As a child, you were stolen from your birthplace by a group of hags, who tried to raise you as one of their own, however, you have escaped. The rituals they performed on you and concoctions they were feeding you, gave you access to power, but also caused certain transformation in your body. Your hair started changing from black to silver, and tiny cracks started appearing on your hands. Also, you have no recollection of your past. There are many questions that plague your mind. Where are you from? What is happening to you? How can you get rid of this condition?
This search has led you to Neverwinter and then to Phandalin, for there are rumours of an entity that posesses vast knowledge which supposedly could share it with least that's what you hope.
Class Overview
Your character has good Dexterity, Charisma and Constitution, but is lacking in three other stats (Strength, Intelligence and Wisdom). That does not neccessarily make them stupid or weak, but it shows their lack of academic knowledge and physical prowess. Your high Dexterity contributes to your initiative, AC and saving throws against 'duck down or get hit' type of spells. Your high Charisma allows you to be good at social interactions. Your good Constitution allows you to maintain concentration and adds some survivability.
You are good at Dexterity and Charisma based skills. That includes Stealth, Sleight of Hand, Acrobatics, Performance, Persuasion, Deception and Intimidation. You are exceptionally good at the last two, so don't shy away from using them in social encounters (and sometimes in combat) which require you to scare someone into submission or hide the truth. Your affiliation with shadow also reinforces the idea of using indirect approach like stealth and deception.
You are not proficient in any type of armor, and lack proficiency with most weapons. Your low Strength and high Dexterity leave you only with Dexterity based options for weapons: daggers, light crossbows, slings and darts.
Your attacks come from your choice of weapons. Generally speaking, you can perform a single attack per round. It will usually be in a form:
1d20 + 5 to hit
[dice] + 3 damage
Where [dice] will depend on your weapon:
- 1d8 for light crossbow
- 1d4 for dagger or sling
Note: you also can perform two throws or melee attacks with daggers, but the second attack will be less effective, plus you need to draw both weapons. Use this option if you appear in melee range and have a drop on your enemy. Most of the time, however, you will rather use your spells.
- Create Bonfire
This spell allows you to create a bonfire that occupies a single 'square' (5 ft x 5 ft space). You can light it right under a creature, or use it in a choke point to cause enemies to pass through it and take damage or go around it. It targets DEX.
- Fire Bolt
This is your main attack-cantrip (targets AC) that has big range and does respectable damage. It is good to use, when you need raw damage and/or have some bonuses to your attack rolls (like advantage).
- Frostbite
This is a control/damage cantrip. First of all, it allows you to have a different type of damage (cold) and it causes the target to have disadvantage on their next attack. Furthermore, it targets CON.
- Mage Hand
This is a utility cantrip with wide range of uses. You need to test a door for presence of traps? Mage Hand. Need to create a distraction? Grab an object with Mage Hand and either make it levitate in the air or throw it on the ground.
- Minor Illusion
This is an even more versatile cantrip, that does not require your concentration. The possibilities are endless. Create a barrel and sit in it. 'Summon' a dark scary totem or a creature. Create a sound of approaching soldiers. Make a pile of gold appear on the ground. Put an illusion of a creature, hiding in a bush etc.
- Mold Earth
This is another utility cantrip that allows you to quickly create cover or difficult terrain. Use it to control the battlefield and in preparation or outside of combat.
1st level spells:
- Catapult
At first this spell looks mediocre. However, the key here is that you physically launch an object in a line. It's power comes from creative use of the spell. For starters, you can throw it in such a way, that it would get more than one creature. Now consider, what happens, if you launch a bottle of ink at an enemy? Or a net? Or a bag of caultrops? If you throw a flask of oil at an enemy and then light them on fire, they will take more damage. Or get a clay pot and fill it with nails to create a shrapnel grenade.
- Disguise Self
This spell allows you to cover your true identity for up to an hour. Use it for infiltration or to create an element of surprise.
- Find Familiar
This spell is used to summon your familiar if it dies. Each revival costs you ingredients worth 10 gp, so try not to suicide your familiar too often.
- Mage Armor
This spell allows you to have respectable AC without armor. Important note: you can cast it on a teammate to give them an armor boost. However, this will require you to sacrifice a spell slot.
Other Abilities
Strength of The Grave
This ability allows you to 'cheat death' once a day. It is nice to have, but you shouldn't rely on that to survive.
Font of Magic
This ability hasn't achieved its full potential yet. For now it grants you 'sorcery points' which you would later be able to use to modify your spells. Right now, though, the only use for sorcery points that you have is to convert them into a spell slot (which you would normally use to cast Mage Armor on yourself). Later you will have access to other neat abilities which require you to use sorcery points.
Your role is 'backline caster'. You have good options for utility, damage and control. Your goal is either to confuse the enemy or block their path, if the enemy prioritises melee, and to damage and distract them, if they prefer ranged. In order to stay alive, search for cover, stay as far from enemies, as possible and use your utility spells. Try not to spam spells that use your spell slots, unless there are good opportunities to cast them.