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General instruction

Every person’s body is different! And body needs are also different. Everyone have different issues and pollution level in their organism. We need to learn our body a bit in order to get best results. We need to become our own healer. Don’t worry it is not very difficult!

That’s why suggest to start taking half plum at the time. And start to study how your body reacts If after 6-8 hours no big reaction or WC activities then next time take one full plum. If this amount is too much and you are visiting WC more than 5 times then per day then reduce the amount to ¼ plum or eat every second day. But important is to eat (aim is to eat every day, during the time of purification))! Because this plum is very powerful support to our liver and digestion system to work properly! Better to eat plums morning or evening with yogurt or kefir. And drink plenty of warm water, because we need to help body to wash out all bad stuff!! Eat so many plums per day so that you can reach our aim which is to reach going to WC for big activities at least 2-3 per day. This is one indicator that the process is in top level. We also want you to feel good in your everyday life and not just sit in toilet. 

If you want to help yourself faster, better and deeper you have to exercise every day, get fresh air and learn how to breeze properly, drink plenty of warm water and also learn how to drink water, need to have a good rest, learn how to meditate ( very powerful practice), give up bad habits, like smoking, drinking etc. But most important you need to get much better diet and learn how to eat properly. All this will give you unbelievable effect for your health and happiness.

When you start to eat plums there will be some changes, like pain, rashes, urine and fecal will change color, smell, consistency, sometimes headaches, nausea etc. this all are natural experiences in this process. Don’t worry.


Let’s see how to use the plums if you have:

Constipation, digestion issues

Start with half plums. See the reaction after 6-8, Result usually comes in few days. Continue eating plume at least one month in order to get more stable results. This is digestion and intestine microflora issue. It means you need to adjust your diet and other thing to support proper digestion and proper bacteria balance in your gut! 

Lack of energy

Start with half plums. See the general instructions. You will see the results in within one week. Energy production is connected to enzyme work and metabolism. In order to get better result we need to support digestion and cleanse our body from different toxins in order to energy production to function better. All fuel for energy come from what we eat! So we need obviously to organize nest diet possible. By exercising every day we train our body and energy production to function better! Thant means … EXERCISE and you get more energy! In order to get more instant effect need to eat plums 1-2 month.

Younger look, younger skin

Start as general instruction says. This issues is directly connected to digestion, metabolism and toxins and waste elimination. Because skin is a living organ! It needs nutrition’s to be healthy and renew itself constantly! Need a good diet, exercise, rest for that. Here plums can help tremendously. But it will take time to achieve it! At least 3-4 month. Because long time we did not cleanse our body from all waste. Some of it pile up under the skin! Need to be removed in order to skin cells function properly. Also a lot of stress and bad diet and digestion made their contribution to our bad, old look. Good thing is that body cells are always renewing themselves. That means if we start today and eat plums seriously and change our diet, help digestion exercise, sleep. then with all this help and especially with plums you will look young again very soon! Call to our experts and get nice advice how to do it most effectively and short way.

Skin problems, eczema, psoriasis etc

Start as general instruction says. This issues are autoimmune issues. Connected to digestion, bad gut (toxic elements are produced) flora and immune system imbalance. Again Plum can greatly help here with combination of good diet, digestionsupport and exercise.. Because when good digestion and elimination of waste is again working then the unhealthy condition disappears naturally. Because the cleansing of all the bad stuff and restoring the digestion properly takes time this process make take some time. About 2-3 month. But some results may appear even before. Call to our hotline and get expert opinion

Arthritis pain

Same autoimmune disorder symptom as skin problems.

Alcohol drinking

Plums are really great help here in order to reduce poison damage to liver and all body as well as reducing drinking bad effects on next day. Because alcohol is considered poison and plum is especially made for eliminating all toxins and poisons from body! This includes hangover and bad smell from mouth. You can easily go to work next day and be much better health wise. You will be more productive in your activities.

Traveling, flights, jetlag, bad eating etc.

See general instruction. Because here body must adjust quickly to new situation and still perform all the functions properly in order to be as healthy as possible it needs a great deal of support! Plums are very good for that because plums help digestion, enzyme work, elimination of bad stuff and blood circulation! In this way by the help body can quicker adjust to new situation. So the reaction of this new circumstances will be much less!

Headaches, foggy brain, dull brain, feeling heavy

See general instr. This issues again are connected to bad digestion, bad gut flora and toxin accumulation. This is an issue of our body misbalance! Plums again coming with great help here! But remember. In order to get really good affects, you NEED TO HAVE A GOOD DIET FIRST!!!! Then need to also support digestion with plums together and help body to get rid of waste and help body to restore healthy balance!!! This can be done with good guidance and knowledge. For immediate relief you may need some extra effort but with plums you can build up body good health and stable balance so that you will be more protected from acquiring headaches. That means by eating plums you will be stronger to withstand viruses, bacteria, stress and even bad food. Please call us….

Sleep problems, rest issues

See general. Connected to mental issues, stress, unbalanced gut microflora and toxin accumulation. Same thing as with headaches. This is very important stage in our life. We need to help ourselves to have a good rest! Because only during SLEEP our body really recovers!!! So please eat plums every day!!! And find some other important detail how to get good rest! Restore good gut microflora by good diet, exercise. Call us for important tips.!!!!


Yes. This is exactly the product you need!!!!! Eat every day. Malaise results and signals us that the body is trying to get rid of toxins and needs help to help itself. Our first aid to the body is to relieve it from the burden of waste and toxic substances so that its regulatory self-healing mechanisms can function again. Go to wc 2-3 times, eat properly, sleep, exercise and all will be good!

High blood pressure, sugar, blood quality, blood clots, blood vessel issues

See general. Plum is wonderful help here. This issues areconnected to liver work, toxin accumulation, digestion and gut flora. Again the same things need to do. Diet, …..EAT PLUMS DAYLY!!!

Getting sick too much, Immune system

See general. This is very much connected again to gut flora!!! Because immune system and gut microflora are directly connected and 70-80% of immune system cells are situated in GUT!!!! They influence each other!!! So if immune system is down then we are very much open to different diseases and viruses and bad bacteria!!!! Gut microflora directly depends on what we eat and how we digest!!! I think you already understand why the PLUMS here are very significant every day support we need!!! Because we cannot all the time eat good food or help our digestion by ourselves! BUT GOOD HEALTH NEED GOOD FOOD AND DIGESTION! Without this will get sick!!! That’s why we created the plums to help us in everyday life!!!!!

Important for everyone to know!

Health is when all our body is working in balance. 

As you probably see most of this issues we discussed above is directly connected to diet, digestion, gut flora and toxins…. That’s why you can do next following thins many issues will just disappear because root cause will be removed!!!

All necessary nutrition comes from DIET!!! If you cannot eat good food then you cannot be healthy! Proper diet with proper digestion works as medicine!!!

Just remember that good diet + good digestion creates good elements (necessary for real health) and when absorbed by body good health arises! And bad food and bad digestion creates bad elements (toxic elements) and when absorbed by body this are main cause of diseases!!!

Even if you manage to treat your diseases but will not change the diet and continue with bad one then the effect will not be permanent because the body will continue producing bad or toxics elements (out of bad food and bad digestion!) what will force you be sick again!

If our body absorb what is nicely digested this brings health. If improper digestion and then elements are absorbed it bring toxins accumulation and diseases!!! 

For good health we also need good water and learn how to drink, good air and how to breeze!

Exercise every day at least 20-30 min is important for good health!!!

Only during sleep our body recovers and helps to get rid of toxins. 

How we eat is as important as what we eat

Eating when we're stressed is a double whammy. It leads us to choose unhealthy snacks, what we call 'comfort food.' Then we consume these high fat/high sugar foods with a good dose of our internally produced stress hormones, cortisol. This cocktail of comfort food with stress hormones may lead to inflammatory responses and belly fat. Emotional stress alone, when intense, can create spikes of inflammation, and when chronic it can create oxidative stress. 

So please eat plums for your own health benefit! And now you can see that if you eat plums and have good diet-digestion and rest and exercise many problems can be solved at the same time. Even if you don’t know them jet!

Be healthy and happy!!!

Arkadi Kruglov