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Traditional medicine


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In warm summertime, bees are busy with their hard work. If you take off the lid of the hive and straw mats, you can see that the cracks in the bee's nest are covered with sticky, sticky substance. This is propolis or bee glue.

Propolis of greenish, greenish-brown, brown, yellowish-brown or reddish color with a pleasant peculiar smell resembling the smell of poplar buds, wax or vanilla. On warm summer days, it is soft and glued, hard in cold weather and crumbles when cut. Propolis contains vegetable resins, essential oils, and aromatic substances. Propolis is soluble in alcohol and insoluble in water.

The main components of propolis - resins, essential oils, and others - indicate that bees use vegetable raw materials for its preparation, which bring in the hive, as well as pollen, and pass propolis bees, which process it. In the process of processing, bees enrich propolis with their secret in the form of saliva. They also mix pollen, wax and a small amount of extraneous mechanical impurities with propolis.

Bees put propolis on the cracks and irregularities in the beehive to glue the frame polish the cells, to insulate the beehive, reduce the pilot hole.

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The purpose of propolis in the hive is not limited to construction purposes. All beekeepers are well aware that there is never an unpleasant smell inside the beehive, even if the beehive has uninvited guests - other insects, slug mice or even beehive that sometimes crawl into the old beehive. These uninvited guests are dealt with harshly. They kill them with their poison, and the corpses are carefully enveloped with propolis, turning them into a kind of mummy. Such immured corpses are not subject to rotten decay. How can we explain the absence of rotting processes of the corpses of animals immured in propolis? Only by the antimicrobial action of propolis, i.e. the ability to suppress the development of rotten bacteria or kill them and thus prevent rotting processes. The results of the study of the antimicrobial action of propolis were the basis for recommending the preparation of various medicinal products and ointments from it.It turned out that ointments from propolis also have an antimicrobial effect, which depends on the concentration of propolis in them. Different types of bacteria have shown different sensitivity to the action of propolis ointments, some of the more sensitive, others less sensitive.

Alcohol propolis helps - instructions for use

The alcoholic tincture of propolis helps in many diseases. This is interesting: instructions for the use of propolis tincture

Efficiency of application:

- Treatment of digestive problems - ulcers, hepatitis, pancreatitis;

- bone pathology, dental problems;

- Cardiovascular diseases,

- vector-vascular disorders;

- thrombosis, hemorrhoids, atherosclerosis, rheumatism;

- Treatment of respiratory system pathologies, including maxillary sinusitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, asthma, diphtheria, etc;

- Treatment of impotence, myoma, prostatitis, cervical erosion, mastitis, sexually transmitted infections;

- skin diseases, burns, blisters, allergies, psoriasis;

- Treatment of acute and chronic colitis.

This is not a complete list of problems that can be solved with propolis. It is usually taken by drops of 20 to 60 drops, dissolved in half a glass of warm milk, tea or water. It is necessary to drink a curative infusion always before eating.

Do not forget that beekeeping products can cause allergies. Therefore, it is necessary to start treatment with small doses.

To raise the immunity

Propolis enriches the human body with many useful vitamins and minerals, thereby strengthening the immune system. It can be eaten with honey or simply chewed, strengthening teeth. The use of propolis tincture is shown in the period of illness when the immunity is reduced.

To improve immunity:

Use propolis mixed with honey - on a teaspoon three times a day.

Drink tea or juice with a propolis tincture at the rate of 20 drops per 20 ml of liquid. An hour before the meal, twice a day.

Chew propolis an hour before a meal in small pieces.

During the treatment period, it is necessary to give up smoking and alcohol consumption.

Treatment of the stomach with propolis on alcohol

Propolis can eliminate the symptoms of many stomach problems, such as nausea, heartburn, pain. It fights gastritis and gastric and duodenal ulcer, with dysbacteriosis and meteorism, has a positive effect on the oncological lesion of the digestive organ. It is usually given three times a day a cup of warm milk with 20 percent alcohol propolis diluted in it in the amount of 60 drops. You should take 1-1.5 hours before meals 18-20 days. If necessary, the course is repeated after one or two weeks.

Strictest adherence to the dosage! Overdose can reduce appetite, reduce vitality.

Ideal for any respiratory viral infections because it destroys bacteria and viruses. It helps to cope with flu, as well as bronchitis, sinusitis, rhinitis. In addition to its antibacterial and antiviral properties, propolis also has an immunomodulatory effect. It prevents the reproduction of viruses such as herpes and hepatitis. And its use does not violate the intestinal microflora. Tincture is used orally for 20-30 drops of tea three times a day. And also rinse your mouth with inflammation, adding 10% solution of propolis in a glass of warm water 1:10.

Restoration of the cardiovascular system

Propolis helps in case of violation of blood pressure. It liquefies blood, strengthens blood vessels, promotes cell renewal, regeneration of heart muscle tissues. It is necessary to take propolis regularly, alternating monthly intake with a monthly break. The heart will become stronger, more enduring, the fragility of blood vessels will decrease, their passability will increase. The most useful to combine propolis with alcohol and honey with garlic. It is necessary to rub 200 grams of garlic on a grater, pour 200 grams of alcohol or vodka. Insist the mixture for two weeks in a dark and cool place. Then strain and add 50 grams of honey and 30 mg of 10% propolis alcohol tincture. Mix everything. Take three times a day before a meal, 25 drops each for 31 days. And then take a break for five months. Repeat the treatment.

Treatment of diabetes mellitus propolis on alcohol

In diabetes of the first and second type propolis is considered irreplaceable. In 80% of cases, it helps to forget about the disease for a long time, in 20% of cases it helps to avoid complications from diabetes. It is necessary to chew a few times a day on a small piece of propolis an hour before the meal. Chew propolis should be front teeth for a long time.

Vision problem solving

Since propolis has anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties, using it for the treatment of eyes is in two variations - in the form of droplets and alcohol tincture. As an infusion, it should be taken three times a day for 20 drops for half an hour before meals. And as drops, dissolve in water 1:10, heat on fire, strain and bury in each eye 2-3 drops. Propolis improves blood flow, cleans vessels, promotes cell regeneration. This will pass conjunctivitis, inflammation. Before application, it is necessary to address for consultation to the expert.

Improvement of the condition of hair propolis on alcohol.

Anyone, especially the fair sex is decorated with healthy shiny hair. Propolis for alcohol is especially popular among folk medicine. Propolis revitalizes damaged curls, strengthens hair follicles, prevents loss of hair. To do this, you need a 10% infusion of 1 tbsp. mix with egg yolk, pour turnip oil 1 tbsp. l., Apply to the hair thirty minutes before washing your head. If you do it twice a week, then after a month you can see a great result. Hair will become elastic and silky. Simply rub the mixture into the scalp and the hair a couple of times a week on a clean and dried or slightly damp hair. This will allow you to stop the process of hair loss, remove dandruff and promote their rapid growth.

Indications for use

Propolis tincture helps both adults and children. It is used in almost all cases - for colds, digestive disorders, nervous disorders, cardiovascular problems, skin diseases. You can drink in the form of solutions, mixing 20-60 drops of tea, water, juices, or rub into the sore spots. The duration of reception - from two weeks, and prevention - at least two to three months.

  • With otitis in the ear put tampon soaked in propolis tincture.
  • In case of skin problems, apply any ointment, which added a little propolis tincture. In pharyngitis, the substance activates the recovery process.
  • One part of the propolis extract is mixed with two parts of glycerin or peach oil. The mixture lubricates the mucous membrane once a day for 10-15 days.
  • In case of injuries, ulcers, wounds, apply an alcoholic tincture of propolis in the form of a bandage of gauze, folded in several layers.

Propolis has contraindications, they are few, but you need to know about it. The drug is harmful to those who cannot drink alcohol. But also for other people, the recovery of infusion should not last more than 2-3 weeks. If the tincture is prepared based on vodka, but not medical alcohol, the treatment can last up to two months. Besides, propolis is not uncommon to cause allergies in hypersensitive people prone to allergies.

Propolis oil: treatment and application

Bees are beautiful insects that work hard to create an amazing product that people have been using for centuries. Honey is truly unique, as it has various properties: you can use it as a pleasant additive to tea, add to various dishes, provide yourself with prevention from colds, help the sick throat.

But bees have another useful thing - bee glue, which is used to make such a tool as propolis. Propolis is usually used in the form of oil extracts. There are such varieties as propolis tincture and propolis oil. But before you apply this wonderful tool, it must be extracted.

How to use it?

If you want to extract propolis with fats, you'll be glad to know what the benefits of this method are. Firstly, you can easily do it yourself, without much effort. Second, all the ingredients you need can be found quickly. They're probably already in your kitchen. What's more, this method has another big plus - the ability to use different concentrations. And, besides all this, the product you get has a suitable form for use at home.

What is united by bees in propolis, can be a threat to your health, so you should be careful, so do not use these ingredients in their original, pristine form. Use propolis with oil that will make these bee products available and safe for you, as it also has many useful properties. It helps maintain and enhance immunity.

It also improves circulation and has a styptic effect. In addition, you can say that the oil is anti-inflammatory, anesthetic and antiviral.

What are the stomach problems that propolis oil fights against?

If your stomach is a vulnerability that is often overcome by various problems, then you can ask for help with propolis oil, which can alleviate the symptoms of intestinal disease, ulcers, gastritis, and pancreatitis. But don't forget that you need to consult with your doctor before using such a treatment, who will be able to tell you exactly whether such treatment will be effective.

It is also worth remembering that the oil should be 10-15 percent concentrated.

Propolis oil: treatment and application: there are two ways:

1. Take this kind of medicine three times a day on an empty stomach with a teaspoon.

2. On an empty stomach, take one tablespoon once a day

Respiratory and tuberculosis problems

If you have to suffer from such complex diseases as bronchitis, pneumonia, flu, colds or other various throat diseases, propolis will act as a helper and help you to cope with severe symptoms and sometimes with the causes of your problem.

You need to use the medicine on an empty stomach every day with 1 or 1.5 teaspoons three times a day.

If you have a mild form of TB, you can also use propolis oil, but it is best to use it in its natural (pure) form. But you should take into account that the treatment will not be fast. But the medicine can prevent the growth of harmful bacteria and increase your immunity. In general, the treatment will take at least 4 months. And don't forget to increase the oil concentration from 10 to 30% during the course.

Consume 1 teaspoon per day on an empty stomach. And before use, be sure to consult your doctor.

Gynecology-related diseases

Knowing how to make propolis oil in sterile conditions, you can use it as an impregnation for the necessary means of female hygiene (tampons and applicators) to apply them inside the female organ. In this case, propolis will be able to help with the treatment of thrush and stop the inflammatory process. But if your problems are more serious than those presented here, you should definitely contact a specialist (gynecologist).

The best way to use this medicine is overnight. To avoid getting burned, concentrate the solution up to 10-15% maximum. The duration of the procedure is about two weeks.

Problems with hemorrhoids

Using propolis oil as a means to fight hemorrhoids, you get an excellent medicine with anesthetic, anti-inflammatory and healing properties.

To get this effect, simply soak sterile applicators or tampons and insert them into the back aisle. Do not concentrate the medicine by more than 10%, as it can have dangerous consequences.


Modern cosmetics includes many different ingredients. In addition to honey, propolis is now used. Often you can see it in different oils. For example, it includes coconut, peach, olive, castor and sea buckthorn oils.

These products need it to create masks to help restore hair. Suitable for different skin types. Do not use them more than once a week at a concentration of 10-30%. Apply the mask itself in gentle strokes, spreading it evenly over the entire length, then keep it on the hair for 20-40 minutes, and then rinse it off.

Propolis oil will also help if you have skin problems. It will save you from all sorts of inflammation, micro-cracks and will help if your skin needs tone and recovery.

If you use the product regularly and with discipline, you will be able to restore the structure and water balance of your skin. However, for those who suffer from dry skin, this option is not suitable.

It is also worth noting that propolis oil is expensive and rarely used for massage procedures. But you can try it by preparing the solution in low concentration.

How to prepare propolis oil?

If you are interested in propolis oil, its preparation, you should know that with the help of propolis you can increase the effect of literally any of the vegetable and animal fats.

This can easily be done in your kitchen without much effort. Just heat the fat or oil to 80 degrees and dissolve the propolis in it.

How do I clean the propolis?

For your procedure to succeed, you need to spin propolis cleaning, which is done in a few steps:

1. First of all, you need to cool propolis by putting it in the fridge overnight. This is necessary to make its structures mobile and even brittle.

2. Then you have to grind the product by using a normal home grater.

3. The next step is cleaning. In order to carry out this step, you need to pour in the propolis powder obtained after the first two tests and leave it there for a few hours, then you need to get rid of unnecessary impurities.

4. After all this, you should separate the sludge and dry it to a powder state.

Now you are ready to prepare the oil.

The main way to prepare

The most important thing you need to do is to choose the most appropriate concentration of the substance. The best option is 10%.

But every rule has an exception: such concentration is not suitable for the treatment of vulnerable mucous membranes; sometimes, to avoid burns, the percentage choice should be less; for children, too, there is a special rule - no more than 5%.

If you have respiratory problems or have TB, you need to increase the concentration rate to 30%. If you use oil in cosmetology, you need to raise it up to 10-30%.

Describing the process of preparation, it should be noted what steps you need to take:

1. Find enameled dishes in your kitchen to use them to create a water bath, which will be needed to melt down the purified propolis. The temperature should be less than 80 degrees Celsius.

2. Then, without stopping the previous procedure, add the oil base to the heated liquid.

Remember to stir up everything you heat in a water bath to get a homogeneous mass.

Leave everything in this condition for half an hour, do not change the temperature, and mix your mass at all times.

5. Filter the result with gauze.

6. Pour the product into a jar and store in a refrigerator.

How do I choose the oil for the base?

In most cases, natural oil without any impurities is used. That is, mostly olive or sunflower (refined) oils are selected, which can be easily found in stores, and they are also good and convenient to use.

In addition, the finished product (propolis oil) will give the owners the opportunity to use the oil as a mask, compressor, application, etc. Moreover, it can be used inside.

Creamy also will be an excellent basis, as it is excellent for helping with sore throat, softens coughing, increases immunity and improves the cure of stomach diseases. However, as a means used as an external one, the oil has not many properties. It saves joint pain, rashes, and skin damage.

In addition, you can use sea buckthorn oil, based on which propolis oil can help people who suffer from ulcers or internal inflammation. There is also a variant of thistle, which makes propolis assistant in poisoning and gynecological problems. Peach and coconut oils are best suited to play a role in cosmetics, creating unique masks and other products.

Linseed oil will fit perfectly in case of problems with joints, rheumatism, arthrosis, etc. Propolis oil, made on its basis, is used, grinding it or creating various compresses. If you can not decide on the basis, you can read the advice and feedback of people experienced in the case.

Propolis oil: application for children from colds is also possible. Remember to consult your doctor, choose the right concentration and check for allergies.