I got back to the nutrition topic only when another trouble came into my life. I guess skin problems and colds weren’t enough for me. :D However in this case, nutrition, I think, did not play a big role as my emotional state, or rather my neurosis. Although that is possible too, because, I think, the whole lifestyle has a huge impact on our general well-being.
Somehow it all happened so that at that time I was often nervous at work, I was winding myself up at home, I had a very bad daily regime, when at times I went to bed in the morning. The food, of course, was indiscriminate. All this gradually led to a terrible state called Vegetative-vascular dystonia. I know that this diagnosis of vegetative-vascular dystonia is given only on the territory of the CIS countries like Russia. However I believe a lot of people around the world suffer from that state.
By the way, one of my colleagues already lived with this at that time, sometimes she didn’t feel very well and told me about it. It seemed to me then that this is something frivolous. “She must be just tired and needs to get some rest,” - I thought to myself. Of course, it is really necessary to rest in this case, but I didn’t even suspect then what that would all turn out for me.
So here’s how everything started. Once I met with my girlfriends and we decided to go to the banya (or also known as sauna). To steam up, do various cosmetic procedures, drink hot tea, chat about everything. Do everything girls like to do when they gather together. :D Well, I was used to this kind of saunas from my childhood, though I didn’t like the heat too much, but did like to warm up in there a little bit. However that time I got out of the steaming room and I understood that I wasn’t feeling alright. I reached my bench to drink some tea and suddenly ...
Everything turned black and I passed out. I lost consciousness just for a moment. It’s good I was already sitting on the bench and therefore I didn’t get hurt much. For the first time in my life, I fainted, and it was frightening and strange for me. Some women were already running around in front of me. They quickly jumped up to me poking ammonia to my nose. Even though I was already OK more or less, I still lay down on the bench to rest a bit and recover from that case: “Well, it must have been too hot. I have never liked the heat much. Why did I go to there? ”. 😒
Okay, I went home. I was about to go to sleep, but I realized that something is wrong. My heart was pounding. I measured the blood pressure. It increased. “What the ...?!” I never even knew what my blood pressure was, but this is time it was pretty high. 😨 “Darn sauna. Why the heck I went there?”. I tried to calm down. Not without the help of my loved ones, of course. “Phew, these are just the consequences of the sauna, I must sleep, tomorrow everything will be fine.” And indeed, the next day I felt as usual, maybe with a little fatigue. But that was just the beginning...