As soon as we cross the border and fall into another country, our taste preferences immediately change. Coming to any new country for me, I am interested in national cuisine, I wonder what is included in the traditions of the people. Arriving in Finland, I was interested to learn about local dishes. What is the most important thing for a Russian at lunch? Of course, soup. Lunch begins with it, followed by a salad, main course and dessert. In Finnish culture for lunch, one thing is offered: either the soup or the main course, which in Finnish is called “main meal”. And usually most Finns take main meals once a day: for lunch or dinner, and everything else
For the Finns, food intake is also a matter, having finished with the next one. Therefore, Russian hours-long gatherings at a laid table, where food often serves as a reason for communication, look a bit strange for Finns and cause bewilderment.
The traditional Finnish food is traditionally meat balls, meat balls and red fish soup. A distinctive feature of the latter is the cream or milk added to it.
Sounds tasty!