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Scroll Of immortality

Mysteries of the symbols of the cross and the crescent

2018 is the beginning of the stage of great discoveries in Russia and rebirth of the world

In I.S. Letfullin's books you will see sensational scientific discoveries in the fields of medicine, physiology, biology, chemistry, physics, astronomy, history, religion.
The author reveals the secrets of the origin of the soul, consciousness, man, the true causes of disease, old age, and for what purpose the term of his life is programmed.
And as well as by whom the breath is regulated, metabolism is in nature. The origin of man is the greatest mystery of the universe - God. This riddle tried to uncover both ancient and modern scientists, but they never managed to achieve it. Humanity without understanding this knowledge can not explain how the physical world is created, whether there is life after death, to defeat death. These sacred knowledges of God are not available to the human mind - the way to them opens only with the help of the ancient Scroll, found by the author. Who left this Scroll? Why wasn't it found earlier? Because the time of great discoveries is programmed by the spiritual universe - God!
God is an invisible light, unknown Universal consciousness - Breath - a program of feelings (vision, hearing, sense of smell, touch,
speech). The universal consciousness is embodied in each of us, also in all things, self-regulating the functions of organs and systems, the phenomenon of nature. Therefore, all human acts are committed by God himself - nothing depends on us. The creation program of the physical world is a single mechanism of metabolism.
Scientific discoveries of the author refute the claims of world-renowned scientists
I.M. Sechenov, I.P. Pavlov, I.P. Botkin, V.M. Bekhterev that in humans and animals the central nervous system regulates and coordinates the functions of the whole organism and adapts its vitality to the conditions of
existence. How and what the CNS itself regulates - this question they left unanswered. And now, as you can see, the only and correct answer has been found. There will never be another answer! It's a crushing blow to science that it can't resist. I.S.
Letfullin writes in his books how with the help of the Scroll it is possible to reprogram the breath of physical death in the breath of eternal youth.

In all religious books and legends of the world, encrypted text is about this. The scroll of immortality, a man who knows the secrets of life, makes it clear that the ancient scriptures are written in the language of one of the peoples of Russia. Therefore, without knowledge of the language of this people it is impossible to understand their secret meaning. What kind of mysterious people are they? Soon the whole world will know about it from the author's books.
You must understand that with all desire it is impossible to invent, to compose the knowledge presented by the
author. These shocking scientific discoveries will turn upside down the now-defunct, rotten science of the world. Humanity will be grateful to the author for being able to identify the causes of diseases and found a method of healing from insidious diseases-killers that for centuries kept people at bay.

"In the 1990s,
science made major discoveries in the field of intangible...
Scientists will find information in

ancient books..."
Wanga, Bulgarian soothsayer



publish a description of medical breathing in pose 1, which was mentioned above.

  • 1 month - 5 minutes
  • 2 months - 10 minutes
  • 3 months - 15 minutes
  • 4 months - 20 minutes

And so you can bring up to 40 minutes. After 5-6 breathing cycles, you can pause for 1-2 minutes. Before you start breathing, you should master the simple ways of breathing medically while lying on your back (see magazine, page 13). This rule should be observed by everyone, especially those who have hypertension, a sick heart, especially who has suffered a heart attack, stroke. From therapeutic breathing the body is rebuilt, receiving enormous energy.
Simple ways of breathing prepare the nervous system for increasing stress gradually. Who suffers from diseases of the cardiovascular system, for 5-6 years should deal only with simple ways of therapeutic breathing, lying on his back, no more than 5-10 minutes for several years.

Therapeutic effect

Therapeutic breathing, especially in combination with the use of apple cider vinegar (2 tsp per glass of water 3 times a day, regardless of food intake) dissolves and removes the edging, and all the internal organs of the person are cleaned. Effectively cured diseases: respiratory, nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular, digestive, musculoskeletal systems. Also successfully cured diseases of the liver and gallbladder, kidney and urinary tract, menstrual cycle disorders, infertility, endometriosis, impotence and many others. What
is the advantage of full breathing over other ways of

This stabilizes kidney, liver and gallbladder, spleen and other internal organs. Such breathing produces endurance and immunity from various diseases, especially pulmonary. And in the case of superficial breathing, first of all, suffer not only the lungs, but also the stomach, as well as other digestive organs. In this process of digestion of food is defective, the body is not renewed, its departure and physical strength are reduced, the nervous system suffers.
For example, clinical studies have confirmed that full breathing through the yoga system can stabilize blood pressure, eliminate many heart diseases. With their help, many patients independently paved the way to health. Some specialists in the treatment of diseases suggest to use breathing with delay, taken from the arsenal of yogis.
The ancient miraculous writings of yogis are not deciphered teachings of the spiritual
Koran. Delays of breathing after inhalation (as well as breathing through the right, left nostrils, asanas - poses, etc.), described in these manuscripts, are the ciphers of the Koran. Conscious retention of breath is harmful to health. It is produced unconsciously for a long time only with the help of the Scroll when updating consciousness as the breathing slows down - metabolism. The word "yoga" in the language of the Heavenly Koran means "reading a spiritual person," i.e. thought.
Modern medicine has in its arsenal a lot of means for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, but none of them can serve to prevent and eliminate the causes of the disease in the way that full breathing can
do. Other breathing methods offered by some specialists do not ventilate the lungs completely.


The commandment of the Koran warns that breathing through the mouth has an unenterdly effect on human health. In childhood, this inhibits not only the development of the thyroid gland, but also the mental development of the child, and then leads to chronic diseases of the tonsils. Also, in the medical breath exhale through the mouth is harmful to health, as the spent oxygen - gas is not completely excreted from the lungs.
Let us use the advice of a spiritual person - the Koran: we will breathe deeply, rhythmically and only through the
Indian yogis claim that when engaging in therapeutic breathing, the tongue should touch the upper
sky. Explain when the language should touch the sky. Language serves as a bridge between the former and the renewed consciousness, so the melodies played during the reading of the Scroll prayers are transmitted through language to consciousness. And in the healing breath, without reading the prayers of the Scroll, the language should not touch the sky, otherwise your thoughts are introduced into the consciousness, negatively affecting health. As you can see, undescribed texts of ancient scriptures for a mere mortal man are a trap.
Why couldn't yoga gain immortality in the
East? Because they were not destined to receive the Scroll of Immortality from God. Based on the above, it becomes clear that "yoga" means "heavenly Koran is a program of creation of the physical world." Therefore, an earthly person cannot be a yogi. Read about all this in the author's scientific writings.

In case of critical deterioration of the patient's health, I.S. Letfullin prescribes his developed system of cleansing of the body, which includes therapeutic breathing in various poses, a special system of nutrition for several months, the use of infusions of herbs, apple cider vinegar, corrective gymnastics. When applying the whole set of medical and preventive measures, the process of dissolving and removing toxins from the body and recovery is accelerated 250 times. It should be noted that even diseases such as goarthrosis, coxarthrosis are cured completely. Note: the use of apple cider vinegar, infusions of herbs without the use of therapeutic breathing depletes the internal organs, especially the kidneys.

Therapeutic breathing in posture 1 is one hundred percent eliminates even tuberculosis.
The author's system of recovery, which should be periodically (after a year or two) to be used throughout life, is accompanied by periodic health crises in the patient.

Health crises

In the initial period in the mornings in the eyes accumulates a lot of mucus (destroyed eye diseases), periodically observed shortness of breath (cleared cardiovascular system), cough (sputum, pulmonary diseases are destroyed), redness of the throat, there may be a small temperature, liquid stool (from the gastrointestinal tract is excreted mucus), dizziness, swelling and pain in the hip, knee and other joints (cleaned, all musculoskeletal apparatus is recovered), soreness in the muscles of the whole body.
If a person once had a sexual infection, then he has a carving when urinating, it indicates that residual inflammatory phenomena are completely eliminated by therapeutic breathing, otherwise they can cause diseases of the joints and internal
Also for many years periodically there is pain in the kidneys.

Here is an example from the author's practice. In the process of cleansing with healing breathing, the asthmatic woman had a suffocation attack, a strong cough with hard-to-separate sputum, was taken away by ambulance, a lot of green mucus came out in the hospital, and from that moment came relief. Gradually, her health returned to her, all everyday activities in the house, and in the garden she does it herself.
Some diseases are cured in a few months, others - for a long time, for example, duodenal ulcer, goiter, coxarthrosis, goarthrosis for 1-1.5 years, eczema - for 2.5 years. Gastritis, cirrhosis in four to five months. Restoration of vision is also accompanied by periodic deterioration and improvement over the years. The author warns: at this time when reading not to use glasses or magnifying glass.
The author himself had a six-month breathing time of up to 6 hours a
day. The more you breathe, the more the dissolution and excretion of slags from the body, but the harder the health crises pass.
In the first month you must breathe with your eyes closed, otherwise there may be a burning sensation, as from the light of the welding machine.
Periodic vibration in the abdomen, increased pressure, increased heartbeat, shortness of breath indicate the accumulation of excess energy, which should be used up, taking breaks in breathing for several weeks or months, depending on the state of health. From excess energy, wellness crises are in enhanced form, and this depresses the nervous system.
After nervous shocks, grief, hatred, resentment, also the use of garlic, onions, until the smell passes - for 3-4 days, it is forbidden to engage in therapeutic
breathing. Salty, bitter, acute increases pressure, increases heartbeat, sleep becomes restless. On this occasion, the ancient texts say that the practitioner of therapeutic breathing should refrain from such food, also should not physically bother himself, must own his feelings.
Therapeutic breathing by the method of I.S. Letfullin in various poses with a gradual transition to full breathing should be included in the program of physical education in
schools. As you know, children enter the first class already with various diseases, so this method of cleansing the body should be included in the program of preschool institutions. That's the only way we can make the whole nation healthier.
Therapeutic breathing in various poses will help you to live to 90-120 years, keeping a healthy body and a clear mind. Then nothing can help you, except the found Scroll of Immortality, which will reprogram the human consciousness, which is part of the year of the ageing, exhausted, depleting Universe consciousness - the program of metabolism, birth, growth, old age and death.

To edify the young.

If you want to give birth to a healthy child, before starting a family necessarily need to be cured of all their diseases by healing breath. The journal "Secrets of Cancer and Aging Solved" will help you in this.
If you follow the author's method of therapeutic breathing for many years, your superficial breathing will automatically become deep, which will keep the internal organs in excellent condition. A healthy person to keep the body in good condition is enough 5 - 10 minutes of breathing a day during life.
A man, cleansed with healing breath, there is an unusually beautiful gleam in his eyes, his shining face he stands out from the crowd, and you will definitely stop your gaze on him.


Diseases such as chronic gastritis, leukoplakia (orogation) and chronic erosion (superficial ulcer) of the cervix, chronic bronchitis, accompanied by metaplasia of the epithelium of the bronchi, etc., are considered precancerous.
To prevent and treat diseases, it is necessary to master therapeutic breathing by the method of I.S. Letfullin and adults and children, and to use it throughout life. The method of treatment tested in practice helped to cure patients who turned to the author. We are sure that millions of people, following his method, will get rid of the most severe ailments.

We'll wait for your feedback.


The Real Trouble came to the Russian school. In the last school year, 211 children died in physical education classes, and according to some data this figure exceeds the specified 20 times. Experts do not see a way out of the situation. Only by knowing the true causes of the deaths can we save our children. The main "source of evil" is the existing school physical education programme, drawn up by non-professionals. If it used to be considered that with the help of exercise it is possible to gain good health, then life has shown that it is not enough. Sad statistics confirm that the very method of teaching exercise in schools of healthy children cripples, and patients - kills.

To prevent and treat diseases in children, I.S. Letfullin has developed his system of conducting health lessons in schools, the main task of which is
to dissolve and remove toxins from the body, which contributes to the improvement of metabolism.

In the course of schooling, the author's method year by year will
save schoolchildren from diseases of internal organs and musculoskeletal apparatus, will allow to run 5-10 km freely and easily (even without doing athletics, ski training), pull up on the crossbar and do squats hundreds of times, without harming the body.
Until now, corrective gymnastics - isolated training of deformed back muscles - is not used for weakened children in physical education
classes. Forming the right posture in childhood is the key to physical beauty and good health in the future.
It is a crime to require weakened children to pass TRP rules.

Some aspects of the method of teaching health lessons.

The main thing to pay attention to: exercises on sports projectiles can not be carried out on a case-by-case basis. Thus, the preparatory period of training to pull up on the crossbar should take 10 school years, that is, all 770 lessons provided by the physical education program. At each of these lessons, the cardio-vascular system, joints of the upper extremities, spine, nerve plexus, internal organs are strengthened with the help of summing exercises. With the right selection of summing exercises can be solved not only the development of physical qualities, but also the problems of prevention and treatment of many diseases (osteochondrosis, polyarthritis, crooked, diabetes, etc.).
At the moment, the physical education teacher performs the role of a sports school coach. Mastering the teacher of physical education author's method of conducting health lessons will allow him to save children from diseases. It is in such specialists that Russian schools need. Indeed, the health status of schoolchildren now confirms the need for a health lesson programme.
The criterion for the effectiveness of health lessons is the degree to which schoolchildren are less than assessed for the implementation of school
Based on observations of the health of schoolchildren, every 5 years it is necessary to make adjustments to improve the physical education program.
The good health of our children is the foundation of a strong
state. Therefore, the teacher, who from year to year saves our children from diseases, the salary should be
high-paying. Read about all this in the section of the magazine "Author's method of conducting sports medicine lessons in schools."


On page 33, 34 of our magazine in the section "Favorite exercises of the author" tells how I.S. Letfullin at the age of 21, not doing weightlifting, lifted a barbell
weighing 100 kg with one hand at his weight of 82 kg, and could carry on his back a load of up to 500 kg. To achieve this can everyone, practicing on shells, using their own weight, which is much more useful than lifting weights. The main secret is that from childhood it is necessary to properly train the muscles of the back and shoulder joints. These exercises not only strengthen muscles, joints and build strength, but also prevent the development of diseases of the cardiovascular, musculoskeletal system, groin and umbilical hernia, diabetes, tone abdominal organs, form a surprisingly beautiful, taut figure.
Physical strength gives a man self-confidence, acquires all the qualities of a true warrior and protector, which is necessary for modern young "nerds" spending all their free time at the computer. And the feeling of muscle joy will prolong your life.


1. I.S. Letfullin exposes
the scientific discoveries of scientists of the world 2. Rescue author's method of
of spinal osteochondrosis 3. Surgical treatment method of
osteochondrosis 4. Stretching and manual therapy are
dangerous to health 5. Therapeutic breathing in various poses by the method of
I.S.Letfullin 6.
What to do when you have
blood clots, heart problems, pressure, kidneys, joints.

7. How to maintain
good eyesight until old age 8. Why is it not always
possible to find out the causes of shoulder pain?
Author's method of conducting sports
medicine lessons in schools
10. Favorite Exercise author (Figure 1-8)
11. Exercises - poses for
the development of flexibility 12. How long and how often

to train to promote health 13.
Effective author's method of
treatment of pharyngitis, laryngitis

14. The mysteries of cancer
and aging have been solved by 15. In all ancient scriptures it is only about the future of time

16. What do the ancient treatises of the martial arts of the East tell?
17. Death of
Bruce Lee 18.
Mysteries of ancient oriental medicine
19. Exposing the age-old
deception of world historians 20. Solving the mystery of the
ancient map
of the starry sky exposes astronomers 21. The Earth's Koran is
not the holy Koran 22. What language is the Koran written in?
23. The Koran
leaves no choice for a man 24.
How to see your soul and the souls of the deceased relatives
of 25.
Unraveling the mystery of Sura 1 Opening Al Fatih
will open the eyes of believers
Mysteries of the symbols of the cross and crescent
Don't drink spring water!
28. Death spares
no one 29.
The city of Chelny Embankments is
dying out 30. The obesity epidemic covers
The Quays of Chelny 31. Address to Arabs, Jews
and religious figures 32. What will happen to Russia?

I.S. Letfullin exposes scientific discoveries of scientists of the world

Ancient drawings in the form of an astronomical map depict the encrypted topography of the Universal Consciousness (Azan - celestial melody) - the Koran Karim - Breath, consisting of countless, interconnected centers of inhalation - exhalation (collective prayer - celestial symphony), which are programs of the senses.
The author was able to understand the mystery of the ancient astronomical map, which is not a map of the starry sky, but an encrypted topography of the single Universe Brain - the Heavenly Koran karim, with the help of the Scroll, opening the door to the otherworldly
world. Solving the mystery of the ancient map of the starry sky exposes the age-old deception of astronomers. Humanity should know that Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and other planets, stars and constellations shown on the ancient map of the starry sky do not exist in physical space.
It turns out that the astronomy materials we study from textbooks are not true. What will astronomers say when these mysteries are revealed to the world?
Every person who learns the unique work of Letfullin I.S. will make sure that in the history of human civilization the mystery of astronomy will be truly revealed only today.

Disclosure of the mysteries of the
Earth and Heavenly Korans will decide the fate of religious figures and the fate of the world

Universal consciousness is the speech of God (spiritual prophet), which materializes. Matter is a mirror image of consciousness, in it the imaginary (secret) becomes a reality. Thus, the flow of thought - celestial melodies (milky way) is a program of countless senses - sense of smell, touch, hearing, taste, vision and serves as an internal biological clock - a mechanism strictly observing the schedule (predestination, prophecy) self-regulation of the activity of the entire universe, including organs and systems of the human body. Therefore, there can be no accidental errors in nature, everything is predetermined by the Heavenly Koran.

"Sur will pass by the sky,
land, sea and wave" (Centuria 1, Catren 63)

The author is the only person on earth who has managed to decipher the true meaning of the Koran.
Don't wait for cancer, diabetes will mercilessly destroy your family
members. There is nothing worse than anything more terrible when there is nothing you can do to help them. The prayers of the earthly and the celestial Scrolls are the same as the twins. Prayers of the earthly Scroll after introduction into consciousness meet in space with prayers of the celestial Scroll. Jewelry exact coincidence of letters (sounds-melodies) serves as a password of access to the fusion of prayer into one whole (sacred marriage), and only then will the heavenly gates to the secret knowledge of eternal youth be opened.
If a person keeps the Scroll's prayer in his consciousness, he will be protected from 99 troubles, as the Koran

In our daily lives, we have little idea of what lies in the configurations of the cross and the crescent moon: in the configuration of the cross - the numerical cipher, which is the name of the Scroll, and in the configuration of the crescent - the word "eye" - "all-seeing eye," "memory." It turns out that in the most prominent place God depicts a cipher - the key to the celestial Book of Destiny. Read about it in the section "Secrets of the symbols of the cross and crescent" page 62 of our magazine.
2018 will be the beginning of the study of the Heavenly Libraries by mankind.
The more you learn the heavenly divine books, the more consciousness is renewed, diseases are destroyed, the physical body is cleansed and rejuvenated.
The process of cognition of divine books is programmed by the Heavenly
Koran. I.S. Letfullin, gradually receiving with the help of the Scroll the true knowledge of the Heavenly Book about the origin of man, the causes of diseases, old age, death reveals to all mankind the secrets of prolonging life.
A person who tries to prevent or stop the process predetermined by God experiences his destiny and the fate of his loved
ones. Therefore, do not commit acts against the will of the author. The cognition of divine books is programmed by the Heavenly Koran, so no one can stop this process.
All heavenly books are castles, and the prayers of the Earth's Koran are the keys to these castles.
Open your Spiritual
Library with The Scroll Prayers and discover the mysteries of death and immortality beyond our minds. The man who managed to discover his Book of Destiny is gradually becoming a genius in science,and he is convinced that scientists who have no idea of the origin of man, will never be able to find a cure for cancer and the elixir of "eternal youth."
Man is a mirror image of his consciousness, which self-regulates organs and systems, and in ancient texts is encryptedly called a "magic mirror" recognizing the past, predicting the
future. Thus, fairy tales are not a simple invention, because they contain a deep meaning: how consciousness, defining the term of life, transforms into a person, and how to reprogram this term to infinity.

Incorrect translations of religious books pose a threat to national security

Translations of the Earth Koran by ancient authors, as well as V.M. Porokhova and Harun Yahyi and other contemporary authors, made without receiving the revelation of the Heavenly Koran, have nothing to do with the truth. For example, in the book "The Life of the Prophet Muhammad," Moscow 2002, the author of the translation N.A. Gainullin on page 245 writes: "When the Prophet defeated Bana Kuraiz, he took from them about four hundred male Jews. They were allies of the Ausites against the Hazrajits. The Prophet ordered them to cut off their heads. The Hazrajits began to chop off their heads, and it pleased them." Page 242 says that on the prophet's orders, trade caravans were seized and looted.
Such translations breed hatred against Muslims and incite hostility between Christians and
Muslims. Defending the honor of their religion, people are ready to start a war and kill. Of course, such transfers are the main cause of international terror and a dangerous threat to all humanity. These authors can be accused of inciting inter-religious and ethnic strife. Such examples of horrific atrocities cannot educate the younger generation.
Once again, we emphasize your attention to the fact that the Koran is encrypted under different names: the Bible, the Gospel, the Torah, Talmuth and
others. All these ancient scriptures, including the centuries of Nostradamus, the Mongolian folk tales of Genghis Khan, the legends of Pythagoras, Aristotle, Plato, Archimedes, Hippocrates, Herodotus, Ivan the Terrible, the tradition of Prince Dolgoruk, the "Word of the regiment of Igor" (which means the term "word" and the Word was in God, and the word was God" read in our journal.
Among the many ancient world books only one of them - the Earth Koran hidden a key (cipher), with which you can open the castles of the Heavenly Book of
Destiny. And then the Opener begins to receive true knowledge and realizes that the contents of the earthly manuscripts tell of two processes: 1. about the breath of physical death (metabolism), 2. about reprogramming the breath of physical death (destroying the metabolic program) into a sense of eternal youth - bliss. These two processes are described in ancient texts as past and predicted future historical events.
The Heavenly Book consists of small books- programs, each of which self-regulates the functions of the Universal Consciousness at different periods of
time. These countless books - the centers of the streams of thought in ancient manuscripts are called thinkers, prophets, apostles, saints, healers, generals, philosophers, martial

artists, samurai, ninjas, yakuza, knights, gladiators, etc. Centers of Thought Flow - fiery universe peoples in earthly manuscripts are also named: kuirashiths, Amirites, sulaimits, kainuits, Nadi Galats, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Thessaly, Jews, Jews, names of cities, states, seas, oceans, etc. In

ancient treatises of the East spiritual centers are encrypted expressions: Silk Road, Ml
Nostradamus (this is
the name of
the spiritual prophet, as well as Buddha) of these fiery spiritual centers writes in an encrypted text: From the Sea of Black, and the Great Tartaria, a certain King will come to watch Gaul,
Alanya and Armenia
will pass, and in Byzantium the bloody rod will be lowered. (Centuria 5, Catren 54)
Researchers of ancient manuscripts, religious figures, identifying the aforementioned names of peoples, cities, biblical, evangelical events and Muslim legends, etc. with earthly peoples, geographical areas, historical events, mislead
In ancient texts, the processes that give rise to disease, old age, death, and health crises, The Koran is described by the following expressions: "murder of infidels," "robbery of trade caravans," "exile," "eye-poking," "selling prisoners," "punishment in hell," "war campaign," "battle," "crusade," "holy war against infidels" and others We don't properly understand the secret meaning of ancient texts, we think that the prophets were ordering the torture of the ancient
texts. The word "infidel" in the language of the Heavenly Koran means "old Koran" - the center of the imagination.
As you can see, the statements of religious figures that the Koran, ancient Jewish and Christian Greeks, etc. are written by earthly people, are
wrong. Year after year, the ageing depleting Heavenly Koran, which is a program of creation of all things, is encryptedly called "old man," "sleeping beauty," and the process of consciousness renewal - "awakening the sleeping beauty," "reviving the phoenix bird from the ashes," "mastering the feather of the Firebird" etc.

As you can see, the secret meaning of the Koran cannot be understood without receiving the revelation of the Divine Book.
If we want to live in peace and harmony, we must listen to the opinion of the author, who warns that miraculous ancient scriptures cannot be translated without receiving the revelation of the
Koran. The secret meaning of these books is only available to the WORLD of his spiritual Book of Destiny, as in his hands the Scroll is the key to the Universal Consciousness.
The revelations of the Koran are the law of
God. For the sake of prosperity and the national security of every nation and the world as a whole, we must obey these laws. A man who refutes the revelations of the Heavenly Koran received by I.S. Letfullin behaves to destruction.


The universal consciousness (temple of the Lord, Israel, uninhabited land, Jerusalem temple) is a dim red light. How to see it, read in our magazine. Prayers of the earthly Scroll after the introduction into consciousness with the help of breath merge in space with the prayers of the Heavenly Koran, and then the dim light becomes brighter and brighter every year. This process is encrypted in ancient texts as "the descent of the graceful fire" or "the descent of angels to the earth." Sura 2 Cow, Art. 69 reads:
must be
bright red and without stains And please all eyes, which will fall on it.
By the expression "bright red cow" it should be understood how the renewed consciousness will burn with a bright flame, in which the program of disease, old age, death is
destroyed. That's how the Koran secretly tells about the coming of the graceful fire, carrying the resurrection.
Sura 2, Article 73:
And We said, "Strike the dead
By Love (part of the sacrificial cow)."
So God brings the dead
to life, and God
shows you his signs, "Maybe reason will come to you.
The term "God brings the dead to life" should also be understood as the renewal of the former consciousness - the program of metabolism (heavenly books - peoples), and not the resurrection of the dead, who are buried in the
We would like to say that translators and religious figures understand the secret meaning of ancient texts literally. Such translations mislead people and push them into the abyss, from where there is no way out without receiving the revelations of the Heavenly Koran.


The Old Testament is the old Heavenly Koran, a program of aging. The New Testament is the new Heavenly Koran, a program of eternal youth.


In the morning and in the evening from the minaret of the mosque a long melodic voice of Moezin is heard proclaiming AZAN - the call to perform mandatory prayer - namaz. And in this way Muslims think that they are properly complying with the requirements of Sharia. But is it?
From the revelations of the Heavenly Koran received by the Knowing,
Azan is the Universal Consciousness - God, the spiritual sun, never created by anyone forever living melody, consisting of various prayers - metabolic programs. All centers of thought streams make up the spiritual solar system, planets, stars, constellations.
Centers of thought streams, each of which self-regulates a certain zone of Universal
Consciousness, are encrypted named by the ranks and ranks of the
clergy: the deacon (deacon, Hierodiacon, protodeacon,
archdeacon), priest (jeremy, proto-priest, hieromonk, abbot, bishop), bishop - bishop (bishop, archbishop, metropolitan, patriarch),
mufti, mullah, muezzin, kadi, faqi, ulema, mudarris, imam, sheikh, and other clergy
The centers of streams of melodies are also called religious temples:
mosque, synagogue, cathedral, church.
The ringing of large and small church bells is the embodiment of the celestial melody - Azan. In
language of the people in which the Koran is written, each letter has a meaningless interpretation.

Thus, the letter "z" in the term "azan" in pronunciation in various variants gives the words:
"auaz" (melody), "aza" (distribution, stream); "ez" (trace), in the hadith of the Koran is mentioned as a trace of the prophet Ibrahim; "Auz" (mouth) etc.; the letter "n" - en (consciousness, memory, mind); "Ene" (needle); "ana" (mother); "un" (ten) etc.

Azan is not just a short prayer proclaimed by the earthly man, but the word of God, the reflection of which are all phenomena of nature, including the voices of people, birdsong, howling of the wind, the rumble of tractors, trains, airplanes.
This knowledge, previously not available to mankind, makes it clear that the celestial melody is determined by the color of the eyes, skin, hair, place and date of birth, the name, nationality of the person, and the language in which he
speaks. Until now, mankind has not known the origin of the languages of the peoples of the world.
The celestial melody of Azan - the stream of rays of the invisible Sun in the hadiths of the Koran is referred to as Muhammad-Noor.
These rays of the invisible Sun are the source of the visible Sun, a program of production of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, etc., the formation of chemical elements.

IN LEGENDS OF PIFAGORET Legends Legends says that Pythagoras was not only a mathematician and philosopher, but also a music theorist.
Pythagoras, as well as other names mentioned in ancient texts, the name is not earthly, but of the spiritual man, i.e. the most heavenly Koran. After all, the hadith says that God has many names. The expression "many names" suggests that the Heavenly Koran is embodied in all things, and there is nothing but it in the universe.
In ancient texts, the spiritual centers of thought streams, called the planets Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, etc., create an eternally living melody of Azan.
And this celestial melody in earthly manuscripts is called Pythagoras diatonic scale with eight sounds - before, re, mi, fa, salt, la, si, do.
Ancient books on mathematics, medicine, physiology, anatomy, astronomy, astrology, history, music, etc. are created by the Heavenly Koran, not by philosophers and mathematicians, astrologers, astronomers, musicians of the ancient
world. AFTER the introduction of the Scroll through breathing, a person begins to renew his consciousness, and at times notices that the voice of the interlocutor comes from somewhere in space - this is the voice of the universe itself.

For some reason only in blue-eyed people gait like zombies, the look is directed to nowhere, like a heavily drunk man, from empty eye sockets come visible only to him rays of daylight. This mysterious light is the invisible Heavenly Koran from which man is created.
This is how the Knowing God shows that there is no living soul in the world, and makes him realize that he lives in the world of the dead among the walking
dead. The walking dead from visions show that man has no individual senses of feeling and speech, and that consciousness, soul, breath is the spiritual universe itself, which is one for all things. Therefore, the organs and systems of humans, animals and all phenomena of nature are self-regulating.
These visions, mentioned in the Bible as a vision of the prophet Daniel, are short-lived (1-2 minutes), and there may only be a few times in your
life. There's no need to be afraid of them. And it is scary quite another, which is impossible to describe, but you need to survive. It is only through these visions that immortality is revealed and the truth about the creation of the world is revealed. That's what the Bible says: "Know yourself." Over time, the Man who knows his book of Destiny tempers the spirit, he finds fearlessness, and will endlessly rejoice that in the world there is such a book of Salvation - the Koran.
On these frightening events to be learned, which embarked on the path of eternal youth, Nostradamus writes: "Circumstances require that such events be published in an encrypted language", and continues: "In total darkness and darkness, where there is no clearance, no entrance, no exit, in that place languishes the people in a cruel stampede."

The author in childhood heard from adults that it is impossible to know how the physical world is created - it is very scary.
And it was confirmed. Fear is the secret guardian of God, which protects the spiritual world. Therefore, a terrible reckoning lurks those who penetrate into the secrets of forbidden knowledge of death and immortality.
It is obvious that the Koran leaves a person no choice - to embark on the path of resurrection from the dead or to wait with humility for his
death. Read about these frightening events in our journal "Secrets of Cancer and Aging Solved" on page 57 in the section "The Koran leaves no choice to man."
It is worth considering whether the earthly man, proclaiming Azan, can regulate metabolic processes, create programs of birth, old age, death, genetic code, passed down from generation to generation, etc.?
American astronaut Armstrong on the moon heard the melody of
In the Muslim calendar of 1999, it is mentioned that when American astronauts landed on the moon on June 16, 1969, one of the crew members Neil Armstrong clearly heard the melody and recorded on the tape.

In 1983, when Armstrong arrived at a conference in an Arab country, Armstrong again heard a similar melody and asked, "What kind of music is this?" He was told, "This prayer is Azan." From that moment on, Armstrong proclaimed himself a Muslim.
The fact of the melody of the Heavenly Koran (the eternal stream of thought of the Universal Consciousness) on the Moon was hidden from humanity.

An article in the city newspaper about the mysteries of the Koran inspired the faithful.

In early 2000, an article about the disclosure of the secrets of the Koran by a resident of our city, I.S. Letfulin, was published in a newspaper in Chelny.
After reading this article, the editor-in-chief of the newspaper came highly educated authoritative mullahs and old believers. Inspired by the read, they expressed with an enthusiastic feeling: "We knew, we believed, that the Koran has such a power that can turn the millennial foundations of the world. The wisdom of the Koran will bring all mankind from disease and salvation from death." Some of these believers then met in person with I.S. Letfullin and confessed that they themselves still did not understand the secret meaning (cipher) of divine scripture, and wished the author's books to be published as soon as possible. Christians were not indifferent, there were many phone calls with the question where to buy a book. Each of them had its own misfortune: paralyzed, blind and other patients suffering from incurable ailments.

Book content

- author's method of prevention and treatment of organs
and systems (spine, joints of limbs, internal organs) - treatment of cancer with the help of Scroll (in all books)
- disclosure of the secret meaning of religious books and ancient scriptures (in all books)
- disclosure of the mysteries of astrology and astronomy
All these new works are registered in the Ministry of Press and Information of the Russian Federation under No
ISBN 5-230-29404-3, The author, a student of the world-famous professor, neurosurgeon Lucik A.A. Letfullin Irek Salihovich is the owner of the exclusive rights to use these works.
In total, in the series "Sports Medicine" to prepare for the publication of 100 different books, about the prevention and treatment of various diseases.
To create a book base in Kazan and other Russian cities requires a head of sales and marketing.

To implement his books, the author offers cooperation with trade and purchasing book centers in Russia and other countries.
We hope that in the near future, after the publication of the author's books in all

cities of Russia will open centers for the prevention and treatment of cancer by the method of Letfullin I.S. Due to financial difficulties, the author's books for many years can not be published. In response to his appeal, the deputies and ministers of Tatarstan replied that the budget does not provide money for this purpose. Therefore, the author asks for sponsorship from wealthy foreign citizens.

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