Фразовые глаголы лучше учить в контексте, и чем больше контекста, тем лучше. Поэтому я подобрал для вас подборку из популярных сериалов и context reverso. Необязательно учить их все сразу, начните с тех которые вы уже слышали. Я не стал писать перевод к текстам, так как большинство фразовых глаголов изучается на B1-B2. Будучи на этом уровне, вы уже в состоянии перевести самостоятельно. Если все же нужен перевод, то пишите в комментариях. Ссылки на остальные части в конце ролика.
Set down
1. to give something as a rule, principle, etc. / установить правила
- The principles to be applied were set down in 1989 by the Supreme Court
- Compositional standards for certain foods are set down at European level.
- The Regulations set down the rules relating to partly or wholly dehydrated preserved milk for human consumption.
Jake, I know you think this is going well, but you can't keep putting out fires as they come up. You need to set down some rules.
It's fine. Everyone is happy.
2. to write about something in order to have a record of it. / изложить на бумаге, записать
- A lie set down on paper with wet ink becomes a truth when dry.
- Now that the principles which should guide cooperation between the United Nations and regional arrangements or agencies had been set down on paper, it was time to put them into practice.
- Nevertheless, I feel obliged to set down my thoughts on an issue on which, regrettably, my views differ from those of the majority on the Committee..
I have decided to keep a journal. Not in a word program or digital file, but in longhand, writing every word out so that every inflection of penmanship, every word chosen, scratched out, revised, is recorded. To set down all my thoughts and the simple events of my day factually and without hiding anything. When writing about oneself, one should show no mercy. I will keep this diary for one year, 12 months. And at the end of that time, it will be destroyed. Shredded, then burnt. The experiment will be over
Остальные часты:
- 8 часть set down