Spiritual message of Mother Teresa "Great Saint of Divine Love"
Question: Hello, dear Mother of Тереза. I know that your way on Earth was full of Great Service to the people. Now you came to me in the light of the Divine love. I feel, as your pure white-colored soul wants to pass the Loving Message to humanity. What did you want to say?
Mother Teresa : Hello, dear Nikolai. I am spiritual Mother for many souls on Earth. In the monad I carry energies of Divine Love, that allowed to me to consecrate all my life to the Divine service to people. Passing through the multiple sufferings on Earth, in my true Divine spirit I was always directed forward, subjecting myself to ever-new complications and tests of my earthly life. But it also brought to me ever-new adventures in my Spiritual Consciousness full of complete consecration to our Beloved Lord Jesus Christ. I never remembered about myself as about some ordinary human personality, because I fully consecrated myself to That Great Lord that is the Divine Father of All Purity, Love and Spiritual Power. Jesus Christ for me was the most Ideal Expression of All Forms of Divinity which existed on our Earth. But I also believed in the Unity of All Spiritual Writings and proclaimed the universal Glory of our God which sent His Different Messengers such as Jesus Christ, Buddha and other Divine Teachers of Modern Humanity.
My life was full of supreme Joy of Service for the welfare and progress of modern humanity. When I helped human beings around me, I felt the exacerbated growth of Supreme Light in my soul. I felt that through my wonderful help to humanity, the Love of Supreme Creator will be established in the Souls of All Human Beings all over the world. It was a great experiment of Our Divine Creator. The experiment of Universal Love which cannot be compared to the egoistic love of ordinary human beings. It was a love of the Absolute Divine Concentration. And My Message of Love is still universal and present among many Human Beings. I wish you all the best in your Divine Aspirations and may the Purity of Divine Love, Consciousness and Freedom transform and divinize your human nature. Million salutations to Our Universal Divinity!!!
Your sincerely, the Sacred Servant of Divine Light, Mother Teresa.