Gravity is an accelerating stream of ether, and after its formation within a sufficiently large body, the stream becomes self-sustained, constantly producing matter and energy until the moment of self-destruction.
But how does the process of gravity begin? One possible mechanism for starting gravity is the collision of two sufficiently large celestial bodies having sufficiently large relative velocities. Very high pressures and accelerations of the ether that occur during the collision can create conditions for the formation of matter — and the gravitational reactor will begin to work.
In favor of this scenario, is the discovery of mascons (mass concentrations) on the moon, and especially the fact that mascons tend to coincide with impact craters and also have a higher temperature compared to the surrounding surface. It is likely that the mascons are relatively new gravitational reactors formed as a result of the collision of the moon with asteroids.
The map of lunar gravity below is interesting because the acceleration of gravity above all craters is greater than over the surrounding surface. That is, any collision with the Moon sufficiently large asteroids leads to increased gravity in the area of the impact crater. On the example of the Moon we can see how the early gravitational complex is growing. Even relatively small impacts are always superimposed on the background gravitational level and enhance it in this place. Once the planet grows to a sufficiently large size, all these new additions are not so noticeable. And completely invisible on larger planets and stars.
— The outer layer corresponds to the planetary crust and the upper part of the mantle.
— Transform layer corresponds to the lower mantle and the outer core.
— The core corresponds to the solid core of the planet.
The process of creating a substance from the vortex of ether is accompanied by the release of energy, and is a source of internal energy of planets and stars. This energy heats and melts the substance of the transformation layer, providing conditions for independent movement of the core with viscous friction relative to the surrounding layers.
The newly created substance is added to the material of the Earth – and the Earth increases in size.
There is a lot of evidence of the growth of the Earth and the increase in gravity. Those interested can find numerous materials and studies on this topic.
The growth of the Earth is the cause of continental drift and the constant recreation of mineral resources such as water, atmospheric gases and especially hydrogen. Hydrogen and helium are constantly released from the innermost parts of the Earth and then evaporate into space, forming a helium-hydrogen plume (the exosphere).
The gravity on the planet’s surface increases as it grows.
On ancient Earth, gravity was much smaller than it is today. Because of this, it was possible the existence of such giant animals as dinosaurs.
The rise of gravity has led to the extinction of large birds that existed in the past. Other large birds have lost the ability to fly in an ever-increasing acceleration of free fall.
All three layers of the Earth and other planets grow, but the relative sizes of the layers also change with the size of the planets. The larger the planet becomes, the greater the share of the nucleus in it, since the ether reaches a critical acceleration at a relatively lower depth. Large stars should have nuclei almost equal to their outer size and relatively thin outer layers with gravity that produce energy and matter.
The transformation of the ether into a substance is accompanied by the release of energy released at a sharp stop of the ether flow, moving before with approximately the first cosmic speed. The increase in the size of the transforming layer leads to an increase in the volume of the absorbed ether and, accordingly, the released energy.
The relative thinning of the outer layer with increasing size and energy release leads to an accelerated increase in temperature on the surface of the planets. That is, there is a natural relationship between the size of the planet and its temperature. The larger the planet, the hotter its surface.
Here we discuss only the physical effects occurring on planets in their evolution, without being distracted by their effects on biological and social systems. Talk about the prospects for life on Earth is put in a separate section at the end of this work.
The larger the planet grows, the greater part of the energy and matter, which released in the process of gravity is thrown into the surrounding space. The ultimate situation, when a star ceases to grow, but continues to produce light and matter and all created matter is completely thrown into the surrounding space, is considered in the section devoted to galaxies and their nuclei.
And in the case of a relatively young star, like our Sun, the new matter created by gravity partially remains on the star, contributing to its growth, and partially is carried away into the surrounding space, forming the so-called solar wind.
Another additional process that helps to remove heat and shift the balance towards the stabilization of the substance, despite the extremely hot surrounding layers. These are endothermic reactions of nuclear fusion of heavy elements from light elements.
Thus, a side effect of the cooling process is the creation of an abundance of mineral resources.
So gravity provides not only energy, but also matter from the lightest to the heaviest elements. Simultaneously, gravity provides the location (surface and space) to stay alive, and mineral objects.
Later, in the section devoted to heat, we will consider one more important function of heat generated by gravity. This property of heat, without which it is impossible to form real bodies, is still outside the scope of view of official science.
So, everything that we see around us: the Sun emitting light and the solar system rotating around it, the whole material universe – are the fruits of the process of gravity, that is, the transformation of the ether into matter.It is obvious that the gas giants occupy an intermediate position between the planets of the earth type and the stars, having larger than the Earth size, temperature and denser atmosphere.
As a result of further growth, in the future Jupiter will become a brown dwarf, then red, and the solar system will have a double star.
Due to the fact that the maximum limit of the level of gravity (acceleration of the ether) is reached as soon as the star grows to the ignition point and begins to emit light, the star also reaches close to the maximum level of gravity on its surface. Therefore, the magnitude of gravity on the surfaces of all stars should not differ too significantly. It is also possible to estimate the maximum possible level of gravity – it should be close to the level of gravity at a depth close to the earth’s core.
There is also the reverse side of the process of constant creation of a substance from the condensing ether. The density of the ether around the stars gradually decreases, thus changing the properties of space and physical constants, such as the speed of light.
Those interested can find studies on the phenomenon of a gradual decrease in the speed of light detected in the analysis of historical data and the results of measurements made at different times.
Gradually, the parameters of space change to such an extent that the substance ceases to be stable, or to such a level that gravity can not compensate for the internal pressure of the star. As a result, the star breaks apart, releasing previously bound partially free ether and partially forming a plurality of small parts, the building blocks of future planets and stars; and giving the beginning of a new cycle of the endless process of transformation of Ether.
Universal gravitation, as the property of any body to attract other real bodies, does not exist. Material masses by themselves do not cause attraction. Small celestial bodies (such as asteroids or small satellites) do not have their own gravity. There is a lot of evidence for this, for example, futile attempts to put satellites into orbit around asteroids and unsuccessful attempts to land spacecraft on a comet.
Gravity is an accelerating stream of ether, and after its formation within a sufficiently large body, the stream becomes self-sustained, constantly producing matter and energy until the moment of self-decay.
But how does the process of gravity begin? One possible mechanism for starting gravity is the collision of two sufficiently large celestial bodies with sufficiently large relative velocities. Very high pressures and accelerations of the ether that occur during the collision can create conditions for the formation of matter — and the gravitational reactor will begin to work.
In favor of this scenario, the discovery of mascoons (mass concentrations) on the moon, and especially the fact that mascoons tend to coincide with impact craters and have a higher temperature compared to the surrounding surface. It is likely that the maskons are relatively recent gravitational reactors formed as a result of the collision of the moon with asteroids.
The map of lunar gravity below is interesting because the acceleration of gravity over all craters is greater than over the surrounding surface. That is, any collision with the Moon sufficiently large asteroids leads to increased gravity in the area of the impact crater. On the example of the Moon we can see the growing of not yet formed, early gravitational complex. Even relatively small impacts are always superimposed on the background gravitational ability of the absorption of ether and enhance it in this place. Once the planet grows to a sufficiently large size, all these new additions are not so noticeable. And completely concealed on even larger planets and stars.
On this map, the whole history of the moon is in plain sight: it is clear that the Moon is growing and its total gravitational capability grows also.
For comparison, the gravitational map of Mars, which has about twice the diameter of the Moon. The map of the Moon has about twice better resolution of gravity acceleration than the map of Mars, but nevertheless a comparison of the general features of gravity is possible. The gravity of Mars is smoother, despite numerous craters on its surface. This suggests that the local gravitational regions, which are typical for the Moon, merged into a common gravitational layer in the case of Mars. Although some craters (mascons) still observable on almost uniform gravitational background.
If we go further along the evolutionary ladder, then on the gravitational map of the Earth, which in turn is twice the diameter of Mars, such significant variations in the acceleration of gravity are no longer observed. That is, on Earth all former mascons that occurred in their time, are absorbed by planet’s uniform gravitational layer. The gravitational map of the Earth is not given, because if it is presented in a resolution for the acceleration of gravity comparable to the above maps of the Moon and Mars, this map will be almost homogeneous (monochrome). The maximum difference in the acceleration of gravity at different points of the Earth’s surface is 0.005 m/sec2. For comparison, on Mars this difference is 0.06 m/sec2, which is 11 times more than on Earth, and this is for average Mars gravity, which is 2.6 times smaller than the Earth gravity.
All these arguments serve a single purpose – to show that there are evidences of the embryonic gravity in small celestial bodies and it is possible to detect evolutionary chain of changes in the planets, which is confirming our hypothesis.
There is a certain minimum size of celestial bodies, allowing them to have their own gravity. If the body is smaller than some critical size, then even in the event of a collision triggering the gravitational process, the gravity process will stall, since self-sustaining ether condensation requires a pressure difference between the reactor and the free ether (that is, isolation from the external ether, that isolation is most easily provided by a layer of substance).
If rotating celestial bodies do not possess gravity, they experience centrifugal forces as they rotate relative to the surrounding ether.
General considerations on the application of the Law of Mechanics to the Solar System
Let’s consider the consequence of the Law of Mechanics:“If the body is free, it is accelerated together with the ether without any inertia (or internal stresses). There is no stress inside the free body during any acceleration, change of direction, or sudden stop of the ether carrying the body.” In other words, free bodies move at the speed of the ether surrounding them, following to any of ether’s acceleration “without feeling” these accelerations.
From the point of view of the body — ether (space) are motionless, and no experiment within this body or near the body can detect motion caused by the surrounding ether.
The solar system as a whole and all its components are free to move in space. The ether in which the solar system is located moves under the influence of some “external” source of gravity (the absorber of the ether), and this aether carries all the bodies of the solar system in the same way. Solar gravity does not pull the planets with it, there is no need for that, as well as the planets do not need to pull their satellites with them in this “galactic” component of the solar system movement. The role of solar gravity is only in ensuring the orbital motion of all bodies of the solar system around the Sun.
Similarly, there is no need for Earth gravity to carry the Moon in its path around the sun. Solar gravity (the acceleration of the ether caused by the Sun) moves all bodies (located at the same distance from the Sun) with the same acceleration and speed around the Sun. In other words – solar gravity causes the same acceleration around the Sun for the Earth and the Moon (at this stage we do not take into account the difference in acceleration caused by the movement of the Earth-Moon system). The role of Earth’s gravity is only to ensure the orbital motion of the Moon and other satellites.
This sequence does not continue indefinitely. The Moon is the last object to have gravity, a weak, imperfect shape, but still Gravity.
The small bodies of the solar system do not produce gravity. Small bodies are only passive participants of gravitational interactions. They get attracted, but they cannot attract others. They do not have gravitational sources – ether transforming reactors.
It is necessary to repeat – bodies less than a certain critical size do not absorb aether.
Going back to the Earth: since the Earth is a free body, it repeats all the movements, and the acceleration of the ether in which it is located. The accelerations caused by the galactic and solar component of ether motion have a very small gradient throughout the Earth, making them almost undetectable; the Michelson – Morley experiment showed this very well.
But there are accelerations that are easier to detect – accelerations that have a significant gradient throughout the earth’s dimensions. Acceleration of the ether occurring on the Earth and caused the Earth, fall into this category. As we mentioned earlier, Earth gravity is the cause of the orbital motion of Earth’s satellites, and we will consider the application of the Law of Mechanics to this very important topic in a separate section.