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The Eyes of Cosmic Mind

Divine Mistress of Fiery Worlds

Channeling with Helena Roerich “Divine Mistress of Fiery Worlds”, 9 March 2018

Moderator: Hello, dear Helena Roerich. Even the Great Lord of the Shambhala El Morya called you the Fiery Mistress. What does that mean?

Helena Roerich: In your channeling with El Morya that was dedicated to my personality, the Great Lord pointed directly at the Highest Fiery Belonging of my soul to its true and higher purpose, which my soul carried in the physical worlds. I am the substance of the Divine Cosmos and I am in close cooperation with the great Lord even now, after the completion of my physical incarnation. Now we are completely merged with the Divine consciousness, because El Morya belongs to The highest Hierarchy, which coordinates my actions within the framework of the Shambala and defines for me those Higher Divine Purposes, which my soul must implement for the consciousness of ordinary mankind. But I already have a very large percentage of the freedom of choice in the realization of the true Supreme Divine creation of New forms and ideas of development not only for mankind, but also within The higher Hierarchical worlds. That is, since I completely dedicated myself to the service of the Supreme Beauty and to the Hierarchical Harmony of the Worlds of the true Divine Light, Higher Curators of the Fiery Worlds gave me the title of Divine Mistress. Divine Mistress also means the great Divine principle of Maternal love, which must be set at the level of the Absolute values of divine Love and Supreme Beauty in the consciousness of modern humanity.

Q: How do you see us, the people of the Earth and Your disciples?

H: I see you as spiritual energetic substances, each of which has its own energetic potential and its own type of vibrational characteristics. I see spiritually powerful individuals who have fully devoted themselves to serving the God and the Supreme Hierarchical Worlds. These spirit warriors really need God and the Supreme Hierarchs of the Divine Cosmos in order to accelerate the process of ascension of humanity on the great staircase of the heavenly Hierarchy through a conscious knowledge of the Higher Laws of the Fire of Space. Only such people can be chosen by the great Shambhala of Light for the accelerated rise of consciousness of modern mankind. Gradually, through the Knowledge and Study of the Unified Laws of the Divine Cosmos, man will come to understand the Higher world and Divine Truths that fills the whole existent Creation of the Great Lord as the sparks of the single Divine Fire.

Even the Great Master El Morya with his unspeakable Light and Spiritual power and energy potential is a Hierarchical link to even Higher Hierarchical Levels of the Divine Cosmos, where the Absolute of the entire system of the divine Hierarchy is located. Thus, you can see that each Higher Hierarchy is a divine Step to knowledge which is even more Grandiose and the Ineffable Light of the one World of Truth. Therefore, the Truth of the World Values has no end in the worlds of the Supreme Lord, and only the level of consciousness of modern humanity separates the people of the Earth from conscious cooperation with the Worlds of Unspeakable Light. But there will come an hour of Great Things, and the Age of Aquarius will bring you the discovery of the Highest Cosmic Law, as predicted by all prophets and seers of all Ages and Times.

Q: What does Your soul look like in the Fiery World?

Helena: My type of energy has a light blue colour, as my soul and its experience are closely connected with the Blue energetic Substance of our Great Teacher and Space Lord El Morya. Therefore, when you read Agni Yoga, transferred to the Earth by your beloved Helena Roerich, you make conscious contact with me as a highly potential divine Unit of the Fiery World, and the purest energies of the great Shambhala of Light descend on you in their unlimited range and potential. The diversity of your souls ' manifestation in cognition of Cosmic Laws is very important for us, The higher Hierarchs of the great Shambhala of Light.

I help each of you to understand that all-beautiful gospel of the world of Fire, which I passed on to the Earth through my great works for the best cosmic souls, weaving through their long-suffering experience on Earth the light energies together with the Great Mahatmas, located in the worlds of Fire. That is, you, the Disciples of the Great Mahatmas, now communicate with me as the Lord of the Fire. And there will come a time when you will enter the Abode of the Divine Brotherhood, and your souls will bring a New Light into the Divine Halls of Our Father in Heaven. And may each of you become a part of the worlds of Fire in the potential of future achievements. For even the great Nostradamus predicted that many Workers of the Light after passing through the evolutionary stages of Hierarchical ascents will become the Divine Masters of the Worlds of the Supreme Creator. And then you will be able to help Our great God and Creator to realize his grandiose and super-progressive Plans for the evolution of the entire Divine Universe. Let the Plans of the Supreme Hierarchs and Teachers be realized in its Divine Fullness and Potential!!! Eternal Glory To The One Great Lord Of The Fiery Worlds!!!