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Подборка рекламных плакатов #5


Очередная подборка интересных плакатов и постеров, а также визулов!

Подписывайся чтобы не пропускать новый подборки.

Черное пламя. Новый Рижский Черный Бальзам с эспрессо.

Рижский черный бальзам известен своим интенсивным горьким вкусом, который теперь дополняется еще одним сильным ингредиентом - эспрессо. Прекрасное начало вечеринки, новый бальзам - огненный заряд энергии.

Print advertisement created by Ogilvy, Latvia for Riga Black Balsam, within the category: Non-Alcoholic Drinks.
Print advertisement created by Ogilvy, Latvia for Riga Black Balsam, within the category: Non-Alcoholic Drinks.

Ваша цепочка поставок не должна быть цепочкой проблем.

Print advertisement created by Atalah, United States for The Owl, within the category: Professional Services.
Print advertisement created by Atalah, United States for The Owl, within the category: Professional Services.

Сделай это сейчас

Приключение сейчас, плати позже.

Print advertisement created by Technowireless, Egypt for Sun International, within the category: Professional Services.
Print advertisement created by Technowireless, Egypt for Sun International, within the category: Professional Services.
Print advertisement created by Technowireless, Egypt for Sun International, within the category: Professional Services.
Print advertisement created by Technowireless, Egypt for Sun International, within the category: Professional Services.
Print advertisement created by Technowireless, Egypt for Sun International, within the category: Professional Services.
Print advertisement created by Technowireless, Egypt for Sun International, within the category: Professional Services.
Print advertisement created by Technowireless, Egypt for Sun International, within the category: Professional Services.
Print advertisement created by Technowireless, Egypt for Sun International, within the category: Professional Services.

eSmart helps them feel eSafer

Print advertisement created by Marmalade, Australia for Alnnah & Madeline Foundation, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.
Print advertisement created by Marmalade, Australia for Alnnah & Madeline Foundation, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.
Print advertisement created by Marmalade, Australia for Alnnah & Madeline Foundation, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.
Print advertisement created by Marmalade, Australia for Alnnah & Madeline Foundation, within the category: Public Interest, NGO.

Технологии для людей

Для большего количества выходных.

Print advertisement created by Art&C, Brazil for Miranda Computação, within the category: Electronics, Technology.
Print advertisement created by Art&C, Brazil for Miranda Computação, within the category: Electronics, Technology.

Соедините себя с тем, что имеет значение.

Print advertisement created by Art&C, Brazil for Miranda Computação, within the category: Electronics, Technology.
Print advertisement created by Art&C, Brazil for Miranda Computação, within the category: Electronics, Technology.

Pride Food Trophy

Никакая еда не должна быть такой запоминающейся

Print advertisement created by Scanad, Kenya for Pride, within the category: House, Garden.
Print advertisement created by Scanad, Kenya for Pride, within the category: House, Garden.
Print advertisement created by Scanad, Kenya for Pride, within the category: House, Garden.
Print advertisement created by Scanad, Kenya for Pride, within the category: House, Garden.
Print advertisement created by Scanad, Kenya for Pride, within the category: House, Garden.
Print advertisement created by Scanad, Kenya for Pride, within the category: House, Garden.
Print advertisement created by Scanad, Kenya for Pride, within the category: House, Garden.
Print advertisement created by Scanad, Kenya for Pride, within the category: House, Garden.

Откройте для себя силу бороды

Campaign for Austin, a brazilian barber shop. 
Campaign for Austin, a brazilian barber shop. Caption
Campaign for Austin, a brazilian barber shop. 
Campaign for Austin, a brazilian barber shop. Caption

Share to Perfect

Эй, приятель, здесь есть какой-то тяжелый материал. Есть идеи?

Print advertisement created by Miami Ad School, Germany for WeTransfer, within the category: Professional Services.
Print advertisement created by Miami Ad School, Germany for WeTransfer, within the category: Professional Services.

Привет, приятель. Посмотри, когда у тебя будет минутка. Мысли, предложения?

Print advertisement created by Miami Ad School, Germany for WeTransfer, within the category: Professional Services.
Print advertisement created by Miami Ad School, Germany for WeTransfer, within the category: Professional Services.

Ciao amico, добавил новый предмет в коллекцию. Как вы думаете?

Print advertisement created by Miami Ad School, Germany for WeTransfer, within the category: Professional Services.
Print advertisement created by Miami Ad School, Germany for WeTransfer, within the category: Professional Services.

Доставка Макдональдс.

Print advertisement created by TBWA, France for McDonald's, within the category: Food.
Print advertisement created by TBWA, France for McDonald's, within the category: Food.
Print advertisement created by TBWA, France for McDonald's, within the category: Food.
Print advertisement created by TBWA, France for McDonald's, within the category: Food.
Print advertisement created by TBWA, France for McDonald's, within the category: Food.
Print advertisement created by TBWA, France for McDonald's, within the category: Food.
Print advertisement created by TBWA, France for McDonald's, within the category: Food.
Print advertisement created by TBWA, France for McDonald's, within the category: Food.

Удачного дня, спасибо что досмотрели до конца.