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A magical night for a Cloud Sheep

This is a small story ah wrote in fifth grade, inspired by pictures some of our students drew on the board and my favorite show, "Lullabies of the World". (Side-note: ah know what "Waltzing Matilda" is about, so the sheep likes it because her kind was not dead in the end, not because of the dude-turned-ghost of the bilabong). (thumbnail made by me)
This is a small story ah wrote in fifth grade, inspired by pictures some of our students drew on the board and my favorite show, "Lullabies of the World". (Side-note: ah know what "Waltzing Matilda" is about, so the sheep likes it because her kind was not dead in the end, not because of the dude-turned-ghost of the bilabong). (thumbnail made by me)

Once a cloud sheep, named Gina, decided to see the magic of the Earth: what if it was any different from sky magic and could she learn it? She did not know anything about the connection of Earth and Sky kinds of magic spells, so, as she thought, the trip down to the ground would be interesting.

She got all of her strength together and summoned the Rainbow Bridge to her house. The guard quite obviously asked her why she needed to cross the bridge, so she said:

- Well, like, isn't it very bad if I come to the ground for a night? Like, it would be really interesting to see what's the magic there and if they even use it.

- Alright, you may go.

And - whoosh! - here was Gina. On the ground. All alone. She could see the big blue sky, where her brothers, sisters and friends were nibbling the fluffy clouds (she would not consider that cruelty, because these were different clouds: small and feathery). And where she stood, to her grand surprise and joy was a huge field with so much grass, that it would make her neighbors jealous. But there was someone else there, in the field. Red-furred, with big ears and, seemingly, holding some sort of... stick?

- Huh... this is totally weird... - Gina thought. - I don't understand what that creature is and what they are doing... Gonna go have a look.

As our cloud sheep came closer and closer to the creature, she understood that it was a fox, yeah, a fox sitting on the ground and playing a wooden flute. And to Gina's surprise, there were stars flying out of that flute! But our sheep was a little shy to ask the fox how he summoned stars out of an instrument like this...

- Um, hello there, Mister Fox, - she said, - Could you, please, tell me how you make stars fly out of your flute?

The music stopped.

- Y'know, - the fox spoke, - I'm not a usual kind of fox that people know for stealing sheep like you. I am a star fox and my flute is a magical one, just like me. I have long and flexible paws, so the stars can fly on a longer distance, so I make harmony here, of sorts.

- Wow, that's, like, totally cool! - Gina was amazed by what she saw and heard, - So that's why you're called a star fox?

- That's right.

- Oh, my name's Gina, by the way.

- Mine's Simon.

- Great! And I'm a cloud sheep, basically, like, a sky kind of sheep. Nothing totally special, except we live in the sky and do magic.

- Wow, so, - the fox observed Gina head to toe, - ya can summon stuff, know spells to make the weather change and so on?

- Exactly! By the way, your playing is beautiful! Could you play some more for me, please?

- Of course, Ginnie. Ya know, I'm a great musician as well.

And Simon's flute sang to the tune of "Waltzing Matilda", with the stars singing along.

- Oh, wait, I know this one, - Ginnie said and began to sing:

Once upon a swagman camped by a bilabong

Under the shade of a coolibah tree.

And he sang as he sat and waited till his billy boiled:

"You'll come-a-waltzing, Matilda, with me..."

And so, through music and magical acquaintance, the star fox and the cloud sheep became friends.