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How to make it in Finland

Finnish meal

As soon as we cross the border and fall into another country, our taste preferences immediately change. Coming to any new country for me, I am interested in national cuisine, I wonder what is included in the traditions of the people. Arriving in Finland, I was interested to learn about local dishes. What is the most important thing for a Russian at lunch? Of course, soup. Lunch begins with it, followed by a salad, main course and dessert. In Finnish culture for lunch, one thing is offered: either the soup or the main course, which in Finnish is called “main meal”. And usually most Finns take main meals once a day: for lunch or dinner, and everything else

For the Finns, food intake is also a matter, having finished with the next one. Therefore, Russian hours-long gatherings at a laid table, where food often serves as a reason for communication, look a bit strange for Finns and cause bewilderment.

The traditional Finnish food is traditionally meat balls, meat balls and red fish soup. A distinctive feature of the latter is the cream or milk added to it.

Sounds tasty!