Recent history (continuation)
c. 400 years before Generation I:
- Azalea Town in Johto is struck by a long-term drought. After bringing the rain back once again by yawning, Slowpoke gains an honorable position in that town.
c. 300 years before X and Y:
- Parfum Palace was built.
c. 200 years before Generation V:
- The island that would become Liberty Garden was bought by an ultra-rich family and Victini was hidden in a backroom.
c. 150 years before Generation I:
- Brass Tower burns to the ground, killing three Pokémon inside. Lugia flees to the Whirl Islands while Ho-Oh resurrects the three as the Legendary beasts and flies off in search of a pure-hearted Trainer.
c. 100 years before Generation V:
- Roggenrola is discovered in an earthquake fissure.
c. 50 years before Generation V:
c. 40 years before Generation III:
- Lunatone is seen for the first time in a crater.
Several decades before Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire:
12 years before Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire:
11 years before Generation I:
- Red is born.
- Green is born.
- The Litleonid meteor shower passes by Hoenn for the last time prior to Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire.
- TV Mauville is founded.
10 years before Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire:
- Wally is born.
20 years before Sun and Moon:
Less than 10 years before Generation I:
Contemporary history
From the Pokémon games:
Some years prior to Generation I:
- A team of scientists discover a new Pokémon (at the time) deep in a jungle in Guyana, South America on July 5. They name the Pokémon Mew on July 10. Mewtwo, a clone of Mew, is born on February 6. Mewtwo escapes from and destroys Cinnabar Island's Pokémon Mansion on September 1 and then goes to Cerulean Cave.
- Sabrina's Gym is declared the official Gym of Saffron City after a Pokémon battle between Sabrina and the leader of the Fighting Dojo.
- Giratina returns to the Pokémon world.
- Goldenrod Radio Tower is torn down due to being old and creaky. During the process, the Radio Tower Director comes across the Clear Bell, which he keeps for the time being. A new Goldenrod Radio Tower is built in its place.
One year prior to Generation I:
- The events of Red, Blue, Yellow, FireRed, LeafGreen, Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald, Omega Ruby, and Alpha Sapphire:
- Red leaves Pallet Town on his Pokémon journey after his rival, Professor Oak's grandson, Blue. After getting the eight Badges of Kanto, and defeating Team Rocket along the way, he then challenges Kanto's Elite Four and its current Champion, none other than Blue himself. After defeating Blue, Red becomes the Champion, then ventures to the Sevii Islands to eradicate Team Rocket and help Celio to connect his Pokémon Network Center to the Hoenn region.
- Brendan/May leaves Littleroot Town on a Pokémon journey shortly after moving to the Hoenn region from Johto by saving the local Pokémon Professor from an attacking wild Pokémon. At first, there is a deep-seated rivalry with Professor Birch's daughter/son, however, later on, the rivalry is with Wally instead. After defeating Hoenn's eight Gym Leaders and calming Groudon or Kyogre, released from their banishment by Team Magma and Team Aqua, respectively, he/she challenges and defeats Hoenn's Elite Four and current Champion, becoming the Champion him/herself, much to the astonishment of Birch's child. He/she then saves the world from an incoming meteorite during the Delta Episode.
Between Generation I/III/ORAS and Generation II/IV:
- Eruption of the volcano on Cinnabar Island causes destruction of the island's settlement, except for the Pokémon Center. As a result, Blaine, the Cinnabar Gym Leader, relocates the gym to the nearby Seafoam Islands.
- Blue takes the position of Gym Leader in the now empty Viridian Gym, succeeding the former Team Rocket leader Giovanni.
- Red retreats to Mt. Silver, training day and night, leaving Lance to act as Champion, while Lorelei returns to her home in Four Island, and Agatha retires from her position as a member of the Kanto Elite Four. This leaves three vacancies on the roster for Elite Four.
- Baoba leaves Kanto when his Safari Zone is closed and begins planning to open a new Safari Zone in Johto, as a replacement.
Three years after Generation I/Generation III/ORAS (Generation II/Generation IV):
- The events of Gold, Silver, Crystal, Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold, SoulSilver, Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia, and Pokémon Ranger: Guardian Signs:
- Ethan/Kris/Lyra leaves New Bark Town on an errand for Professor Elm, bonding with his/her starter Pokémon on the way. A red-haired boy steals one of Elm's three Pokémon, and challenges him/her as Ethan/Kris/Lyra's journey across Johto continues. A revived Team Rocket, using plans formulated three years prior, enrages many Gyarados, including a red one, at the Lake of Rage as they proceed to take over the Goldenrod Radio Tower in a desperate attempt to contact Giovanni, their former leader. They are defeated, and the new leader vows to never again re-form Team Rocket, and Ethan/Kris/Lyra continues to gather Johto's Badges, eventually gaining all eight and traveling to the Pokémon League at Indigo Plateau in Kanto. After defeating the Elite Four and their Champion, Lance, Ethan/Kris/Lyra then heads to the Kanto region to challenge its eight Gyms, which have changed from three years prior. After gaining all eight of their Badges, for a total of sixteen, Professor Oak declares him/her ready to travel to Mt. Silver, where he/she meets and challenges Red.
- Lucas/Dawn and Barry leave Twinleaf Town in an attempt to see a Pokémon like the recently reported red Gyarados in the nearest of Sinnoh's lakes, Lake Verity. After being attacked by a wild Starly at the lake, and using one of Professor Rowan's Pokémon to fend off the attacker, their journey begins in earnest, and both Lucas/Dawn and Barry challenge the Sinnoh region's eight Gyms to gain the Badges necessary to challenge the Pokémon League. Along the way, however, Lucas/Dawn is brought into many conflicts with Team Galactic, whose leader, Cyrus, wishes to remake the entire universe in his image with the powers of the Legendary Pokémon Dialga and Palkia. Defeating the team and calming Dialga/Palkia/Giratina, Lucas/Dawn challenges Sinnoh's Elite Four and Champion, Cynthia, and becomes Champion him/herself.
Approximately two years after Generation II/Generation IV:
- Cipher and Team Snagem return to the Orre region, and create XD001, a supposedly unpurifiable Shadow Pokémon, but their plans are thwarted by Michael. Meanwhile, Dr. Kaminko and Chobin invent Robo Groudon and Robo Kyogre, and Professor Krane invents the Purify Chamber, where Shadow Pokémon can be purified more easily.
Between Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire and Generation V:
Between Generation II/IV and Generation V:
- The Team Rocket Grunt who stole the Machine Part in Kanto returns to Unova, intending to reform Team Rocket there despite its second defeat, as he previously stated. He later falls in love and has a son, moving to Icirrus City.
- Caitlin leaves the Sinnoh/Johto Battle Frontier and returns to Unova, becoming an Elite Four member.