Ambiance of the French women's football team. The captain of the Blues Amandine Henry rises in turn to the niche to denounce the "management" of the coach Corinne Diacre in the French team. A few months after the voluntary withdrawal of goalkeeper Sarah Bouhaddi from the Blues and the "tensions" evoked by Amel Majri, the captain chose Strong Words Sunday on Canal+ to describe the situation in the group.
During the 2019 World Cup in France, " sportively, I did not experience 100% fulfillment. Humanly, I saw girls crying in their rooms. It's been total chaos ," the midfielder told the 92-man squad.Not selected for the last two Euro 2022 qualifying matches in October, under "sporting criteria" according to which he wanted to give him "time to get back to his best" after an injury, Henry delivered his version of this episode on Sunday.
"The [Corinne Deacon's phone call] lasted fourteen, fifteen seconds, I'll remember it for the rest of my life," she said. On the spot I was shocked (...) this discussion hurt me, I was really touched, in addition to sports I felt great. »