The formulation of the Law of Mechanics consists of two parts:
1) The Ether which is accelerating relative to the bodies, has a mechanical effect on the bodies proportional to the magnitude of this acceleration.
The validity of this statement is confirmed by our daily experience.
When the speed changes, we are always affected by the force in the direction opposite to our acceleration.
We call this phenomenon inertia, without thinking about its origin and mechanism, “we were taught…”
Indeed, the inertia of thinking prevents us from seeing the obvious: the force of inertia is applied and acts from the space, and it occurs when acceleration of space through the body occurs.
2) The ether has a braking effect on the body moving in it, the braking force is proportional to the speed of movement.
Analysis of the motion of the planets in the solar system, leads to the assertion that they all move under the influence of space, making a rotational motion around the Sun. The mechanism of formation of this vortex is considered in the section of this work devoted to gravity.
In short: the gravitational vortex consists of two symmetrical vortices converging in the plane of the solar equator. Any material body that is close enough to the sun or another planet is captured by these vortices and moves in closed orbits gradually shifting to the plane of the equator. Saturn’s rings show the result of this mechanism with all the clarity.
Any material body gradually slows down in space and, after sufficient time stops, and will be at rest relative to space. The planets of the solar system are almost at complete rest relative to the space that surrounds them. This movement of space with planets resting in it we observe in space.
Today’s situation is comparable to that of the middle ages, when the claims of the Earth’s orbit around the Sun seemed to be utter nonsense to all sane people who saw perfectly well that the Sun revolves around the Earth.
Curiously, but Ptolemy was close to the truth when he claimed that the celestial spheres moved the luminaries. Here it is, the irony of the spiral of knowledge.
I do not think that there is a need to illustrate the mechanism of inertia, it seems that it is so obvious, and that such illustrations can sometimes only confuse, if one can imagine, that the stationary ether (the space) is accelerating through you and tries to pull you out from the seat of the car during sudden braking.
Consequences arising from the Law of Mechanics:
First consequence: the body at rest relative to the ether does not experience any effects.
The first consequence partly coincides with Newton’s first law.
But, the first consequence is not applicable to bodies moving relative to ether. This is the difference between the Law of Mechanics and Newton’s first law, which does not distinguish between resting and uniformly and rectilinearly moving bodies.
A small comment on the Law of Mechanics, for better understanding.
The law of Mechanics can be reduced to the statement that the ether (space) has viscosity.
The law itself can be divided into two parts: the first relates to accelerations, and the second to velocities.
The first part of the Law of Mechanics, which can be called the Law of Acceleration, says that the viscosity of the ether increases sharply with changes in velocities relative to the ether, this viscosity is proportional to the magnitude of the change in the velocity of bodies relative to the ether. This viscosity can be called the dynamic viscosity of the ether. (The term dynamic viscosity is already used in relation to a completely different phenomenon, but we have no choice, and despite this fact, it is still used here because of the good correspondence to our subject.)
The second part of the Law of Mechanics, which can be called the Law of Velocities, declares that the viscosity of the ether is vanishingly small at low speeds and increases with the growth of the speed of the body relative to the ether. This viscosity can be called the kinematic viscosity of the ether.
Kinematic viscosity is extremely low at the speeds with which we usually deal (viscosity of the order of 10 to minus the fortieth degree per unit body weight). The action of the Law of Velocities begins to manifest itself noticeably on cosmic scales, long time periods and high speeds. Therefore, we will talk about the kinematic viscosity of the ether in the sections devoted to cosmology, optics and electricity.
But when considering most mechanical phenomena, we will assume Zero interaction between the ether and a body moving uniformly in it.
Second consequence of the Law of Mechanics is also superficially similar to Newton’s second law: inertia is the force that a body experiences when its speed changes under the influence of another body.
The second consequence is quite obvious :the force applied by ether to the body is always opposite in the direction of acceleration of the body.
Force applied to the body, coincides with the direction of the ether flow and is equal to the product of the acceleration of the ether relative to the body by weight. Thus, we have: F = ma
But, the law of Mechanics states that in the interaction of bodies, the real force is the force of inertia, and it is directed opposite to the force described by Newton.
Thus, Inertia is the acceleration of the ether through the body. Whenever there is a change in the flow of ether through the body , a force of inertia is applied to the body.
The main difference from Newton’s law is the source of power – in our interpretation the source of power is the Ether, with respect to which the body is accelerated. The role of the second body is only auxiliary, the second body is not a source of force, but only becomes the object of the force of inertia as a result of contact with the first body accelerated relative to the ether.
Hence, one would think, naturally follows Newton’s third law: the force of action is equal to the force of counteraction, since both bodies experience the force from the ether as a result of mutual accelerations.
But, according to the Law of Mechanics, the situation F = –F , when two equal forces are directed in opposite directions, and act strictly in a straight line is only a special case, not always observed in the interactions of bodies. More on this, in the section devoted to the comparison of Newton’s Laws and the Law of Mechanics.
Gravity is caused by the acceleration of the ether relative to the body. This is also the mechanism of the force of inertia.
The Earth being a support for the bodies on it, prevents the movement of these bodies along with the accelerating ether.
At the same time, the planet Earth creates conditions for the acceleration of the ether, constantly absorbing the ether from the surrounding space. The ether stream accelerates on its way to the inner layers of the Earth. (In more detail, the process of accelerating the ether by planets, stars and within the solar system is discussed in the section devoted to the Mechanics of the Solar System)
So the body can not follow the ether flow accelerating through it, since the earth’s surface prevents the further fall of the body. The accelerating flow of ether exerts force on the body, this force is the weight of the body. Thus, the force of gravity is identical in origin to the force of inertia.
It is necessary to highlight a very important consequence of the Law of Mechanics for bodies that can move freely with the flow of ether. Which is the absence of inertia, or in other words – the absence of external forces, weightlessness.
If the body is free in its movement, it is accelerated along with the ether without any inertia (or internal stresses and overloads). There is no stress inside the free body during any acceleration, change of direction of motion or sudden stop of the ether carrying the body.
By other words: free bodies (for example, such as our Earth) “do not feel” any movement or acceleration of the Ether surrounding them.