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Actors from which they painted famous Disney cartoon characters

Since the first cartoon was created by Walt Disney and a small company of like-minded people, the world has changed once and for all. The master’s creations give people faith in a fairy tale, making us better, and this is the secret of their popularity. Snow White and Rapunzel, Korolev Lev, beloved Disney characters are a symbol of childhood, but few people know that most of them presented their appearance and character traits with Hollywood stars.

Snow White


Snow White, one of the very first Disney princesses, was painted with a fourteen-year-old dancer, who the whole world knows under the name Marge Champion. To create the image, the girl posed for hours in a specially created dress, and her movements were recorded by a whole team of artists. In the animated movie Pinocchio, Marge presented her face and movements with the Blue Fairy.



The young beauty Alice Milano, who first appeared in the sitcom Who's the Boss, immediately took her place among the Hollywood stars and became a model for Ariel, captivating artists with her fragility and the shine of her huge eyes under a shock of curly hair.



The punk icon of the 80s Devine, singing "I`m so beautiful", became the prototype of a sea witch. In turn, the charm of Devine, which shocked the whole world with a huge false breast and painted face, was skillfully created by Harris Glen Milsted, who dared to be the first to try on the image of travesty.

Due to the fact that the actor died long before the creation of The Little Mermaid, and the artists and Disney artists always preferred to draw movements and facial expressions from living actors, Pat Carroll, a famous actress of Broadway shows, was invited to complete the image of the witch.

Sid Phillips


Fans and, especially fans, Eric von Detten will surely be surprised that their idol has become a model for the evil little boy Sid from Toy Story. It is known that in life an actor is a nice and kind guy, and very beautiful.



It is believed that it was the pop star and the dazzling blonde Taylor Swift who became the long-haired princess, who conquered the hearts of both kids and adults. However, this is not so, Rapunzel is one of the few beauties whose image was collected from the features of many Hollywood blondes, and her movements were generated by a computer program.

Randall Boggs

Just having conceived the shooting of Monster Corporation, the artists were seriously puzzled by the choice of a model that could be liked as well as cause hostility. However, they did not have to conduct auditions and auditions; Steve Buscemi was chosen as the prototype for the villain Randy.



The famous Mr. Intellectual, the owner of the highest IQ in Hollywood, James Woods agreed to pose for the artists, the magnificent image of the Lord of the Dead was born.



This famous character is also “hybrid”, Michael Jay Fox kindly presented Aladdin’s face and facial expressions, but the leading artist of the company didn’t have enough masculinity, and then the character was changed in appearance, adding the features of Tom Cruise's face and his smile.



Giving the world hundreds of his roles, Robin Williams was captured by Disney artists in the image of Gene, this is the most recognizable character in the company, and one of his most beloved. Before passing away, the actor amended the contract with Disney, and forbade the use of his appearance and voice until 25 years have passed from the day of his death.

In the new upcoming 2019 film, Genie will play Will Smith. And it does not look the best way.

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