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Подборка рекламных плакатов #4


Новая подборка плакатов, разные темы и стили, время просмотра 5 минут.

Плохие времена для неприятного запаха изо рта

Вы слышали плохие новости от зловонного дыхания? Освежитель дыхания. Мятное дыхание освежает.

Print advertisement created by Hop-Hop, Poland for Breathfresher, within the category: Health.
Print advertisement created by Hop-Hop, Poland for Breathfresher, within the category: Health.

Начните сегодня

В связи с празднованием Международного дня борьбы со злоупотреблением наркотиками и их незаконным оборотом мы хотим выдвинуть идею о том, что наилучшее время для отказа от наркотиков - не завтра и не в следующем месяце; это прямо сейчас.



Кампания по увеличению количества арендуемой недвижимости для Forthe Real Estate.

Print advertisement created by Capim.AG, Brazil for Forthe Real Estate, within the categories: House, Garden, Professional Services.
Print advertisement created by Capim.AG, Brazil for Forthe Real Estate, within the categories: House, Garden, Professional Services.
Print advertisement created by Capim.AG, Brazil for Forthe Real Estate, within the categories: House, Garden, Professional Services.
Print advertisement created by Capim.AG, Brazil for Forthe Real Estate, within the categories: House, Garden, Professional Services.
Print advertisement created by Capim.AG, Brazil for Forthe Real Estate, within the categories: House, Garden, Professional Services.
Print advertisement created by Capim.AG, Brazil for Forthe Real Estate, within the categories: House, Garden, Professional Services.
Print advertisement created by Capim.AG, Brazil for Forthe Real Estate, within the categories: House, Garden, Professional Services.
Print advertisement created by Capim.AG, Brazil for Forthe Real Estate, within the categories: House, Garden, Professional Services.

Мы знаем, на что похожа эта страсть

Мы любим обувь.

Print advertisement created by Bronx, Brazil for Omar Calçados, within the category: Retail Services.
Print advertisement created by Bronx, Brazil for Omar Calçados, within the category: Retail Services.
Print advertisement created by Bronx, Brazil for Omar Calçados, within the category: Retail Services.
Print advertisement created by Bronx, Brazil for Omar Calçados, within the category: Retail Services.
Print advertisement created by Bronx, Brazil for Omar Calçados, within the category: Retail Services.
Print advertisement created by Bronx, Brazil for Omar Calçados, within the category: Retail Services.

Renault OROCH 4x4

Лучший Пикап должен адаптироваться к каждому моменту нашей жизни.

Print advertisement created by Publicis, Colombia for Renault, within the category: Automotive.
Print advertisement created by Publicis, Colombia for Renault, within the category: Automotive.

Don't Stories and Drive

Print advertisement created by Promoplan, Chile for Mitsubishi, within the category: Automotive.
Print advertisement created by Promoplan, Chile for Mitsubishi, within the category: Automotive.
Print advertisement created by Promoplan, Chile for Mitsubishi, within the category: Automotive.
Print advertisement created by Promoplan, Chile for Mitsubishi, within the category: Automotive.
Print advertisement created by Promoplan, Chile for Mitsubishi, within the category: Automotive.
Print advertisement created by Promoplan, Chile for Mitsubishi, within the category: Automotive.