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Of course. The very minute you are finally scrapped the little courage and motivation you've got to actually write something it's completely gone. But anyhow I'm doing this.

Chapter I. Introduction.

That time of the year is one total and profound gloom around. It feels like every part of your body is dried out and there's barely any oxygen or sunlight at all. She walked asleep like everyone else did and cared that day in advance to only comb her messy shortcut hair and wear socks to match the sweater she got at a secondhand store. Moscow is a beast which appears beautiful and powerful to everyone who has something to offer. It is indeed a gate to success and a life disrupter once you let yourself be weak.

She was making her way at work leaving a messy cold rented room behind with empty sadness and insurmountable feeling of a vicious cycle to start over. After that knock on the old chipped door an hour ago things might have changed once and for all.