cutting tea-hybrid roses:
Cutting the floribunda rose in autumn is very important, without the next year's care, the shoots will be weak and the flowers will be small. Trim after the bush has run out of flowers.
With autumn pruning of roses, all old, weak, damaged or diseased shoots must be eliminated. Strong shoots can be shortened only slightly (by about 1/4). Side branches on which roses blossomed should be cut to two or three buds. In addition, if there are side shoots on the bush that are crooked or uncomfortable, they can be cut. You should also make sure that there are no intertwining shoots in the middle of the bush, if any, they should be removed.
Scarves (bush roses)
When cutting autumn Shrabov (bush roses), leave three to five of the strongest shoots, which have 6-8 well-developed buds. Leave healthy, symmetrical shoots intact, and shorten the rest by 1/4. Dry shoots should be removed completely. You should also cut off the thin watery shoots to avoid frostbite.
Polyant roses
Polyant roses should be cut in spring (according to the scheme below). However, if there are sick, damaged shoots, they should be removed in the autumn. It is also necessary to remove shoots that grow in the middle of the bush and thicken it.
Woven roses should be cut from the second year after planting. All sick and damaged shoots should be removed in autumn. If it is a large flower bush, you can cut the shoots by 1/3, but you don't have to. It is not necessary to cut off the small floral roses for the winter, it is enough to pinch the growth point (upper kidney).
Shoots on which there was flowering should be shortened by three buds. You also need to cut off the old branches, will leave 30 centimeters from the surface of the ground.
The wicker roses are divided into two types: clayming and ramblers. They have a slightly different pruning scheme.
Cutting rambler roses
The ramblers need to be cut very carefully. Shoots with buds must be removed and all immature shoots must be cut to the point of aging.
When trimming once flowering rambleers, leave 6-10 strong shoots, and 3-5 annual and 2-year shoots each. Cut off the repetitive ramblers in spring.
Cut off the climbing roses (climbing roses)
Climbing machines (or climbing machines) do not need to be cut too much. It is sufficient to shorten the shoots by 1/4. The oldest escape should be removed.
Stamp roses
The rules for cutting roses in autumn depend on the type of strain grafting (e.g. tea-hybrid, floribunda, whiplash rose). And already cut according to the scheme, which refers to the grafted form.
Park roses
It is necessary to remove old, sick, damaged shoots. Strong annual growth should be shortened by 5-10 centimeters.
It's important that the roses are well prepared for the winter not only by cutting them off, but also by feeding, mulching and sheltering them!