Language learning is not for the weak. Whether you’re learning one, two or even three languages simultaneously — you’re in for the long haul. That’s because there’s never really an end to learning a language. Unlike reading a book or completing an assignment for a Law course, learning a language is a lifelong quest. There are always new words, new phrases and and more grammar for you to ingest.
As someone who lives and breathes languages, I had never tried successfully to learn two languages at once. It’s just too complicated, I thought. Surely they would mix around in my head and make it so I learned neither.
Well… I wasn’t wrong.
If learning one language is complicated, learning two has been much more difficult that I anticipated, which is what makes it that much more fun. Learning a language is akin to solving a puzzle. First you figure out what one word or letter means. Then you move up to sentences. Then paragraphs. Each time you ‘level up’ — it gains more complexity. That’s why if you’re going to learn two languages, you must be motivated.
Find out what motivates you. Find your why.
One of my favorite yoga teachers always asks at the beginning of a yoga class: What’s your why? Why are you here today? What is motivating you to practice? That mindset is just as valid when you’re learning two languages. If you’re going to dedicate yourself to something so intense, you need to know exactly why you’re doing it.
I’ll give you an example. For me, an American living in the Netherlands, I find it extremely important to learn Dutch. Even though English is spoken practically everywhere, I believe that learning Dutch is one way that I can further appreciate and assimilate into Dutch society. Also, getting a permanent residency permit requires one to speak Dutch. Great.
But… my studies and my research work all focuses on Russia. While I can use Google Translate, it again feels as though I can’t really get a window into this culture without speaking Russian. So here is Language #1 and Language #2. My why is simple. I want to learn Dutch to assimilate and I want to learn Russian to actually understand the culture and people I claim to be a growing expert on.
If you start learning two language without these kinds of reasons that will keep driving you to come back again and again, how can you expect yourself to show up?
Dedicate a specific amount of time to each language.
That brings me to my second point. Structure. Structure. Structure. Don’t just write ‘learn languages’ in your daily to-do list. Decide that you will spend one hour on one language and one hour on another. Or decide something different. But structure the way that you learn each language. Find different strategies that work for each. By building discipline into the way you learn, you will make it easier to distinguish between the two languages and learn both effectively.
Play to your strengths.
How do you learn best? Do you like to learn from books or are you a class-driven individual? It’s different for each of us. Figure out what motivates you to learn? Do you love to memorize words and test yourself using flashcards? Try Quizlet or get some old-fashioned flashcards. Maybe you prefer the in-person model? Sign up for night classes at your local community college. Find a language cafe or a private tutor.
There are so many different ways to learn a language and depending on your goals, you easily figure out what’s best for you. I’ll give you an example. When I was in college, I wanted to learn Russian and decided that I preferred learning how to speak it rather than learning any grammar. That path and goal led me to seeking out a private tutor. She and I met once a week at Panera Bread to study Russian.
Fast-forward four years and I’m back to learning Russian. This time, however, my goals are different. I want to gain full professional proficiency in it rather than simply learning how to speak it. That led me to enroll in courses at a language school alongside online self-study. Because my strengths and what I enjoy learning in a language is different now than it was then. I’m more willing to take time at home to practice writing and memorize texts than I was in the past.
For two languages, the pattern is much the same. Figure out what strategies work best for you. Each morning, I write a Dutch diary because for some reason, that works significantly easier for me than the way in which I study Russian. Keeping those two languages separate by the way I learn has been enormously helpful in distinguishing between them.
Prepare to deal with setbacks.
No matter how talented you are, you will have to deal with setbacks. Maybe you are struggling with one aspect of pronunciation. Perhaps you can’t wrap your mind around speaking out loud because you’re too worried about messing up. Whether it’s two or one language, you will have to find a way of addressing these concerns.
But if you’re motivated and have your why, learning a language is no different than going to the gym or setting any new habit. You just have to find that commitment, stick with it and float on.