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Есть фразы, без которых невозможно написать эссе. Они как фундамент.

Ваша задача BAND 9? В таком случае, подбирайте фразы формального стиля. Те, которые редко встретишь в разговоре. Ниже список фраз, которые НЕ дают высокие баллы. Разберем, чем их заменить:

1️ НЕ ИСПОЛЬЗУЙТЕ "problem is connected with" . Для этого используйте

- irrevocably tied to

Example: A company’s success is irrevocably tied to personal leadership of its owner.

- inexorably linked to

Example: Environmental pollution is inexorably linked to human activity.

2️ Хотите сказать ‘no advantages’ or ‘little effect’, замените их на более продвинутые фразы

- infinitesimal

Meaning: something extremely small or very close to 0, or too small to be measured

Example 1: The advantages it brings are, however, infinitesimal when compared with the harm it causes. (I can write so if I think that the disadvantages far outweigh the advantages)

Example 2: However, there are people who believe that this measure will have infinitesimal effect on public health. (I can write so if I think that some measure will have little or no effect)

3️ Чтобы сказать о том, что НЕТ полезного результата

- futile = pointless

Meaning: leading to no useful results


Topic 1: ‘Traffic jams are a problem in modern cities. So many people say that the best solution is to build wider roads’. So your task is to explain in your essay whether you think this measure will be effective or not. And why?

Or topic 2: ‘In some countries an increasing number of people are suffering from health problems as a result of eating too much fast food. It is therefore necessary for governments to impose a higher tax on this kind of food. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

ВАШ ОТВЕТ - However, introducing this measure may appear futile as .... + your idea and explanations

Произнесите вслух "problem is connected with" и "irrevocably tied to". Чувствуете разницу? Проговаривайте фразы вслух. Такая практика помогает избегать простых разговорных фраз, которые НЕ рекомендуют использовать в IELTS эссе на высокий балл.

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