Let's start to discuss fears. I think this point is worth talking about as all of us deal with them.
At first, I want to define what fears are and explain why we feel scared? They are human reactions to different events in our life that scare us. Therefore, sometimes it is vital to have such an experience. However, there some moments when we must be determined and not show our real feelings. The question is arise how to overcome these obstacles.
Actually, there are diverse types of them. For instance, some people afraid of animals and insects, others scare being in a dark place or at the top of buildings. Human-being reacts so by virtue of our nature. Several practices and methods can help you to feel more confident. Try to analyze your feelings and emotions when you are solving these puzzles. Ask yourself if it makes any sense to afraid of that? Why do you behave in this way? When you give real answers, try to find solutions, or imagine things that make you happy.
Another kind of fear reminds the deep trauma that you maybe got in the past. Something can trigger you then you feel panic. For example, you once failed to perform on the stage, so today you have problems delivering a speech. These sorts of anxieties are more complicated to cope with and sometimes impossible to overcome. In this situation, It would better to turn to a specialist.
In the end, I want to mention how it is crucial to notice our problems and try to solve them unless they tend to make your life worse. Tell your parents or friends about that.