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6 original reasons to learn to knit


1 New functional MOP

2 Protectors for tableware

3 Easy baskets

4 Home shoes

5 Original key chains

6 for cat ladies and their Pets

I collected especially unusual reasons to want to learn how to knit right now!

New functional MOP

You can always tie the cover for a MOP, and very high quality and functional! Fit in such beauty of plush yarn that is easily washable and perfectly absorbs water. Only need to associate a rectangle with a length of 27 cm by 20 cm and Then sew it on the sides of the length, and then a 2 cm stitch on width. The fit case for mops columns with nakida or the connecting bars, depending on the desired density of the cover.

Protectors for tableware

What is it? These are special circles to protect dishes from scratches and rust. Such protectors perfectly absorb excess moisture, preventing the formation of rust after use or washing. They are also convenient for storing dishes, as they prevent friction between each vessel. For this tread suitable cotton yarn. Dial the ring of 6-8 loops (depending on the initial diameter) and tie the columns with the Cape.

For best effect from the tread, I recommend knitting them with the convex columns.

Convenient baskets

Not enough space in the apartment? All cluttered, and nowhere to put things? No problem! It is possible to connect simple baskets in which it is convenient to store the most various things.

In addition, these baskets can be used for Laundry. They are made in three stages:

First knit the bottom on the basis of the round amigurumi connective and banded columns; Then knit a continuous fabric wall art. with nakida and sewn to the bottom; Tie the handles of the same yarn or sew the cut pieces of the old belts. By the way, if you want, you can not tie the baskets, but such a blanket with built-in pockets, which are convenient to store everything at hand. Fit first solid fabric, then the edge is bent and sewn along the lines necessary for the pockets.

The pattern you choose to knit any brand!

Home shoes

You can always tie comfortable home sleepers. Especially if there are problems with the legs. On top of this Shoe replaces Slippers and socks at the same time and is suitable for almost any size. You can link them in different patterns to decorate a new decor, make a colorful, in General, show imagination to the full!

Original keychains

Once you learn to knit, it will be impossible to stop. An example of this is constantly coming ideas for knitting from needlewomen from around the world. Knitting toys is not so interesting for everyone. Another thing — knitting trinkets. Hearts and flowers are no longer relevant. And keychains can be made very different and unusual. The weirder the better, so to speak.

For cat ladies and their Pets

You can tie here such a wonderful couch. The inflated edges-an alternative to the high walls of the boxes, which is so like to climb cats. Knit a piece like this the best rice viscous (one of the connecting bars). And between the paintings, you can put unnecessary cloth for softness. Pet will certainly appreciate the care of the owners)

String bag

First, this type of bags is trending. Second, because of the plastic bag laws.

Third, I am also concerned about the environment. As a result, I found an interesting knitted handbag on the Internet. Not quite a string bag, but, too, very even nothing. And I was sure it would be cool, but it didn't work out at all. Oh, if only I had noticed the size at once!

Picking up the diagram, sat down to knit a circle. Circle fit simple columns with a Cape. Instead of the usual initial round of strapping — made circle for amigurumi.

According to the scheme, there had to purl 8 rows. And I, foolishly, so much and made. Pulled in different directions and thought that the bottom of the day will come. In the end, I decided that the harness will be stretched. Ie gradually goes on increasing the number of columns in the rows and the pattern will gradually expand. I've never been so wrong.

Strapping, of course, looks very cool. In spite of the fact that I chose a thread more for knitting under a string bag, on such pattern too not bad looked.

But it was steady, not widening. I had to figure out how much it would take. According to a calculations-a bottle of vegetable oil and one loaf + / - some vegetables in small quantities. In General, not option. But I did not give up and knit another row.

In General, string bags from this pattern not ' from words "quite." A simple summer handbag, too. In this fit well, wallet, comb, package (Yes, the same plastic) and can be a bottle of perfume. Not practical, though beautiful. Hoping for the best I sample even ironed, but again — to no avail. I had to give it up. But instead of dismissing fully, I dissolved the binding only to the ground. What? It can be besylate, to do bigger and finally OK to tie the bag.

I'm not giving up. This is a science for the future, even if you get a miniature product.

Still not thinking about learning how to knit?)