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The biggest problem of English learners...

Earlier I told you that to start speaking English you need to talk to somebody in English, however difficult or bad it's now. That's it! Key secret! Actually, It seems to be so obvious, but most of English learners don't realize it..

To understand better what I'm talking about, let's think about some examples. Look, to play guitar you take guitar and then what? Obviously, you just try to play it.. Professional guitar players don't spend years just studying guitar and its parts. Swimmers don't watch movies about swimming - they jump in water and learn to swim.

Why I compare English to guitar? Does it make sense at all? Yes, it does:) By using the example of guitar I want to show you what many learners are short of and why they don't speak :)

Well, Let's come back to our guitar. You've bought it, but what else do you need before you start to play? - Yes, sir,it's theory! What kind of theory do guitar players want? Basically, they study chords, notes, tabs and different techniques of playing. If we think about it now, we'll realize that English is quite the same. Before you speak, you read a lot, learn new words, study grammar which is in other words practical knowledge like musical notes for guitar players.

Now, there'll be the key question - why schools and other places where you study English are so uneffective? Why it takes years to start to speak if you study English there? What I don't like about English in schools is that you basically study grammar all the time, do tasks and translate texts. Аll It means is that in school you're just a guitar player who never plays guitar and don't even try :(

The basic idea of learning English is that to speak it, you don't need to study all that grammar stuff for the whole life, but nowadays (unfortunately) that's the only thing schools can offer you.. How we can change it and what we actually need? Well,there're a million different options. I want to talk more about all the alternatives in the next article, but now I'll just express a general idea. What you really need is to find somebody who wants to learn to speak(just like you!) and practice , a man who'll be listening to your English speech and your everyday stories in English. It can be your friend, girlfriend/boyfriend, parent(Whoever). It can be somebody from your environment or even a stranger from the Internet. And for sure, you've got other options, for example - personal teacher or a native speaker which will be even better.


To learn any language and start to speak it you need to try to speak it, however difficult it seems now. Once again - you don't need to study grammar for 10 years to become a perfect speaker! Knowing grammar basics is good, but not when you work on it all the time.

In the next articles I'd like to give you some more tips( where to find a speaker, how to practice and so on) and hopefully it'll help you become a really good guitar player:)

Thank you for reading! Leave your comments and feel free to ask questions! I hope you like it and won't forget to subsribe:)

See you soon!