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Dangerous food for wild animals

Yesterday I walked at the park near the river and saw cute squirrels for the first time. But then I saw that a little girl fed it chocolates. I thought about how people kill animals without intent. Today I want to tell you important information about dangerous food for animals.

1. Milk for hedgehog.

Maybe when you were a child, you fed alone lost hedgehog from forest with milk on a platter. Adult hedgehogs can't digest dairy products. In real wild life cow milk isn't a meal for them.

You can feed them with slugs, acorns, berries, mushrooms and fruits.

2. Bread for duck.

Feeding ducks with your soulmate is so romantic, isn't it? Well, no. Duck's stomach is unable to digest bread. Their stomach may swell from this and it can cause a death.

You can feed them with grains, eggplants, cabbage, egg shells.

3. Chocolate for squirrel.

I know, you can say that squirrels never deny from sweets. But a chocolate bar can be a cause of dogs' heart attack. Squirrels are much less than dogs and less chocolate can be dangerous for them.

You can feed them with walnuts, pine nuts, hazelnuts, dried fruits, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds.
Little squirrel say thank you for sunflower seeds without salt and butter.
Little squirrel say thank you for sunflower seeds without salt and butter.