Acne was not the only thing I was embarrassed about. Even before I first broke out, in childhood I often had a cold on my lip. This is what I was ashamed of even more. 😷 At first, herpes appeared when I felt that I was about to get sick, but everything ended only with a cold sore. In due course I began to fall ill more often and each time it was accompanied by that hated sore. 😑
Getting sick was always extremely disgusting and hard. What is most unpleasant, over time, those “flu periods" became very long. Not only did I lie in bed with temperature for several days, my nose also suffered for weeks. And the first few days of illness for me were like hell. I have always believed that this is some kind of nose I have which doesn't function properly so it remains stuffy for weeks. 😄 Yeah, sure, the nose exists separately from the body. 😅
I remember as a student I also worked in an office and had to go there every day on a bus by 8 am. It was rush hour so buses were always crowded. It was a nightmare. So many people and I was there with my stuffy nose. I just couldn't breathe properly, I did not know what to do. So every day the same thing, no matter how I cleaned my nose before going out. 😒
I used to buy a large pack of paper handkerchiefs and put several packs of them in my bag. One pack always lay beside my bed. Of course those handkerchiefs run out immediately.
Doctors prescribed drops and pills that helped me fight the symptoms, but next time I fell sick again, all the symptoms returned. Every time it all ended with a cold on my lip. Once it got so huge so it covered all the skin from my upper lip to my nose. I must say that looked horrible. I did not want to go out of my apartment, but I had to go to work. What a shame that was for me. 🙈😅
Yes, I feel completely embarrassed as I recall that period of time. Then to me that seemed more or less normal. Well, everyone has a cold and a runny nose sometimes, a lot of people have acne. That’s not something extraordinary. However I think that wasn’t normal. At least I suffered a lot and wanted to live without getting sick and those cold sores.
Once I got really sick again and was lying in bed trying to recover. So I decided to surf through the Internet and find out what causes all these colds. Where is that immune system that should fight the germs? How can it be boosted? 😂☝
So I stumbled upon a very interesting website, which was started by a certain Russian guy. Like me he had often been sick before, but was able to beat the flu and respiratory infections. He published a whole book about his path and findings on that website. I started reading and got so carried away that I could not stop reading until I finished his book.
That website is still functioning and it seems like it has even been updated since those times. The website address is (it's all in Russian), named after the motto, which the author adheres to. Chi cerca - trova. This means: “The one who searches, finds”. As a linguist, I just could not appreciate that. 😃 (and I like all sorts of inspirational quotes) 😄
I’d really recommend that book because it may be useful to anyone who also gets sick pretty often. At least that book was my first step on the path to understanding why I often got sick and where all those flus came from. I thoroughly studied his treatment scheme and even bought some stuff to go through the same scheme, but I did not dare to complete it. Whether that was my laziness or my fear that held me back, but at least that guy's story was what my further studies about nutrition were based on. However I didn't get back to the nutrition topic soon…
To be continued… :D