Здравствуйте. Мы с вами составляли текст о себе и своем доме. Можно посмотреть тут и тут. Давайте сегодня поговорим о предпочтениях в еде. Возможно, прилагаемые картинки вам помогут освоить новые слова и составить маленький рассказ о том, что вы любите на завтрак, обед и ужин.
Do you like to eat at home? May be you prefer a quick snack with some fast food, such as pizza, fries, hamburgers and so on? Look at the picture and say what dishes you see.
Look at the picture and say what food you see...
Choose right :
- Tomato
- Hamburger
- Onion
- Vegetables
- Bread
- Spaghetti
... And what is unnecessary in the list above?
As for me I'd prefer home cooking - some different dishes from meat, casserole, omelet. For Breakfast I like green tea with a cake or chocolate. For lunch it's rather suitable to eat pancakes with a glass of milk or juice. And during the day I love snacking by apple, banana or pear. And what about you? What do you like to eat for Breakfast lunch and dinner? Try to say about your taste preferences using pictures
Using pictures and words try to compose a story about your own food preferences. Write down it.