Finns are among the greatest coffee lovers in the world, and this has been going on for decades. Every Finn has his own reasons for loving coffee.
Finnish coffee is often made from light roasted grains, and it has a sour note. But tastes have become more diverse, and, taking into account all the new preferences, Finnish producers and a thriving coffee-house culture now offer a more diverse selection of coffee - from light to dark. According to the International Coffee Association, every Finn consumes annually 12 kilograms of coffee.
But the question remains: Why do Finns love coffee so much?
This passion for a hot drink is hard to explain. It is believed that this is due to the fact that the Finns live in a cold country and therefore need warm, tonic drinks. There is also a more sentimental explanation: coffee is associated with good memories, with winter fishing or a walk, when you take a thermos with coffee with you, and this is reminiscent of childhood. Coffee also plays an important role in social interaction in Finland. At the workplace, the coffee “drowns the ice”; during the coffee break, colleagues discuss topics not related to work.