Create a personal blog or website
These day a large number of people wants to have their personal blog or website where they could share their interests. Many of us have various ideas in our mind. Most of us want to share their personal life experiences, our ideas, some burning topics or some wants to share their skills. But for this they would like to have their own blog or website to which they can manage manually. I am sharing my experiences to create manage a website/blog.
This is not a big thing as these days there are many CMS's which you could use to create your blog.
But personally i would prefer you to use the Yandex Blog to create your blog as this is the only platform to share your ideas/thoughts with everyone. You don't need to do anything just put your ideas in front of all the users to the great website Yandex Blog . As you don't need to do marketing to your blog as it is automatically listed at the best places to get more visitors to your blog article.
But if you opt for your personal blog/ website then you will have to follow these steps
1. You would need a domain (name for your website or blog eg: Yandex Blog or which would be the identity of your website. Always try to choose a easy name so that people can remember it easily.
2. You would need a hosting account where you can park your domain and put your website files.
3. Now as you are domain and hosting you will need a simple CMS (content management system) which you could use and create your website. I would prefer you to use Wordpress, as it is very easy to use and manage.
4. Now you have everything ready with you to write your article and share your views and thoughts.
5. This is time of actual hardwork as now you have to create your blog's article and those must be visible to the visitors.
6. Enjoy the real visitors to your article and become popular.