Hi guys! There are many aspects of life that motivate us to start learning a new language or to do other things - it's cool. But there are some certain things that stop us, that scare us. Let's think of them and how we can avoid them.
It's OK to be lazy and sometimes we all need some time off. But if we choose to be lazy every day, it can eventually end in something sad and pathetic. It concerns English as well as any other part of life. Many people think that it's too hard to do it in the evening or on weekends - it's better to relax before the new week.
Solution: of course, you need to rest and relax, but don't make a hobby out of it. Allocate a couple of days for leisure, and 2-3 days a week for English lessons. Create a timetable. For example, Monday - relax (it's too cruel to study on Mondays). Tuesday, Thursday - English lessons and practice. Because practice is essential for your progress.
Fear of making mistakes and failure
What if I can't? What if I make mistakes and they will laugh? What if they don't understand? Many people are afraid to even start. They will find lots of excuses to avoid rather than to find the motivation to start and keep going. (I am not talking about parents with several kids who simply don't have time, although some of them also manage)
Solution: to be honest, people should stop asking "what if" and start taking action - it would be much better and more effective. Come on! Everybody makes mistakes, even native speakers and it is fine. Nobody judges anyone for making mistakes - everybody understands. You are learning a new language - you are cool!
It's not the right time
This is my favorite. The thing is that someone is waiting when the perfect course will come up, when a friend will find a good teacher, when they get promoted at work so that they'll need English. But it never works like this, it is possible to spend the whole life waiting for this "perfect moment".
Solution: start now - now is better than then. Use Google to find a course, don't be afraid of choosing the bad one - most of them are refundable after first-second lessons if you don't like the quality. Find some free tutorials on the Internet if you are not ready to spend money. There are dozens of ways to improve your level for free.
This level is enough
I am sorry to say, but no level is ever enough if you want to be up-to-date. The problem is that we are humans and even if we know English well right now, in a month without practice our level will get lower, in a year - we will forget half of what we've learned and it is sad.
Solution: practice makes perfect. The more you practice, the better your level will become. Never stop on what you've achieved, you can do better.
That's it, guys. Keep practicing and improving your knowledge. Don't be afraid to ask questions, enjoy the process and you will be awesome. Ask your questions in the comments if you have any.