Beer, cigarettes, low alcohol is the first step towards hard drugs. No one will start shooting up right away. It all starts with a "harmless" can of beer. Then the cigarette, then the company has a vodka at a birthday party. Then friends will say: "What are you a sucker, or something? Get some pills or a joint". The final stage: "What's wrong with you! Real guys have been shooting up for a long time now". This is a regular path of a 100% addict. Have you personally seen a single junkie shooting up without having tried beer before? There is no such thing! It has been noticed that to increase beer advertising subsequently leads to an increase in drug addiction.
Is there any way to fight it? Yes, there is. In China, for example, there is no acute problem with drug addiction. For one very simple reason. For drug distribution China applies public death penalty in practice. Every year 13 to 48 people are executed, and that's with a population of over 1.5 billion. And there are no people in China who would like to deal, so the problem can be solved. Although this kind of solution is at the lowest - sixth precedence.
Although heavy drugs kill faster, alcohol and cigarettes are also dangerous drugs. The difference is this: let us say, a child starts consuming beer at the age of 10, wine at the age of 13 and vodka at the age of 16, then on average this child lives for about 27 years, i.e. at the age of 37, he dies of alcoholism. He has time to get married and even have children (which are often retarded). Well, there is at least some time to live. If a child gets hooked on the needle at the age of 10, then on average according to statistics such a child lives another 5-6 years.
Therefore, it is important to know that there are murderers in our society today. These are people who distribute drugs and serve the world drug mafia. They receive giant money for distributing drugs, and for this money they are willing to put anyone on the path of suicide without hesitation, by involving them in drug addiction.
If someday someone offers you drugs: a free beverage, a free smoke, a free sniff, a free blow, then know that you are facing a drug mafia killer. And he wants to start killing you - getting you hooked on drugs so that you later, after giving all your money, are to be sent to the cemetery. And this is not important if that person understands what he is doing or not.
Even if such dealer is a "good" friend or "good" girlfriend of yours, you should know that they are part of the drug mafia network. They have become unwilling agents, instruments of this narcotic front.
There is a fact that every drug addict inevitably becomes a criminal within a year. It takes him not too long to sell everything in the house to get another dose. And then he faces a dilemma: what to do next? Either go thieving, or the one who supplies him with drugs offers him a different path. The addict is supposed to find 5-7 more people and hook them on the drugs. Then, he will take doses for those who are newly added to drugs, and for that he will be given free doses. And so the addict starts distributing drugs, too, and becomes a participant in drug marketing.
The addict is not a sick person, not a victim, not an object of pity. He shoots up himself, sniffs glue himself, smokes weed himself. The addict is a scum, a traitor and a criminal. It is him, junkie, who becomes a pederast - a pickle smoker and makes money on drugs somewhere in a train station toilet. It is him, junkie, who beats a girl to death and gives her bloodstained earrings to another junkie for a dose. It is him, junkie, who steals money from his mother which she has saved for her funeral. Do you feel sorry for him? No, what pity can there be in the first place?! - only horror and disgust. And remember one thing: civilized consumers of legal drugs (alcohol and cigarettes) hook more children on drugs than alcoholics or weed smokers.