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Изгой-один: Звёздные Войны. Истории (2016). Концепт-арт и матте пейнтинг


Концепт-арт Джин Эрсо и K-2SO; Со Герерры; K-2SO; матте пейнтинг Джеды, Скарифа; зданий для города Джеды; ангара для TIE-истребителей; Звезда смерти.

Вообщем много разного, любопытного и вкусного.

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, 2016. Concept Art by

Автор: Aaron McBride - instagram
Галерея автора: aaronmcbride.artstation.com

Early K2SO and Jyn Erso Concept Rogue One: A Star Wars Story 2016


Saw Gerrera sitting on Throne Concept


Early K2SO concept for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, 2016. Concept Art by

Автор: Tyler Scarlet
Галерея автора: tylerscarlet.artstation.com

Rogue One, K2SO Damaged State

My approved concepts for the final damaged state of K2SO in Rogue One.
Mocap was already done and it was my job to break down where he got hit and brainstorm with the leads, animation supervisors, and texture artists to work it all out. It was really fun to work on!
Poooor K2SO.. : (
ILM Art Department
Rogue One 2016 © Lucasfilm

Rogue One, Scarif Tree Creature

This is a creature I designed for Rogue One's Scarif planet. This creature ended up getting cut from the film but was fun to work on. This image is specifically a sheet exploring different color patterns for the creature.

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, 2016. Matte painting by

Автор: Jaime Jasso
Галерея автора: jaime.artstation.com

Rogue One work

I was part of the Generalist / Matte painting Department at ILM.
From concept art to 3D modeling lighting and rendering / scene assembly some of the coolest shots in the film, worked along some of the most talented artist in the industry and under the awesome guide of John knoll!

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, 2016. Matte painting by

Автор: Jaime Jasso
Галерея автора: jaime.artstation.com

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story


Rogue One - Jedha Outpost

3d environment that you can see for a brief second in Rogue One as it gets wiped out when the Rebels are escaping from Jedha. Based on Yannick Dusseault's original concept. Sometimes we referred to it as space-camel trading outpost Kudos to all the talented people at ILM (Steve Ellis and all the Gen departement! Destruction effects: Koen Hofmeester)
(c) Lucasfilm, ILM

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, 2016. Concept Art by

Автор: Stephen Zavala
Галерея автора: alpha-step.artstation.com
City layout done by DMS and the Layout Department at ILM
City layout done by DMS and the Layout Department at ILM
Final frame (overview)
Final frame (overview)

Jedha Buildings

Had the chance to design a big chunk of Jedha city. Some were to be a little more prominent so we played with the sphere motif for these and others were just used as filler (so more basic shapes were ok for these). We mostly referenced Moroccan architecture for some of these. Fun little sketches. 
Art Director: Yanick Dusseault 
Developed at the ILM Art Department 
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story 2016 © Lucasfilm


Eadu Imperial Hangar

Imperial hangar where TIEs go after the Rebels on the storm planet Eadu. We heavily added elements from the old McQuarrie hangar as well as some elements from Ep. IV. We wanted to have a more elaborate and longer sequence where we saw the pilots getting into their TIEs, unfortunately because of time constraints we couldn't develop it any further.
Art Director: Yanick Dusseault
Developed at the ILM Art Department
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story 2016 © Lucasfilm

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, 2016. Concept Art by

Автор: Christopher Lee Zammit
Галерея автора: strangeoctopus.artstation.com
The Array being installed called for a separate version of the model.
The Array being installed called for a separate version of the model.
Here’s an idea of the detail involved with this beast of an asset.
Here’s an idea of the detail involved with this beast of an asset.
the  trench is the most detailed part of the asset, but the rest of it  was  also incredibly heavy and often had to be optimized and organized  for  rendering.
the trench is the most detailed part of the asset, but the rest of it was also incredibly heavy and often had to be optimized and organized for rendering.

Death Star for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

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