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Concept of Societal Safety

Person =husband+wife. Precedence 3.

To say «man and woman» is not a full-fledged gender relationship. The real depth comes only between a husband and wife, not between a man and a woman. This is true because man and woman only fuel each other's lust in the first place. But husband and wife above all remind each other of duty. And although this reminder is sometimes expressed in unpleasant forms, it is through this reminder that each in the couple gets the strongest opportunity to develop, to become self-fulfilled and happy.

From these positions, the biblical "and God created a human, man and woman, created them" implies that a human is not a man or woman separately, but man + woman, and it should be understood as "and God created a human, husband and wife, created them"; person = husband + wife. And it is husband and wife who create one whole human being. And this person, consisting of a husband and wife, is potentially able to give birth to the next generation with a potential to continue progress. Birth itself should not be considered as some generally accepted primitive bearing via the birth canal - but as something including preconception period, conception, pregnancy, act of delivery, upbringing, and even teaching the child creative freedom. Only these mentioned steps all together can be called giving birth to the next stage of development or simply to have a child.

Source: https://zen.yandex.ru/media/id/5aeb402f5f49678c67a76793/52-chelovek--muj--jena-5e6cf22ece4a8916cd8ebefd